Love is coming. Vibrations are rising. For Love is vibration and pure vibration. The Love the world knew as Nikola Tesla shared with the us that if we wish to know the secrets of the Universe, we must think in the terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations. Feel the Good vibrations! Attune the Heart frequencies to this page. As if you can get out of empty mind and take this to the Heart it strongly lights Mind. Truly this will be one of the greatest Loves ever shared through me. Take the moment to take this in. Because once Heart opens to this there is no turning back. It is the "seed planted". The "light shown". The "frequency vibrating energy". This Love is coming to us in the form of what the mind has told you is "scientific" thought. In the Heart there is no "scientific", "religious", "philosophical" ... It is all one. All the same. Divided merely in the mind because it has only excepted certain frequencies of the Heart. Thus "sections" of the mind are lit. Literally your thoughts are sectioned, so no wonder are too; your ideas about where Love fits or doesn't. Frequencies send what? Vibrations. Vibration brings what? Energy! If you have not that energy in your mind, then you cannot perceive it in the mind. It is what? Incomprehensible. Beyond understanding. So in Biblical sense, "Lean not on your own understanding!" When you look into the Heart; science, religion, philosophy become one. What you can't comprehend becomes comprehensible. Can we take that into the Heart? Thus TRUE intelligence, is a matter of the Heart. For all matter is Love. The mind struggles with this, why? Because the mind has not received this before from your Heart! This is a new frequency of vibrations being given to you from my Heart! Rejoice! If you can receive this, then Heart somewhere has already been sending all or some of this to your mind. If not, read it anyway for what the mind does not comprehend and fights, the Heart receives through vibrations and increases your intelligence, which is merely vibration, waiting for mind to open to it, receive it, which will then light mind and you speak, "I learned something new!" With love family, no you didn't, you simply opened your mind, literally.
Science, religion, and philosophy have all been living in each moment taking in as much Heart as they could. Which is a collective vibration in what mind perceives as time. Thus Christ spoke, "You know not your time!" For if they did, they would know time in mind is simply NOW in Heart. That what mind perceives as body, to Heart it is a tool of the mind. Mind a tool of the Heart. Heart is Creator, Universal or subconscious mind's Creative tool, conscious mind the brain's activity, which is body, which perceives through it everything we see, touch, feel, hear, taste.
Mind argues, "How do you know this?"Or, "It does not make sense to me!" Mind cannot make sense of it! Mind is nothingness. A tool.This is not to be made into a sense, it is a FEELING! A vibration. Heart is Creator. You have to first open Heart, which is Love. Love is what? Acceptance. If you are not accepting, you are not Loving. In mind you literally shut out the Heart. You are living where? In mind without Heart.
"Prove this!" The Mind shouts. Of course it does, for in endless empty space without light you yell to be heard. You cannot see I am right next to you in Love. For if you did your mind would be lit and you would not yell. So Christ spoke back to the Devil when he spoke, "Prove yourself to me! Jump and if you be the son of GOD let the angels catch you!" To which He replied, "God proves not Himself to you, but you to He!"
If vibrations were as they were today in His "time" with much more expansion of expression, or more "channels open" so to speak ... He could of openly expressed it as this which is one in the same.
Love showing you Devil is mind without Heart, unlit. So unto mind who speaks, "Prove this!" To which Heart reply, "I don't need to prove this, you prove it. I am not here to prove things. I am merely a channel of Love's frequencies. Let the ones sent to the labs prove this for us all. Let you prove it in the greatest lab of all, with the greatest Creator of all! The Heart!" For what is GOD other than a complete Oneness of "Mind, Body, and Soul!" What is Soul but the Heart, for the Heart is Love and Love is all there is. Is your Heart not there? Why would you ask your Heart to prove it? Thus GOD need not prove a thing. Only your mind need prove it and listen to your Heart. As until it does the "Devil" will question everything!
One replies with often a smug look, "Then how do you know this?"
"I just do!" Where? "I know it in my Heart!" For the Heart has been speaking silently to the mind for centuries. And what it has been saying is materializing as our frequencies increase and accept higher vibrations.
The mind alone speaks the vibration here and says, "Your mind is all over the place! Philosophical love, religious scriptures, scientific references now... I can't accept this!"
