Friday, February 28, 2014

The Grey Haired Woman

They spoke her old. They spoke her grey. They spoke that she had very wise things to say. But words did not come. She sat silent and still. She smiled at man fighting her will. They yelled, they pulled, they climbed her tree of life to reach the top. But she told them through the years as she raised above them towards the sky, that she was wiser than met their Eye. Her leaves would fall. Her branches they broke. But she grew and grew and yet not a word spoke. Her beauty faded as her intentions were raised. And yet the new child found new beauty to praise. The grey hair grew and new groves on her surface; it came. But the children came again and again without judgement or blame. They climbed up on her, and sat in her arms. Their parents came peaceful admiring her charms. The grey grew thick but beauty increased. As centuries came no one could resist. The wise silence that came forth from her being. Some spoke, "It's time we cut her down, she's lived long enough." But the towns spoke, "ALL our Love is calling your bluff!" So Generation to generation she never did cease. Because ALL of the world Lived in her Beauty Believed!

All Love of the Mother who Seeds our True Nature

In the Beginning

When it all started there was just One. But then the eye opened. The One became Two. And the two looked at the one. And so their was 3. GOD, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And so what started at one, suddenly was seen as 3. So be it. Let it come forth and play out as it will.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Through The Water

GOD always speaks to us every second! And as said many times, we a reflection as She ... We then always have our children -recall anytime we are feeling lost so we may remember who we are. As Christ spoke it is through the anguish and the depths we find the spark that lights the Fire of Life. And so it is the water breaks and the pain rises and is endured as everyone involved will so endure. And out of it all comes the light of a child, the spark that will burn bright when set free. And we find it is only through the anguish and pains of this would we accept -lovingly and endure -do the greatest gifts come. That when we nurture what once we saw as pain can we become the greatest creation we have ever known. That only through the water, our Brother spoke, do we find our salvation and greatest gift. Are we accepting with Love that which pains us? Are we letting go of it after we do? Or are we trying to hold it inside? Where only one outcome will be given, one I need not speak as we all know. Let it go! Endure for a season the Lord said. Do not endure for longer or find inside the opposite of what GOD has given us! Rejoice and receive in Heart! Embrace the happiness, embrace the pain that may follow and when the happiness returns will see GOD has fulfilled His promise and paid us back Double!

Kind Regards!

Have a Change of Heart


When we Love Thy Self we bring upon us what is promised. A change of Heart. In scriptures it's written water was squeezed from a rock. When we follow our Heart, even one of stone will break out, break free, will begin to flow! The shades may be drawn but even the most minute crack show light is behind our window. My blinds are opening with every letter written. The Heart expanded and renewed every moment. I love you coming forward into the empty space of mind. If we desire to change Creation, as everyone is shouting, "YES We are ready for change!" We must change not the mind. But the Heart. I am going to speak to our Hearts about this. For my Love goes beyond what any mind could imagine. I ask we may receive this like the birth of a new born baby. With full Loving Acceptance. Spoken from the Heart of all things.

