When we Love Thy Self we bring upon us what is promised. A change of Heart. In scriptures it's written water was squeezed from a rock. When we follow our Heart, even one of stone will break out, break free, will begin to flow! The shades may be drawn but even the most minute crack show light is behind our window. My blinds are opening with every letter written. The Heart expanded and renewed every moment. I love you coming forward into the empty space of mind. If we desire to change Creation, as everyone is shouting, "YES We are ready for change!" We must change not the mind. But the Heart. I am going to speak to our Hearts about this. For my Love goes beyond what any mind could imagine. I ask we may receive this like the birth of a new born baby. With full Loving Acceptance. Spoken from the Heart of all things.
We look to eat something. Our body needs food. It is important. We say I think I'm going to have some pasta. Nah, I think maybe Pizza! A commercial comes on and a beautiful juicy steak is shown at your favorite steak house where they are running a special on drinks as well. That's what I want more than anything! You declare. What happened? You just changed your mind. No matter the choice your body was going to get nutrients it needed, your senses and pleasures were going to be met in one form or another. A degree of happiness and satisfaction met. We just upgraded the choices until we reached a degree our mind felt most satisfied and happy with.
Now... You have a deal lined up. You are going to get that house. It is a Dream house. A house not just for you, for your wife. Your children. If you get the house your children will be in one of the best school districts in the area. You will be closer to your job. The house will have so many more amenities than your current apartment so your wife's work load will be cut in half. You will have a back yard, a quiet community with friendly people, the list of increase goes goes on. But when you thought you had it "in the bag" .... You take the family to meet the realtor. Everyone is excited. Its the first time the kids have seen it. They get out of the car cheering with wide eyes! You go inside and there is the realtor with the owner. The owner looks at you with a look that turns the excited mind's attention to pits in your stomach. The owner and his realtor cannot even talk in front of your family. They ask to speak on the side.
The owner almost depressed informs you another buyer came by and offered ten thousand more than you. He says that's a lot of money and you'd have to match it. You can't believe it. You're tapped out. You've gotten every last cent the bank would loan. You don't think you can even offer five thousand more as you've already exceeded what you had budgeted because you and your wife were so in love with THIS house. The owner noticeably feels bad, but he informs you thats just too much money for him to pass up. You have to take your family and break the news to them in the car ride home. Your mind says you feel disheartened. You cannot even think what to do. You have to be out by the end of the month and have nowhere to go. You have to figure something out, but literally its like a force on your mind, you cannot think! Days go by and nothing comes except anxiety, nervousness and worry.
You are at a point were you say, "I guess we'll have to go month to month until we figure something out!" You say this in mind, but in your Heart you don't even feel like looking.
Then the phone rings. It's the realtor.
"I have some terrific news for you. Are you still interested in owning that house?" He says.
"Of COURSE! Are you kidding! Did the other buyer back out?" You ask.
"Nope." Says the realtor.
"What in God's name happened then?"
"He just had a change of Heart." The realtor replies. "He saw your kids and how happy they were and no matter what I said these past few days he wouldn't budge. He told me to call you today and get the deal done. Congratulations."
When we change our Hearts it changes Creation. It doesn't just swap things out, improve upon them, make new versions of them. No, when we have a change of Heart mountains move. We light up the world! Love radiates and things happen our mind cannot imagine. If you cannot think; it simply means your Heart is speaking! Why else would the busy mind become silent? The true creation doesn't come until after the "light has come on." The millions of thoughts that come before it get credit, but it wasn't thought that clicked the light. It was the desire of your Heart. Scientifically look at the common factors. The family, wife, father and children had their Hearts set on the house. Even after disappointment the Heart remained steady though thoughts strayed away. Hardly any suggestion or opposite thought was given to the owner's thought. In fact, the realtor was sending thoughts ALIGNED with the decision not to sell to your family because he wanted to get a bigger pay day himself! If anything fuel was being put on minds fire. No one changed his mind. He had a change of Heart. Because no fire burns brighter than the desire of the Heart. The purer the desire, the grander the effect. What are our Hearts set upon? What is it's condition?
"Set your mind on something and have a made up mind." They say.
No, "Set your Heart on something!"
And set it on love. I love you. Slow your Heart. Receive this as calm as can be, smoldering coals burning slow, steady, constant, and bright ... far hotter than excited flames. Know you're perfect. Know you're love is expanding. Know the voices are fading. Know joy is coming from your Heart not because it was never there before, and now it is; but because the door has been closed and now it's open. I love you. The world loves you. There is no other place to set a Heart.
Let the mind do what it will and love it. Acknowledge the mind but give it's tantrums no more attention. Constant attention to one thing alone is not love. Love is constant attention to all things. The mind cannot understand that. The mind in fact can only do one thing in any moment no matter how we "think" it multitasks. That's spoken to the Heart which is All things. Leave thoughts where they fall. We have no interest in the mind is announced again. The mind has had it's turn in the world. Speak to it, we love you, rejoice in you, accept you. The Planet has come 180 and it's the Hearts turn. And I promise you. I declare with with all of my Heart that has slumbered for centuries, upon centuries, upon centuries, peacefully in silence this is the truth. The Heart will not need thousands and thousands of years to make superficial changes mind alone has only been capable of. No, the Heart will transform it in a fraction of the time. For it has no limits, submits not to space, nor time, nor any erroneous thought. It will turn this planet full circle in a matter of moments as far as the mind is concerned, and then Heart and Mind will be one and body will follow. It's already begun. Look around. People's Hearts are changing things their minds never could. There are new homes, new positions, new concepts, new roles opening; some built by minds that had not the Heart to bring it to full light, as well as ones that need those light of Heart to guide them forward. Leave here in peace knowing you are loved beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond space and time. I love you. Feel the change that's happening. Feel it in your Heart.
"A courageous mind may build empires, but only a brave Heart will rule."
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