Ha! My Heart is all over the place! Because where does love not exist except in the limits placed upon the mind! The days of doing what pleases the mind are over. Take this to Heart. The "time" is NOW! The error of science working merely in mind is over. Already there are Hearts who have opened up and are exploring this through Loves expression we call science. They are receiving in their Hearts and lighting in their Minds that we have had it all wrong. Intelligence is of the Heart. The brain does not tell the Heart what to do. The Heart tells the brain what to do. We've had it backwards because we're literally thinking backwards! We have not received this intelligence because our receivers, our Hearts, have not been received, controlled by mind. Mind not been accepting. Heart should control the mind! You cannot perceive what you do not receive! A child knows this! Every mind lit by Heart to this realization. The Heart has made this known to the mind. So accept this in Heart.
The Heart takes a thing in. If it accepts it fully, which is to LOVE unconditionally, it sends it to the Subconscious Mind which is infinite blank space. If the mind accepts, fully open, it is complete now, thus Mind. It then places it in conscious mind which is the brain, which then lights up a section of the brain which if hooked up to your scientific machine, lights up the screen and confirms that section of the brain is lit. It is no longer dark in all matter of understanding. So on the physical it promotes action of this Love. It is Materialized. If the subconscious is not fully aligned with the frequency of it's Heart it may act only partial. This is what we term as "error". We say our machine is malfunctioning. It's broken. How ludicrous. Your machine is fine! It needs only adjusting! Only the frustrated mind yells at the Heart, "You're not working!" No! You need to what? OPEN YOUR MIND! The Heart says "I FEEL she wants a soft kiss." The mind merely not fully open, denying what the Heart has sent, or picking up other frequencies around interpret "Blow her a kiss." So this is sent to the conscious mind which working receives it, materializes it by sending the energy created by vibratory frequencies to the corresponding parts of the body; which we could term machine or conscious mind's tool. It moves the proper parts, your hand to the mouth and you blow a kiss. The thought that you should of kissed her is simply a backwards action of the process seeing what the Heart Felt. If you linger on this thought you are now thinking backwards. As the Heart has moved on and trying to show you new Feelings. For every moment in which the Mind perceives as seconds are NEW. We are not meant to question in mind what just happened. Only experience and act. When we perfect how we go about this process, we will have no perception of time. We will not remember what the mind spoke moments ago. We won't remember what happened nor care to remember, as each new expression building on the next. I know. This is not believed in the mind! Because it cannot be. Not until Heart takes it in and permanently lights it. Thus, "The light just went on inside my head!" We Now say, Of course! The Heart is NOW. Beautiful is it not? Take this to the Heart!
Many indigenous cultures all had the calendars stop at the 2012 position in "time". Why? Because they, unlike the Western world of dominantly mind alone, lived more in Heart. They knew what was felt. That in 2012 the world would enter into the vibratory frequency that could receive the Heart on a global scale. And when we begin to do what is placed here, Live in the Heart, the moment, time begins to end. So that we in mind alone shouted, "The end of the world is here!" We actually speaking what the Heart secretly spoke for ages, "Your time as you know it is over!" That time seems to be speeding up in your life, passing you by, is because for so long we have lived without Heart, without Love as a whole. NOW is Hearts moment to take its proper role. And mind is scurrying about trying to figure it out! What happens to a hurried mind? It makes things "speed up". Perhaps even frantic. If Life begins to appear frantic, fret not, you've been given the answer in your Heart! Rejoice. Relax, live in the moment and slow down! :)
To Live in the Heart, the moment, is the secret to the successful man. Something happens and he sees no error. He says in early years, filled with love for life, vibrations flowing in body, "Oh, that didn't work, move on, adjust, receive what my Heart is telling me properly!" Thus he "Lives in the Moment". He sees no error. Thus he appears to be successful to the eye. For he is! He is doing what the Heart is telling him. Then in his later years his success begins to become less apparent as he says, "This is what I did 10 years ago! I was successful then, why isn't it working? Where is my success fleeing me?" He has gone back into his mind, out of his Heart. Doing what his Heart spoke ages ago with his Heart on past success, past things. But his Heart mastered or lit that in his mind and is trying to move on! His vigor leaves his body. His Life literally escapes him. He sees himself as old. Why? He is living in an unlit mind because the Heart is not there to light those areas but new ones! Who lights a torch already lit? He is gloomy and see's gloom about