We look to eat something. Our body needs food. It is important. We say I think I'm going to have some pasta. Nah, I think maybe Pizza! A commercial comes on and a beautiful juicy steak is shown at your favorite steak house where they are running a special on drinks as well. That's what I want more than anything! You declare. What happened? You just changed your mind. No matter the choice your body was going to get nutrients it needed, your senses and pleasures were going to be met in one form or another. A degree of happiness and satisfaction met. We just upgraded the choices until we reached a degree our mind felt most satisfied and happy with.
Now... You have a deal lined up. You are going to get that house. It is a Dream house. A house not just for you, for your wife. Your children. If you get the house your children will be in one of the best school districts in the area. You will be closer to your job. The house will have so many more amenities than your current apartment so your wife's work load will be cut in half. You will have a back yard, a quiet community with friendly people, the list of increase goes goes on. But when you thought you had it "in the bag" .... You take the family to meet the realtor. Everyone is excited. Its the first time the kids have seen it. They get out of the car cheering with wide eyes! You go inside and there is the realtor with the owner. The owner looks at you with a look that turns the excited mind's attention to pits in your stomach. The owner and his realtor cannot even talk in front of your family. They ask to speak on the side.
The owner almost depressed informs you another buyer came by and offered ten thousand more than you. He says that's a lot of money and you'd have to match it. You can't believe it. You're tapped out. You've gotten every last cent the bank would loan. You don't think you can even offer five thousand more as you've already exceeded what you had budgeted because you and your wife were so in love with THIS house. The owner noticeably feels bad, but he informs you thats just too much money for him to pass up. You have to take your family and break the news to them in the car ride home. Your mind says you feel disheartened. You cannot even think what to do. You have to be out by the end of the month and have nowhere to go. You have to figure something out, but literally its like a force on your mind, you cannot think! Days go by and nothing comes except anxiety, nervousness and worry.
You are at a point were you say, "I guess we'll have to go month to month until we figure something out!" You say this in mind, but in your Heart you don't even feel like looking.
Then the phone rings. It's the realtor.
 "I have some terrific news for you. Are you still interested in owning that house?" He says.
"Of COURSE! Are you kidding! Did the other buyer back out?" You ask.
"Nope." Says the realtor.
"What in God's name happened then?"
"He just had a change of Heart." The realtor replies. "He saw your kids and how happy they were and no matter what I said these past few days he wouldn't budge. He told me to call you today and get the deal done. Congratulations."
When we change our Hearts it changes Creation. It doesn't just swap things out, improve upon them, make new versions of them. No, when we have a change of Heart mountains move. We light up the world! Love radiates and things happen our mind cannot imagine. If you cannot think; it simply means your Heart is speaking! Why else would the busy mind become silent? The true creation doesn't come until after the "light has come on." The millions of thoughts that come before it get credit, but it wasn't thought that clicked the light. It was the desire of your Heart. Scientifically look at the common factors. The family, wife, father and children had their Hearts set on the house. Even after disappointment the Heart remained steady though thoughts strayed away. Hardly any suggestion or opposite thought was given to the owner's thought. In fact, the realtor was sending thoughts ALIGNED with the decision not to sell to your family because he wanted to get a bigger pay day himself! If anything fuel was being put on minds fire. No one changed his mind. He had a change of Heart. Because no fire burns brighter than the desire of the Heart. The purer the desire, the grander the effect. What are our Hearts set upon? What is it's condition?
"Set your mind on something and have a made up mind." They say.
No, "Set your Heart on something!"
And set it on love. I love you. Slow your Heart. Receive this as calm as can be, smoldering coals burning slow, steady, constant, and bright ... far hotter than excited flames. Know you're perfect. Know you're love is expanding. Know the voices are fading. Know joy is coming from your Heart not because it was never there before, and now it is; but because the door has been closed and now it's open. I love you. The world loves you. There is no other place to set a Heart.
Let the mind do what it will and love it. Acknowledge the mind but give it's tantrums no more attention. Constant attention to one thing alone is not love. Love is constant attention to all things. The mind cannot understand that. The mind in fact can only do one thing in any moment no matter how we "think" it multitasks. That's spoken to the Heart which is All things. Leave thoughts where they fall. We have no interest in the mind is announced again. The mind has had it's turn in the world. Speak to it, we love you, rejoice in you, accept you. The Planet has come 180 and it's the Hearts turn. And I promise you. I declare with with all of my Heart that has slumbered for centuries, upon centuries, upon centuries, peacefully in silence this is the truth. The Heart will not need thousands and thousands of years to make superficial changes mind alone has only been capable of. No, the Heart will transform it in a fraction of the time. For it has no limits, submits not to space, nor time, nor any erroneous thought. It will turn this planet full circle in a matter of moments as far as the mind is concerned, and then Heart and Mind will be one and body will follow. It's already begun. Look around. People's Hearts are changing things their minds never could. There are new homes, new positions, new concepts, new roles opening; some built by minds that had not the Heart to bring it to full light, as well as ones that need those light of Heart to guide them forward. Leave here in peace knowing you are loved beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond space and time. I love you. Feel the change that's happening. Feel it in your Heart.

"A courageous mind may build empires, but only a brave Heart will rule."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Love in a Child


Nothing like a child shows us more about ourself than any other we encounter. As a part of us can't help but FEEL we move away from who we are as we "mature" instead of moving into it. And so Love speaks throughout, we've been going backwards literally looking at things all mixed up. So we admit, "We're ALL mixed up in Love!" But Love is here to sort. A dear friend, one Charles Haanel explained to us,
 "The cerebrospinal system of the nerves puts us in conscious communication with every part of the body. The sympathetic system of nerves presides over ALL subjective sensations, such as Joy, Fear, Love, Emotion, Respiration, Imagination, and ALL other subconscious phenomena."
As we have in past separated these sensations (FEELING) looking back instead of calling it LOVE, we have separated our Eye into Two eyes and looked up at the mind with both. All our fields having the answers, like our own body, if we'd just come together in Heart as Men and Woman instead of Living as Love's Infant Child. Combing the fields into one "body of work".

