Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dissolving Seperation Inside Our Mind

Here's the secret>>>

We cannot be depressed all of the time. You can't be excited all of the time. You can't be in neutral all of the time. These are not centered every being actions. Or in perhaps in other words that resonates with more mass consciousness ... when you go somewhere in your car, you must reverse, drive forward, neutral, and park. If you are only one and not all, you cannot get to your destination.

What we always can be ALL of the time is LOVE. Then when we LOVE constantly no longer do we find any difference in any of these actions we see as separate. We find though they seem different they are one SINGLE creative experience.

We don't say to someone: "I reversed, pulled forward, neutralized at some lights, traveled at different speeds, and came to a stop at Jimmy's house today."

hahahaha ... we simply say, "I DROVE to Jimmy's house today."

Why then would we separate our emotions and think them different from one another. Is not the body the vehicle of our spirit?

ONE LOVE... I Love You

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