Thursday, February 13, 2014

Freedom of Love

Love Is Freedom

When you begin to Love, really Love, and Live in the Heart, Life is freedom like the Mind cannot imagine. It is something that many Hearts know and we as a whole have been moving towards. Freedom is coming and this old world is falling apart as the bonds and shackles that held it together fall away in the name of Love.
 Everything this world has known in mind is literally going to be blown up with love. The "mind blown". That we have seen it in darkness all wrong, no one dare speak against this. Because who of us the most positive and loving accepting all as they come secretly or out loud not say, "That is so senseless!"

So it is when Christ spoke, "Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Unlit by Love we see fighting. But when translating with the Heart we see all the scriptures there ever were unveiled. He spoke not of fighting "against". He spoke of this day. When the would not be Alike.  For how long has woman been dominated by mans world, so much that she says, "If I can't beat em, join em!" And so now she acts like man. Pushy, dominating, defensive. So that lost in his world she knows not which highly sensitive feelings to trust when if in her quiet absolute nature, she could know the soul instantly. Feel this in the Heart.

How many a man so filled with judgement and persevering aggression to remain "on top" that his Heart grown cold. For when you FEEL with the Heart you clearly see man has lacked love so long from himself, it is no wonder we find man loving man. And yet man judges that man most! As if that were the answer to cure him. So we say, "Where's the Love in that?!"
Even the most upright and positive often secretly hold their children in position they see in their own Hearts for them.
As often the silent inner strength of mind with few words from a powerful mind hold someone "in line" far more than anything else. Or they use their child's Love for their parent, "to their advantage" ... For there is nothing my child would not do for me. Love speaks this having proven it with mind. No one need argue as we are here to Love, not argue. Each will know the truth in their Heart.

How many of us have so many secret Feelings of our Heart we do not act on? How many Wife's do what they suppose they should do? How many of them do 10 things before they figure out they didn't like any to begin with? Of do a thing to find it being done all wrong, which just means without Love. As if something doesn't "feel" right, it needs more love. As much of what the world does is without Love. The few over the many. Powerful minds controlling the Hearts of many.
Companies doing things with 10 people that lovingly require 30. But who is to blame but blame itself? Because we are not more Loving we argue. We dislike. We accept out loud but in Heart we disapprove. Yet we can not be Loving until we approve in Heart! So it is we whom we must approve of first.

But people are flawed! One cries. Oh dear loved ones. People are Loving! It is the mind that is not. Do not we always come together when we must? Where in history have we not? I cry out! We are about to see the greatest coming together we have ever witnessed by the greatest dividing apart we've ever seen. Look around. The powerful minds nervous, for the mind gets nervous when the Heart guides. GOD has placed my mind among them. I know what they think and say. But it MUST happen. They cannot stop Love for it is in them as well. And Hearts Freedom brings Freedom from their burden of mind to let go of the headache they keep in their own control. And believe me it is a stronger more grueling burden then the man struggling to make his rent burdened by him. As pain is felt.

But mind shouts Christ spoke, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls." And "If Devil also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?"

And so Love translates the freedom coming. As Man's Kingdom has long been divided in Heart. Our own house divided Heart and Mind against itself saying, "I feel this, but do that." And so now it is falling. But not as mind thinks in dark empty abyss. No falling to the Heart in Love. As the mind has long been Devil alone. Your own personal kingdom will crumble as you begin to unite Heart and Mind and you shout, "I don't feel like doing ANY of this BULLSHIT!" ... And as someone looks at you funny you repeat again, "This is Bullshit!" Because there is a stench in your nose of Bull. Your Heart has not been free. Your thoughts controlled. Judgement constantly has been upon yourself by your own mind.

Again let fault be removed as to purify something you must let it all out. A beautiful positive loving soul spoke "Keep pushing, you are one "NO" from getting your "YES". Do not give up!" And in the same, "You are one Damn! Damn this all!" From removing it from your Heart and letting freedom flow! Oh how I love you family! Love knows this is Heavy on the Heart, because this matter, literally spiritual material, rests solely on the Heart. So take a moment and receive this Love! Do what you feel and move on.

