Sunday, February 16, 2014

Loves Evolution

Love's Evolution of it's Nature

There is a reason why many philosophers and teachers taught outside in a field, under trees, in Nature. There is a reason every "State" has it's bird. A reason why we call them 'states'. "There is a reason for everything!" Love cries! "I have been evolving you in every way! Speaking through everything!" Because outside, we are literally "more in our nature". We are able to receive the lower vibrations of the worms and insects we are built upon. Our Hearts more readily able to receive the higher vibrations of Mother Earth coming from Her Heart. When "outside" our bodies looking in, we are less prone to look at things personally. Love has spoken, "The birds that fly living in higher vibrations literally will "flock" to your nature, "attracted" to it, drawn to it, if your Heart be more receptive to Love's higher vibrations of Freedom." And those higher vibrations they bring will open the mind to receive them more readily. As no other animal exist with higher vibrations than birds! Love speaks this only to give light that may be benefit to this chapter of Evolution.
As Life to this very moment of receiving this vibration has been your schooling. Your True "Education" ... As the physical mind has spoken it the "Survival of the Fittest" ... It has spoke only of the physical body. A mere shell of the Being you are. And the spiritual mind has spoken to you, "It is a Mastery of all things" .... It has spoken only of Mind that creates body. But this will speak to your Heart. The last piece of Evolution of who you really are. And that is Love. A Source that moves ALL things! As you do not Master Love. Since the times of Christ we have not understood. The man of material science called Him "teacher". The religious man called Him "Rabbi". The Yogis called Him "Master" ... and was not He the greatest Doctor to ever walk among us? ... But He was ALL and yet, none of these labels. He was BEING. He was the Source Love. He was complete Evolution, thus we write, He. What does all this mean the mind asks. Love is going to help us understand if we are open to it. Because this is it's secret. Our evolved Science has told us, "Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time." Thus you cannot chase things and Accept things at the same time. You may Master the mind but you cannot Accept the Heart while doing so. That would be to send and receive at the same time. Still mind shouts, "What does this mean! It makes no sense!" Exactly! Thus Mind proves it can never Master it. No matter how still, how silent, what it wants, it can NEVER evolve beyond the Hearts beat. It can NEVER decide it's action. NEVER control it. Because it is not the Creative Being. Love is. Which comes from the Heart. The mind has told us Heart and Mind are separate. It has spoken we must "control our mind" ... No. We MUST let go. The reason our Minds have spoken the Devil "Evil" ... We say is because he lets us do whatever we please ... Mind does just this! It is the highest Truth. It simply hasn't known what "we" are. How can "we" do anything, literally forgotten in our creation? So we in our evolution have finally figured out "we" are vibrating light. So now mind thinks there is a "switch in the dark." So it speaks to us to SEARCH!  We've been searching for this now as long as our physical records show. Only Christ able to find it that we have record of. Our bodies an "Avatar" from our movies mind sees from "future us." We say until we find that switch, our Mind and Heart are divided. Divided places. Now in mind we shout, "I MUST turn that switch on!" Until we make them One; Love and Creation in the same place, in One unified source, in One unified connection we will never figure it out. Thus it has never been a matter of Mastering, merely a choice to Accept what the Heart is speaking or not. Not a choice of choices we divided and multiplied into billions, but a single choice of Accepting ALL. Of Accepting the low, middle, high vibrations. As to turn on this "switch" Love speaks of, is not a switch like the mind thinks it. It is literally a Vibration the Eye may speak of as Light. The Mind chooses to Accept as little or much of it's Light at different times, which mind alone speaks of as vibration, and we suddenly Feel, See and Hear things Truly the Heart knows the Mind must accept, to make body do what the Creator always meant. The mind struggles with this because it thinks of a "switch" as something it controls. But you don't. We "turn on" by complete Acceptance. Impossible in Mind, so we won't find it there. In past Accepting lower vibrations we have Accepted some higher vibrations in Mind and so we speak, "The light went on in my head!" We didn't control anything, we Accepted. The amount of intelligence we receive but a choice of what we Accept. The stubborn mind speaks, "Bullshit! I'm not accepting this!" Exactly! Love cries out in Love. Thus again Christ who Accepted it all spoke to the effect, "GOD prove Himself not to you, but you to He!" As the dimly lit mind instead of simply taking this in, is arguing in mind rather how Love is wording things. You are not meant to understand this! Simply Absorb it! So Love speaks out. Mind in its arguing "sensing" as if it's "too much" light to take in. So mind is "closed". Absorb and then analyze or visa versa until it becomes one. You cannot do both at the same time. Nor will Heart give more than you can comprehend! Thus showing a "strong" mind is nothing more than a focused mind. An Accepting mind. So ego says "Fearless!" But doing to do is not to open. So Christ spoke that He is meek and humble. For where your Heart is means nothing more than, "Is your mind fully on your Heart?" AND most important, "Are you Accepting it?" Because now Love unfolds the truth, if you are reading this, it is because the Supreme Vibration of Love has drawn you here FOR A REASON whatever it may be, however it came about. If "you may so choose to Accept", or not, this was given to literally "raise" your intelligence. Whether you believe it or not makes no difference. It comes to you properly as Love always does. And even if you deny it, then if Love is correct, as Love always is. Eventually, you come back and "take it in." As Love comes to us with more actions each day then the mind here can fathom! One to the next knowing if you didn't Accept it, you'll be back. For Love is Infinite Vibration that even when you deny in mind and send back, it has literally planted a seed, left a trail of breadcrumbs, or as our Brother spoke, "sparked a fire". So we move from future to past to this very moment, in ways mind does not comprehend as even the Love that wrote it did not understand why it was coming like this until just now. We continue as we look over Love's Evolution in the same manner.