The "sympathetic system of nerves" saying it all in the name. For sympathy is the energy that lights the system that then lights the Mind. The great Meta-physicists of this past world knowing it was strength of feeling that determined the quality of creation from mind, as well as the quickness it came to material, yet it seems we lacked Love explaining it to the world, because if not, why then does this world not know about it in detail? If we had "put it all together" by combining the science, art, religion, philosophy, psychology and the lot, we would have come to the answers by now.
So speak this a continuation of the HOW ... as this Child of Love writes How it has come to he... Evolving everyday, every second.
The system within us has already been shared as a "matrix" identical to the Universe. So that we Now comprehend GOD is the Source of all, and GOD is our Heart that not only created The ALMIGHTY Universe, or Universal Mind, Creation ... But GOD Lights it, fills everything in it with Life that other wise is "dead" creation or matter. So we can conclude that any star, any planet, any moon or rock in the Universe, which we agree is the Universal Mind, is only as "alive" to the degree of Light; GOD (The Universal Heart) puts in it! So then we say if GOD is behind our every thought, we have to conclude the Heart then MUST go to Mind, not Mind to Heart. That in fact the Heart MUST go to everything. And how does Heart go to Mind except going behind it, Lighting the everything that is seen of it. So then "common logic" would figure the quality of Mind, even the whole Universal, would depend on how much light we in Mind are conscious of in all the things that Mind created. Or "Degree" of Consciousness, that is where? The Eye of the Beholder. So how then does the child work his apparatus made in GOD ALMIGHTY's image?
Obviously we say GOD is the Highest Peace. The Highest Oneness. So then it would speak to even the child, Peace is stillness. Peace is silence. Highest Peace is complete submission into this. So first Love the body and self holy, so it submits. For it cannot submit if we do not Love it completely regardless how we THINK it should be. We must let go of that. Ladies hit the beauty parlor MORE! Just make sure it's our preparation and not our worship or we fall out of balance. Then we say, where does the child become conscious of the Light? The Eye. Where is the Source of Light? Is is NOT the Mind. The Mind only holds matter. It is incapable of creating the LIFE that we seek alone. No the Source is the Heart. We must LOOK there first. Then the light begins to come. Thus many scientists believe it was first the stars that ignited to Light the Universe. So Love has spoken, the sun is Solomon, the stars the Eye to the Source. Then we aim that Light once we have it in Eye, to where? NOT the Mind. Why? LOOK up in space! Look in this world! Is it LIT fully? We have not even lit everything IN creation shining light in the Mind! And we are looking to send Light to Mind to attempt to create more? We work so backwards this child cries!
We must FIRST put GOD behind our Every thought, our every creation. So many of these cries and what I write is too myself, adding some of Love's drama to the mix. An awakening within the awakening.

We find stillness, peace and submission of body. We find the Eye. We use Love. What is Love but Faith. "Ask and you shall receive." Eye will show up just as you imagine.  Then send the eye down. You must work through ALL feeling. From ground up, so you're going to feel those harsh doubts and discomfort first, love them, accept them, release them. Then the light starts to come. After we start receiving the light, we do not send it to Mind, we send it out to the things OF mind that we do not see Light in. That empty dark space in the Mind of the Universe is merely Light we do not see behind it. We must look closer. So we have everything duplicating inside of us. How do we Light all the internals that ail or lie latent in us now? How do we Light our planets and space that is dark within us? How do we know what we should even Light? How can we see it with the lit Eye? How we see anything. How we found the 3rd eye. Prayer. Feeling. We ask with highest Love, highest praise, highest faith, highest silent demand. Demand that is ALL OURS by right, not lowly demand of a beggar. No we need not beg if we aim to get the larger degree of wisdom. So then we may say, "GOD, Supreme, Mother, Father, Christ, Allah, Love ... Whatever we desire ... Send this Light out into my Universe and begin to Light what is for it's Highest well Being! Shine it brighter and brighter in my eye and Eye for ALL to see!" And thus sympathetic Love it is, it moves through the sympathetic nervous system in "sensations" to the body. Which are just Truly FEELING the more we accept what we feel.

That's it. You need not go to mind. Individual or Universal. The cerebrospinal system will transfer what is lit in body, or space, to mind. As your mind lights so too does Universal Mind. For ALL space is IN mind. Just as the Light of the Stars move out to Light all the things in space, even our Planet. Organs and Organisms of Universal Mind and thus we say, "The Universe is expanding!" How silly. Nothing was "expanded in mind" ... It was clearly there! Stop going to subconscious mind searching for new creation. No, GOD is behind all our thoughts. Find the Heart of GOD and merely ASK GOD to go behind your thoughts, your mind, your creation! Send the Light into what exists through the sympathetic system of Love to fill you with light, "expand your universe" and send that picture through the cerebrospinal system that ties in behind the brain, thus lighting your mind to what you THINK you created, but was already there!
When mind is lit, you have "bright ideas" ... Bright ideas begin to send you places you once saw as dark. Things start to come about and as your Love grows you more easily Light the things inside the creation that IS you, that Lights in mind the picture of you, that naturally expresses outwardly in what you do. You find you don't go to mind telling it what to create. It comes to YOU and you begin BEING things. Not knowing you had done it already! You begin to BE figured out, instead of "figuring out what to be inside" ... We've been looking back and thus working backwards. And so many things you do, or say, or how you see things, will begin to change drastically. And other minds still working in the opposite direction will say, "What are you doing! This is not how the world works!" And you reply, "Actually it is! I'm growing back into the child I always was! A child of the most high GOD!" For we were once lost working things backwards, but now we see how things are supposed to work and we've been found. Literally as the Heart has been speaking, "Don't worry, one day everyone is going to figure out what you're really all about!" That was your Heart speaking to you child! That everyone is YOU, because you are Everyone!