How many times have you felt to leave a room but stayed because mind power of another held you there? At times you may have wanted to leave, but out of Heart, compassion, you stayed to help. This is proper principle that actually increases your vibration forever. But letting mind keep you there is detrimental. You will feel your Heart close and energy flee. What do we see in our schools? But many children held in mind to do things they Feel not to, and in truth, need not do much of it, in all Love. And so they seek playful things their Heart desires, as Children should. Or "act out" ... Of course they do! They are out of their act! For each Heart was put here by the greater power to express Love in their unique manner.

"It will be chaos the mind says!" No it won't. It will be beautiful. If the smoker would not be told by a million unloving minds with little Heart that it was wrong of him to smoke... If instead he was given LOVE of Hearts IN mind and told. "Smoke Brother! Smoke and smoke, and smoke! Enjoy it til you cannot smoke anymore!" Truly I tell you I believe in my Heart instantaneously he would never want to smoke again. Such higher vibrations of so many removing all guilt and judgment of the act from his Heart that it goes to higher mind and says, "You have no fault, smoke if you like in peace but higher acts can be done for higher Feeling." And so he seeks higher action, because who doesn't want higher feeling?

For this can happen with you alone doing this for yourself were you to accept what you do not like in yourself. Once the Heart accepts a thing and Loves it, it is only any given attempts of an action, that if it not be the highest action one can do, is eliminated from your Heart and Mind. Literally absorbed in Heart. So that even if you tried to do that action, your vibrations (or Feeling) would be so strong against it, you could not willing do it.
So that our own freedom of mind binds our freedom of Heart is exacting! In order to find what Heart is calling, you have to get out of mind-what it is doing. So has been the bonds of man. Oh you can't say "Shit". So because you "hold shit inside" you cannot release the higher expressions of Heart! Were you to go out and, "say shit" as much as you felt accepting in Heart it was fine, you'd find you wouldn't want to speak it anymore. In fact, you'd be naturally drawn to higher language!

Mind speaks, "This is no way for a man of GOD to act!" Really? Some of the greatest men of scripture were just these men! For Christ did not pick men from the temples! He knew He could not "reform" them. They too "stuck in their beliefs". Where do beliefs exist except in mind? No He knew to reform one must do it themselves. As GOD's FREE will of Love, that is Love, cannot be broken for you cannot break Love who is GOD. And so He let them do what ever they wanted. He did not tell them how to eat, what to drink, or what they MUST speak. He guided them, but even He who would judge man, did not judge them. Some of the greatest ministers, preachers and men of High vibrations were "of the streets" in their younger years. This was no coincidence. They freely rid themselves of all their lower vibrations, accepting and releasing. You MUST accept lower vibrations, words and acts, to be free to receive higher vibrations! Because logically lower is part of the high! You cannot move on until you've accepted. So we find unconditional Love is exact. And is the intelligence behind great men and women who came from nothing.

And so we find confessionals. So that the priest may absorb the lower vibrations we must get out. Love has told you how to end fault. Love is freedom but we will not be freed in Hearts higher vibrations until we end minds lower ones. And how do we raise something we do not Love? Oh how I Love thee child!  Who be a better friend to us than one who, "listens to all our bullshit"

Be freed my Brothers and Sisters! Be Free! Love is freedom. Love attracts anything with mind. Far mor than mind alone. Mind creates what it thinks. The Heart brings what it knows you need to Love! It takes you places you cannot imagine in mind. It elevates vibrations so anyone who meets you feels "what you're about"

That the old don't understand the new is only if they don't understand the Heart. Love. Love goes where it pleases. Runs where it is Lovingly called. And stops for no one if it FEELS it must move. To go, let go, embrace, and be ... This is how it will be in the future. Why not start tomorrow?

All Love. Freedom of expressions.

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