We looking backwards have alway taught what happened yesterday must be built upon. Thus literally looking backwards in eye. Thus "time" has proven that the ones who "look to the future" accomplish much greater things, and also face much more criticism from mind, who as a collective are "content" looking backwards. If the collective mind understood the past, present, and future was here already, we'd not be stuck, stagnate in literally "the time we create." Mind alone cannot comprehend this by reading, mere accepting of letters. As to Accept it's vibration, one must fully Accept every page in this book. These extremely high vibrations of future that many minds will reject; because mind is still in the process previously spoken of. Looking backwards, not forward. But this Love is written in the way of the future, in how future "education" will be understood. For two reasons. It allows the writer of this Love to put it on the "material" plane of this time, so individual vibrations are raised. And then next, so whoever reads it in any form and Accepts any pieces of it, raises the vibration of themselves and thus this writing for the collective of Humanity. Which is mere vibration literally "suspended in time" to be risen with every being that Accepts as much as they can Accept over time. Because at this "point in time" this is what is to be done. Raise vibrations. Higher vibrations that are only higher Truth.
Current mind struggles dependent upon it's degree of 'consciousness' which Truthfully is Acceptance of Love. Why say Love one mind asks? Because that is the Highest collective vibrating word! Why? Yes, a Mind still may Love to ask before Accepting! Love is not offended! Because what word in the world, thus Universally to us, does not attach Acceptingly the most inclusive FEELING into it. Which is the "what" to who we are, All inclusive Feeling. Someone speaks, "Love hurts!" "Love is awesome!" "Love is sad!" "Happy Love!" "Painful Love!" It is the longest "living" word that embodies and embraces ALL Feeling. Language thus a literal "symphony" of vibrations, notes to a song. How they are put together determines the vibration they are going to put forth. Thus when you read them you FEEL a precise way. Each individual literally receiving what they can Accept, as if lower vibrations that these must stand on have not been Accepted, you cannot Accept these. Thus Heart to mind, may speak, "I cannot understand this!" It doesn't matter! It will raise your vibration either way if we Accept. As higher overtakes lower! It will elevate your higher state or help draw to your evolution things to help it Accept lower states you cling to so you Accept this. Then if needed you what? Come back to it. This is why Love asks please to not let minds perception shift these words. It is why writers consciously or subconscious "feel" not to share before a book complete often times. It's because they "feel" their own vibration and want it to come through. A higher vibration "knowing" not with ego, but with "feeling/vibration" the greatest good comes not of what others wish to hear, but literally "need" to hear. For Higher vibrations "lifts" Lower! This is part of the reason Evolution has struggled. The mind trying to literally dictate where Love goes! Collectively and individually deciding what vibrations to Accept and not to Accept. It is why rather conscious or purely subconscious, in "older days" they would burn books, alter scripts, censor words, and yes, even kill Human Beings that spoke these higher vibrations. Why? Because the collective mind was unwilling to  Accept them. And by that we mean, unable. And so what is not Accepted wholly, or Holy in spiritual, is not Accepted in physical form.
This explains why Killing was prevalent in the beginning. An excess of lower vibrations which is expected if looking from the beginning. They were merely taken in by Humanity, but not Accepted as "core" and released. Its was sent to the mind and Mind said, "I can't accept this! This is wrong!" And so Heart sent it back. Mind rejected it again. So Heart sent it back. And again and again until mind Accepted it as part of the FEELING Love is. For we are vibrating Feeling. Seen in "eye" as light, so our collective "consciousness" finally understands in our evolution.

Mind merely creating form outside "LOVE" so it can use it to feel  through forms it creates for it.

Even our Science as a whole has Evolved enough to validate much of this. And while this may be hard to "Accept"; it is the Higher Truth no less. As Christ spoke "Who lights a lamp and then keeps it hidden inside?" Send it where? Outside into creation. To not let this light out into the physical for the whole, so moving through it, is not Loves Highest form. So it must be written no matter what this mind, nor any mind "think" of it. This is what in past evolution has "driven men and women crazy" ... They literally had such a High amount of this Intelligence pulsing through them they were unwilling to release because they felt the World at large would Kill them or think them crazy, the "intelligence" so advanced. So they'd lose perception of past, present, or future inside there physical body. At times they would hold it in, and hold it in, until it came out fast and violent. Not a pretty sight among the world, surely locked away to speak the visions behind walls physically that for so long internally one had held locked away, frightened to tell anyone. Sent to live out the prison they made long before in mind. Many of our "brightest" minds currently speak very fast, because they have a large amount of Intelligence being pumped from Heart to Mind at high rates and they hurry to get it out.