All Praise BE to the Mother who Light the Father!

"Backwards, forwards, side to side. Counting to 13 with open-closed eyes. We looked up, we looked down, we sought all around. We climbed trees to reach houses and crawled on the ground. But the base of our game was always at home in the center. So we ran like the students who found their true mentors. Some slid, some dove, some calmly spoke, Safe. And after all had reached it, all scattered again. Searching to share the game with even more friends. Excited as we hid, sometimes tired as we chased. But the whole time we knew where to go, that the Heart was the base."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Loves Evolution

Love's Evolution of it's Nature

There is a reason why many philosophers and teachers taught outside in a field, under trees, in Nature. There is a reason every "State" has it's bird. A reason why we call them 'states'. "There is a reason for everything!" Love cries! "I have been evolving you in every way! Speaking through everything!" Because outside, we are literally "more in our nature". We are able to receive the lower vibrations of the worms and insects we are built upon. Our Hearts more readily able to receive the higher vibrations of Mother Earth coming from Her Heart. When "outside" our bodies looking in, we are less prone to look at things personally. Love has spoken, "The birds that fly living in higher vibrations literally will "flock" to your nature, "attracted" to it, drawn to it, if your Heart be more receptive to Love's higher vibrations of Freedom." And those higher vibrations they bring will open the mind to receive them more readily. As no other animal exist with higher vibrations than birds! Love speaks this only to give light that may be benefit to this chapter of Evolution.
As Life to this very moment of receiving this vibration has been your schooling. Your True "Education" ... As the physical mind has spoken it the "Survival of the Fittest" ... It has spoke only of the physical body. A mere shell of the Being you are. And the spiritual mind has spoken to you, "It is a Mastery of all things" .... It has spoken only of Mind that creates body. But this will speak to your Heart. The last piece of Evolution of who you really are. And that is Love. A Source that moves ALL things! As you do not Master Love. Since the times of Christ we have not understood. The man of material science called Him "teacher". The religious man called Him "Rabbi". The Yogis called Him "Master" ... and was not He the greatest Doctor to ever walk among us? ... But He was ALL and yet, none of these labels. He was BEING. He was the Source Love. He was complete Evolution, thus we write, He. What does all this mean the mind asks. Love is going to help us understand if we are open to it. Because this is it's secret. Our evolved Science has told us, "Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time." Thus you cannot chase things and Accept things at the same time. You may Master the mind but you cannot Accept the Heart while doing so. That would be to send and receive at the same time. Still mind shouts, "What does this mean! It makes no sense!" Exactly! Thus Mind proves it can never Master it. No matter how still, how silent, what it wants, it can NEVER evolve beyond the Hearts beat. It can NEVER decide it's action. NEVER control it. Because it is not the Creative Being. Love is. Which comes from the Heart. The mind has told us Heart and Mind are separate. It has spoken we must "control our mind" ... No. We MUST let go. The reason our Minds have spoken the Devil "Evil" ... We say is because he lets us do whatever we please ... Mind does just this! It is the highest Truth. It simply hasn't known what "we" are. How can "we" do anything, literally forgotten in our creation? So we in our evolution have finally figured out "we" are vibrating light. So now mind thinks there is a "switch in the dark." So it speaks to us to SEARCH!  We've been searching for this now as long as our physical records show. Only Christ able to find it that we have record of. Our bodies an "Avatar" from our movies mind sees from "future us." We say until we find that switch, our Mind and Heart are divided. Divided places. Now in mind we shout, "I MUST turn that switch on!" Until we make them One; Love and Creation in the same place, in One unified source, in One unified connection we will never figure it out. Thus it has never been a matter of Mastering, merely a choice to Accept what the Heart is speaking or not. Not a choice of choices we divided and multiplied into billions, but a single choice of Accepting ALL. Of Accepting the low, middle, high vibrations. As to turn on this "switch" Love speaks of, is not a switch like the mind thinks it. It is literally a Vibration the Eye may speak of as Light. The Mind chooses to Accept as little or much of it's Light at different times, which mind alone speaks of as vibration, and we suddenly Feel, See and Hear things Truly the Heart knows the Mind must accept, to make body do what the Creator always meant. The mind struggles with this because it thinks of a "switch" as something it controls. But you don't. We "turn on" by complete Acceptance. Impossible in Mind, so we won't find it there. In past Accepting lower vibrations we have Accepted some higher vibrations in Mind and so we speak, "The light went on in my head!" We didn't control anything, we Accepted. The amount of intelligence we receive but a choice of what we Accept. The stubborn mind speaks, "Bullshit! I'm not accepting this!" Exactly! Love cries out in Love. Thus again Christ who Accepted it all spoke to the effect, "GOD prove Himself not to you, but you to He!" As the dimly lit mind instead of simply taking this in, is arguing in mind rather how Love is wording things. You are not meant to understand this! Simply Absorb it! So Love speaks out. Mind in its arguing "sensing" as if it's "too much" light to take in. So mind is "closed". Absorb and then analyze or visa versa until it becomes one. You cannot do both at the same time. Nor will Heart give more than you can comprehend! Thus showing a "strong" mind is nothing more than a focused mind. An Accepting mind. So ego says "Fearless!" But doing to do is not to open. So Christ spoke that He is meek and humble. For where your Heart is means nothing more than, "Is your mind fully on your Heart?" AND most important, "Are you Accepting it?" Because now Love unfolds the truth, if you are reading this, it is because the Supreme Vibration of Love has drawn you here FOR A REASON whatever it may be, however it came about. If "you may so choose to Accept", or not, this was given to literally "raise" your intelligence. Whether you believe it or not makes no difference. It comes to you properly as Love always does. And even if you deny it, then if Love is correct, as Love always is. Eventually, you come back and "take it in." As Love comes to us with more actions each day then the mind here can fathom! One to the next knowing if you didn't Accept it, you'll be back. For Love is Infinite Vibration that even when you deny in mind and send back, it has literally planted a seed, left a trail of breadcrumbs, or as our Brother spoke, "sparked a fire". So we move from future to past to this very moment, in ways mind does not comprehend as even the Love that wrote it did not understand why it was coming like this until just now. We continue as we look over Love's Evolution in the same manner.