him! "GOD said I renew ALL things!" Who that does what his Heart desires does not FEEL more lively? Our science can prove all this to a degree, but none more than the Heart, Mind, and Body. For it is the Creator's highest expression. Are we listening to our Heart? Are we living in it and not in the mind without it? Are we moving forward in Heart? The Heart wants to light your WHOLE mind. Not partially. This is why we have "bright spots" in our life, and places we "lack". Science speaks, we barely use a fraction of the brain. I yell in love, "You barely receive a fraction of what your Heart speaks to it!!!" Right now the mind is trying to comprehend this, how to do it. It cannot! Only the Heart knows. So it has been telling us throughout the ages "Just let go of the mind!" But still we stay in it. We say, lets evaluate it with machines it itself has made. Lets observe it. Lets take it somewhere to sit in silence until we Master it. HA! That is fine if that is what the Heart is saying. Then surely you do it. But if Heart is saying, "Go out into the fields and run!" Then that will be much more a benefit then forcing your body into a corner to sit still while you try to clear the mind that without Heart is pure blank emptiness that will never be lit or figured out. For there is no Feeling in nothingness. It literally is nothing! I don't feel anything the Yogi says. Does anyone believe that in their Heart? In mind yes, it is nothing! Not to Feel is to not Live. Only when the Heart stops, brain shuts down, and body is limp are we without feeling. We are termed "Lifeless". But this is only temporarily seen on this plain. Our energy back into the pool of conscious energy to literally be "reformed", risen, and brought back! As science proves the soul as energy is infinite. So all major three expressions of Love confirm each other. No one actually "dies" as the mind sees it. For the Heart sends out in Love, "You are eternal my child!"
"This is too much to take in!" The mind says. For literally this is an extremely high vibratory frequency from Heart to Mind and the mind is struggling to open up enough to receive what has just opened in your Heart! It is "normal" so to speak. But the Heart knows what to do. It reads your mind, thus scripture speaks, "I, GOD am behind your every thought!" The Heart will trickle or flow this light into your mind as each individual Heart FEELS in precise accuracy the capability of each individual Mind to receive. Never to overload it! Thus "GOD will never give you more than what He has put into you!" It is a perfect machine on the physical because it is perfect in the spiritual! Barely can I contain the FEELING the Heart pulsating to the mind! My own mind fighting to keep open to receive this. Taking a break to walk in the park before I finish. Going to post it here online well before my book is finished because it's such an amazing Feeling.
Only the immature mind takes a thousand dollar piece of equipment that is not working properly and throws it on the floor and kicks it, smashing it to pieces! No, simply adjust it! So Love asks you, what are you doing with your priceless machine? One more valuable than any on Earth is it not? Are you, "Beating yourself up over things" that didn't go perfect in Mind? For that's all they are! Things, not Being as you! Are you going "back into your mind" trying to figure out what you should of done different? Your perception of "error" is actually causing more of the same. For until you listen to your Heart you will not see the correction you seek.
"Oh I will do that next time!" Do what? Do what the Heart told you it felt in this moment; in another moment where it feels something different? Answer that with Heart and it vibrates in your mind as ludicrous.
If you read this over and over again with mind, you are literally, "Reading too much into this." Read it over and over with the Heart and you'll absorb it. It will "make sense" ... It will "open your mind". Because the stronger it vibrates in Heart, the stronger it goes to the mind with ability to open it. And what many don't comprehend is when we absorb, we give out! It literally increases the vibration of what has been written here, making it more powerful. Better received. More easily absorbed by stubborn minds. The loving beautiful man known as Dr. Robert Lanza, considered one of the top most scientists in the world, among others he works with, have scientifically demonstrated this process. That when divided and sent to different points in existence what is done to one half of a cell, or molecule, as I paraphrase; happens to the other half even at great distances. That at times it actually happens FIRST to the portion that is not acted upon before the action actually is done to the other half. Again this is about Love as I am here to do just that. Love does not prove! You prove your mind can hear your Heart!
When we take all this to Heart we find it fundamentally sound when we hear the words, "Relax, live in the moment." It will dissolve the idea of time, space, and yes, error. Judgment. End fault. Truly free us into Love! What a wonderful world we live in! :) Rejoice and GOD bless that these loving vibrations reach the Mind properly, through the vibration of the Heart! Love is this VERY MOMENT!
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