It's said once Christ took a disciple aside alone and revealed some of his visions and upon return to the other disciples they begged him to share. To which he spoke, "Surely if I told you, you would stone me to death right here where we stand."  As no wonder men attached to this lower life vibration, wishing to live physically would not reveal things. If not it be Accepted from one as shared via Christ, then who be another to share this higher intelligence and not die at the hands of unlit minds? But some able to move through the feelings of others knowing the truth able to literally speak "before their time" helped elevate vibrations even often at the cost of physical death. And so Love hopes we have moved past Killing a man over what he says. Such a crude and lower act, but yet a foundation of Life itself. We see the lower forms of past and understand action of lower forms and why they continued for so long. A combination of holding onto, and not letting go, and thus not receiving higher vibrations. Those who still cling to lower forms read this and say, "Don't call me inferior! Is this what it's saying?" No. Lower in Love is actually foundation. Actually Most important. As what Pyramid or building of today live beautifully in the Heavens that posses weak lower foundation? What Love speaks to you is that you who cling to made monies, to lower language, to lower human interactions, lower "morals" you know in Heart are not wrong, simply less than, literally keeping you "stuck on the ground floor". You have not been sent back over the centuries to keep enjoying the ground floor! Love wants to take you to the Heavens! Felt in THIS Love is there must be lower vibrations One must Accept to finish in it's individual Evolution, that will benefit the whole beyond what the mass collective knows. So while small increments of perceived ego must exist, it will be released eventually as Love feels what it is. Knowing another "push" is coming. But that is for "this" Love alone to Accept and understand regardless of any others Feelings. For it is this individual's FEELING. No "one else" be connected to it 'til it Evolves into knowing it is in the Source of all Sources! Which even simply writing this and letting this come as it may is Acceptance. Literally "Not giving a Damn" what anyone thinks. For if Love held back, then one is Damning it inside!  So the Heart speaks, "Just Accept what ever comes your way!" is exact. Even as Love writes this it understands it's truth but mind struggles to control thought, that controls action. But Heart, or Spirit, grows stronger and slowly pushes on to that one necessary moment where mind lets go and Hearts vibrations take completely over in pure Feeling, never again to look backwards in Evolution unless pure Feeling directs it to. Because Mind, not completely conscious of Heart Being in it, only guesses it's capabilities. As, "Only Love knows!" The joy we ALL should embrace, is that as the Collective Source has increased, it is easier and more readily available for our individual Evolution, we just need take it and enjoy!

Our Evolution is dependent upon only one thing, Acceptance. That's it. It's the only choice we have. Accept literally everything that comes our way. What happens when you control? There is tension. Tension in a room is a breeding grown for what? As tension only leads to one thing, an excessive release! Usually  the "strongest" mind dictating! What is the "strongest" ... Some say Will or Mental Focus. This is correct. Who Will control, who Will let go. Thus we call "Power of Mind" ... "Will Power" So we find if you are "strong willed" you will find Life has put you around other "strong willed" people. And you will stay there your entire Life until you figure out it's not to Love them, you already do! Otherwise you wouldn't be so strong willed! No, Love has you there to let go, to make you see, "You know what, I am tired of this, I just want to let go." This is how Love has been Evolving the cruder elements into higher ones. Refining higher ones that held cruder elements for their "last push". The cruder is needed! No matter where they lie! Some on the top of the ground floor consciously believing it's Heaven. It matters not. Some have to be "grounded" so others can climb on top to reach the Lighter Air. Let them stay Love cries! Love them and evolve where you Feel. Enjoy the ground, middle, or up high. Just remember kindness Love asks.

The time upon us now is one where the Earth as a whole has opened up, literally a stronger "flow" of Supreme Mother's softer energy. Which comes stronger from the Earth because of the overall, or collective, higher vibrations. Some of the lower Vibrations Must be absorbed and Truthfully will be. Higher must absorb lower and Acceptance always brings more peace and "enjoyable" feeling. Think of it as such so it may be comprehended wherever mind may be.
We have been living in a dual world. With a Triangle on top of a Square. The Evolutionary process working towards making it a single triangle. Over time it has been smoothing down the sides of the square  to slant down at the exact angle to merge with the triangle. Thus this is represented in the form of decreased Violence and cruder acts. They have literally fallen away. As even as violence exists, it's not NEAR as it once was. Eventually; which Hearts are crying out "Sooner than some think!" as mind cannot tell you, you have to be "Evolved" and FEEL it ... It's going to be a unified shape. Then the last and final step will be to seal it. No longer separate. One huge Pyramid. Unified and whole. With no separation. The Heart and Mind acting as one. No more fighting will occur. Literally the "pressure" gone from bottom supporting the top, and top yelling at bottom shift over there so we don't fall.
With peace one is free to experience whatever they may like of it.
All acts respected in the only Feeling that existed, purely evolved now to always evolve... LOVE

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