We looking backwards have alway taught what happened yesterday must be built upon. Thus literally looking backwards in eye. Thus "time" has proven that the ones who "look to the future" accomplish much greater things, and also face much more criticism from mind, who as a collective are "content" looking backwards. If the collective mind understood the past, present, and future was here already, we'd not be stuck, stagnate in literally "the time we create." Mind alone cannot comprehend this by reading, mere accepting of letters. As to Accept it's vibration, one must fully Accept every page in this book. These extremely high vibrations of future that many minds will reject; because mind is still in the process previously spoken of. Looking backwards, not forward. But this Love is written in the way of the future, in how future "education" will be understood. For two reasons. It allows the writer of this Love to put it on the "material" plane of this time, so individual vibrations are raised. And then next, so whoever reads it in any form and Accepts any pieces of it, raises the vibration of themselves and thus this writing for the collective of Humanity. Which is mere vibration literally "suspended in time" to be risen with every being that Accepts as much as they can Accept over time. Because at this "point in time" this is what is to be done. Raise vibrations. Higher vibrations that are only higher Truth.
Current mind struggles dependent upon it's degree of 'consciousness' which Truthfully is Acceptance of Love. Why say Love one mind asks? Because that is the Highest collective vibrating word! Why? Yes, a Mind still may Love to ask before Accepting! Love is not offended! Because what word in the world, thus Universally to us, does not attach Acceptingly the most inclusive FEELING into it. Which is the "what" to who we are, All inclusive Feeling. Someone speaks, "Love hurts!" "Love is awesome!" "Love is sad!" "Happy Love!" "Painful Love!" It is the longest "living" word that embodies and embraces ALL Feeling. Language thus a literal "symphony" of vibrations, notes to a song. How they are put together determines the vibration they are going to put forth. Thus when you read them you FEEL a precise way. Each individual literally receiving what they can Accept, as if lower vibrations that these must stand on have not been Accepted, you cannot Accept these. Thus Heart to mind, may speak, "I cannot understand this!" It doesn't matter! It will raise your vibration either way if we Accept. As higher overtakes lower! It will elevate your higher state or help draw to your evolution things to help it Accept lower states you cling to so you Accept this. Then if needed you what? Come back to it. This is why Love asks please to not let minds perception shift these words. It is why writers consciously or subconscious "feel" not to share before a book complete often times. It's because they "feel" their own vibration and want it to come through. A higher vibration "knowing" not with ego, but with "feeling/vibration" the greatest good comes not of what others wish to hear, but literally "need" to hear. For Higher vibrations "lifts" Lower! This is part of the reason Evolution has struggled. The mind trying to literally dictate where Love goes! Collectively and individually deciding what vibrations to Accept and not to Accept. It is why rather conscious or purely subconscious, in "older days" they would burn books, alter scripts, censor words, and yes, even kill Human Beings that spoke these higher vibrations. Why? Because the collective mind was unwilling to  Accept them. And by that we mean, unable. And so what is not Accepted wholly, or Holy in spiritual, is not Accepted in physical form.
This explains why Killing was prevalent in the beginning. An excess of lower vibrations which is expected if looking from the beginning. They were merely taken in by Humanity, but not Accepted as "core" and released. Its was sent to the mind and Mind said, "I can't accept this! This is wrong!" And so Heart sent it back. Mind rejected it again. So Heart sent it back. And again and again until mind Accepted it as part of the FEELING Love is. For we are vibrating Feeling. Seen in "eye" as light, so our collective "consciousness" finally understands in our evolution.

Mind merely creating form outside "LOVE" so it can use it to feel  through forms it creates for it.

Even our Science as a whole has Evolved enough to validate much of this. And while this may be hard to "Accept"; it is the Higher Truth no less. As Christ spoke "Who lights a lamp and then keeps it hidden inside?" Send it where? Outside into creation. To not let this light out into the physical for the whole, so moving through it, is not Loves Highest form. So it must be written no matter what this mind, nor any mind "think" of it. This is what in past evolution has "driven men and women crazy" ... They literally had such a High amount of this Intelligence pulsing through them they were unwilling to release because they felt the World at large would Kill them or think them crazy, the "intelligence" so advanced. So they'd lose perception of past, present, or future inside there physical body. At times they would hold it in, and hold it in, until it came out fast and violent. Not a pretty sight among the world, surely locked away to speak the visions behind walls physically that for so long internally one had held locked away, frightened to tell anyone. Sent to live out the prison they made long before in mind. Many of our "brightest" minds currently speak very fast, because they have a large amount of Intelligence being pumped from Heart to Mind at high rates and they hurry to get it out.

It's said once Christ took a disciple aside alone and revealed some of his visions and upon return to the other disciples they begged him to share. To which he spoke, "Surely if I told you, you would stone me to death right here where we stand."  As no wonder men attached to this lower life vibration, wishing to live physically would not reveal things. If not it be Accepted from one as shared via Christ, then who be another to share this higher intelligence and not die at the hands of unlit minds? But some able to move through the feelings of others knowing the truth able to literally speak "before their time" helped elevate vibrations even often at the cost of physical death. And so Love hopes we have moved past Killing a man over what he says. Such a crude and lower act, but yet a foundation of Life itself. We see the lower forms of past and understand action of lower forms and why they continued for so long. A combination of holding onto, and not letting go, and thus not receiving higher vibrations. Those who still cling to lower forms read this and say, "Don't call me inferior! Is this what it's saying?" No. Lower in Love is actually foundation. Actually Most important. As what Pyramid or building of today live beautifully in the Heavens that posses weak lower foundation? What Love speaks to you is that you who cling to made monies, to lower language, to lower human interactions, lower "morals" you know in Heart are not wrong, simply less than, literally keeping you "stuck on the ground floor". You have not been sent back over the centuries to keep enjoying the ground floor! Love wants to take you to the Heavens! Felt in THIS Love is there must be lower vibrations One must Accept to finish in it's individual Evolution, that will benefit the whole beyond what the mass collective knows. So while small increments of perceived ego must exist, it will be released eventually as Love feels what it is. Knowing another "push" is coming. But that is for "this" Love alone to Accept and understand regardless of any others Feelings. For it is this individual's FEELING. No "one else" be connected to it 'til it Evolves into knowing it is in the Source of all Sources! Which even simply writing this and letting this come as it may is Acceptance. Literally "Not giving a Damn" what anyone thinks. For if Love held back, then one is Damning it inside!  So the Heart speaks, "Just Accept what ever comes your way!" is exact. Even as Love writes this it understands it's truth but mind struggles to control thought, that controls action. But Heart, or Spirit, grows stronger and slowly pushes on to that one necessary moment where mind lets go and Hearts vibrations take completely over in pure Feeling, never again to look backwards in Evolution unless pure Feeling directs it to. Because Mind, not completely conscious of Heart Being in it, only guesses it's capabilities. As, "Only Love knows!" The joy we ALL should embrace, is that as the Collective Source has increased, it is easier and more readily available for our individual Evolution, we just need take it and enjoy!

Our Evolution is dependent upon only one thing, Acceptance. That's it. It's the only choice we have. Accept literally everything that comes our way. What happens when you control? There is tension. Tension in a room is a breeding grown for what? As tension only leads to one thing, an excessive release! Usually  the "strongest" mind dictating! What is the "strongest" ... Some say Will or Mental Focus. This is correct. Who Will control, who Will let go. Thus we call "Power of Mind" ... "Will Power" So we find if you are "strong willed" you will find Life has put you around other "strong willed" people. And you will stay there your entire Life until you figure out it's not to Love them, you already do! Otherwise you wouldn't be so strong willed! No, Love has you there to let go, to make you see, "You know what, I am tired of this, I just want to let go." This is how Love has been Evolving the cruder elements into higher ones. Refining higher ones that held cruder elements for their "last push". The cruder is needed! No matter where they lie! Some on the top of the ground floor consciously believing it's Heaven. It matters not. Some have to be "grounded" so others can climb on top to reach the Lighter Air. Let them stay Love cries! Love them and evolve where you Feel. Enjoy the ground, middle, or up high. Just remember kindness Love asks.

The time upon us now is one where the Earth as a whole has opened up, literally a stronger "flow" of Supreme Mother's softer energy. Which comes stronger from the Earth because of the overall, or collective, higher vibrations. Some of the lower Vibrations Must be absorbed and Truthfully will be. Higher must absorb lower and Acceptance always brings more peace and "enjoyable" feeling. Think of it as such so it may be comprehended wherever mind may be.
We have been living in a dual world. With a Triangle on top of a Square. The Evolutionary process working towards making it a single triangle. Over time it has been smoothing down the sides of the square  to slant down at the exact angle to merge with the triangle. Thus this is represented in the form of decreased Violence and cruder acts. They have literally fallen away. As even as violence exists, it's not NEAR as it once was. Eventually; which Hearts are crying out "Sooner than some think!" as mind cannot tell you, you have to be "Evolved" and FEEL it ... It's going to be a unified shape. Then the last and final step will be to seal it. No longer separate. One huge Pyramid. Unified and whole. With no separation. The Heart and Mind acting as one. No more fighting will occur. Literally the "pressure" gone from bottom supporting the top, and top yelling at bottom shift over there so we don't fall.
With peace one is free to experience whatever they may like of it.
All acts respected in the only Feeling that existed, purely evolved now to always evolve... LOVE

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is the Future

That we are looking back in time with the mind is scientifically exact! Even the beautiful man known as Dr Lanza purposes who the Mind Compares to Einstein. And so we see why people are shouting, "Love is the Future!" For it literally is. It is everything for we are LOVE. We look back in what we think is "time" but where does time exist in a beautiful painting? Where can you say, "That ugly black line here that meshes beautifully with the rest to make this image was made at this time!" The mind cries I witnessed it as 2:15 pm on April 13 2007 as it happened. And so another mind argues, "NO! I was there! I believe it was 2:20pm on April 13 2007!" Another mind says, "You have created such an awkward memory as it was 2:17 and 5 seconds of that day!"

Yet the Mind using the Heart says, who does not see this beautiful painting here now?! Who cares about time! You are concerned with mind while I am concerned with the beautiful feeling I am getting from it! For why even create in the child if all you are going to do is think of it's painful birth and discuss when it happened! For when the Heart gives it to you like that, even your fighting minds feel it and speak, "That would be ridiculous!" Indeed! My Mind of Heart speaks back. Come Brothers! Forget the time. Enjoy what is. For if we lived more in moment than in the time we create. Could not we all be free! "Yes, but it is not that simple!" The mind says looking back into the past painting of all that has happened in it! Ah, and thus you prove what the Heart already knows! Fighting mind stuck in past painting, the ugly lines of dark pen that if you looked forward into it you'd see the reds and greens and bright yellows blending it. Your eye focused on the dark line drawn decades ago! And so you dwell there with feelings of sadness.
As the Loving ones around you yell, "Open your eyes! Behold the primer our Brother Christ painted! Behold the beauty of Socrates and his brethren's grace! Behold the Tesla's who brought color the blue to become green when brighter yellows met it! Behold!"
But how may one see with eyes until his Heart opens to Light mind's canvass of what is darkened focus eye cannot see with? For when the Heart lights with feelings of what's next Mind opens and begins the expand, and so too the eyes! The Mind says this is Imagination! But the Heart speaks,

"Silly child! THIS is Intelligence! Your Intelligence but a fraction of what I am speaking to you! Your  Intelligence but a remembrance of all I have given. As you look back into me and see the past, you know not your future that exists already! So you speak of the ones who come baring what they see in brighter days, of "The bigger picture" as "visionaries". You slay them like mind controlling thoughts you need not want to hear because you feel less than, taken from your own picture to greater! And so my Love laughs at this because every Mind knows the vibration and thus what a Visionary is! For what visionary that ever speaketh Loving words unto you, did not future generations see it come to pass? The greater the Visionary the longer it has taken because mind fights! Is there not humor in this? Then perhaps you need more Heart! For Loving child I speak unto you I love you! Erase me from your mind and I will come back again and again until you look and say, "OH MY GOD! WHAT BEAUTY!" And see the Future that always was and always will be. The past a thing of forgotten Mind!"

So my Beautiful family. Open your Hearts and do as we feel. Embrace what is before us. Embrace everything around. Take into your Hearts Loves message of the Future and you will see why Christ spilled His blood. For it was the Primer for the new painting of the new world. What painter know not the benefits of primer? Who dare not give glory to it or deny it's importance? Who dare say there picture will last "long" without it? What paint be placed upon it not be of it? Rejoice! If you are a dark one second, remember bright colors are coming to lighten you up! But if you do not accept them, where shall you be! Love is calling you to it's Future! Leonardo and his code but a line in the painting of GOD!

Look to the Future my family! Look to Love! Bless it in your Heart as we see the brighter lines of the Future!

GOD Bless You! Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Freedom of Love

Love Is Freedom

When you begin to Love, really Love, and Live in the Heart, Life is freedom like the Mind cannot imagine. It is something that many Hearts know and we as a whole have been moving towards. Freedom is coming and this old world is falling apart as the bonds and shackles that held it together fall away in the name of Love.
 Everything this world has known in mind is literally going to be blown up with love. The "mind blown". That we have seen it in darkness all wrong, no one dare speak against this. Because who of us the most positive and loving accepting all as they come secretly or out loud not say, "That is so senseless!"

So it is when Christ spoke, "Father will be divided against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Unlit by Love we see fighting. But when translating with the Heart we see all the scriptures there ever were unveiled. He spoke not of fighting "against". He spoke of this day. When the would not be Alike.  For how long has woman been dominated by mans world, so much that she says, "If I can't beat em, join em!" And so now she acts like man. Pushy, dominating, defensive. So that lost in his world she knows not which highly sensitive feelings to trust when if in her quiet absolute nature, she could know the soul instantly. Feel this in the Heart.

How many a man so filled with judgement and persevering aggression to remain "on top" that his Heart grown cold. For when you FEEL with the Heart you clearly see man has lacked love so long from himself, it is no wonder we find man loving man. And yet man judges that man most! As if that were the answer to cure him. So we say, "Where's the Love in that?!"
Even the most upright and positive often secretly hold their children in position they see in their own Hearts for them.
As often the silent inner strength of mind with few words from a powerful mind hold someone "in line" far more than anything else. Or they use their child's Love for their parent, "to their advantage" ... For there is nothing my child would not do for me. Love speaks this having proven it with mind. No one need argue as we are here to Love, not argue. Each will know the truth in their Heart.

How many of us have so many secret Feelings of our Heart we do not act on? How many Wife's do what they suppose they should do? How many of them do 10 things before they figure out they didn't like any to begin with? Of do a thing to find it being done all wrong, which just means without Love. As if something doesn't "feel" right, it needs more love. As much of what the world does is without Love. The few over the many. Powerful minds controlling the Hearts of many.
Companies doing things with 10 people that lovingly require 30. But who is to blame but blame itself? Because we are not more Loving we argue. We dislike. We accept out loud but in Heart we disapprove. Yet we can not be Loving until we approve in Heart! So it is we whom we must approve of first.

But people are flawed! One cries. Oh dear loved ones. People are Loving! It is the mind that is not. Do not we always come together when we must? Where in history have we not? I cry out! We are about to see the greatest coming together we have ever witnessed by the greatest dividing apart we've ever seen. Look around. The powerful minds nervous, for the mind gets nervous when the Heart guides. GOD has placed my mind among them. I know what they think and say. But it MUST happen. They cannot stop Love for it is in them as well. And Hearts Freedom brings Freedom from their burden of mind to let go of the headache they keep in their own control. And believe me it is a stronger more grueling burden then the man struggling to make his rent burdened by him. As pain is felt.

But mind shouts Christ spoke, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls." And "If Devil also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?"

And so Love translates the freedom coming. As Man's Kingdom has long been divided in Heart. Our own house divided Heart and Mind against itself saying, "I feel this, but do that." And so now it is falling. But not as mind thinks in dark empty abyss. No falling to the Heart in Love. As the mind has long been Devil alone. Your own personal kingdom will crumble as you begin to unite Heart and Mind and you shout, "I don't feel like doing ANY of this BULLSHIT!" ... And as someone looks at you funny you repeat again, "This is Bullshit!" Because there is a stench in your nose of Bull. Your Heart has not been free. Your thoughts controlled. Judgement constantly has been upon yourself by your own mind.

Again let fault be removed as to purify something you must let it all out. A beautiful positive loving soul spoke "Keep pushing, you are one "NO" from getting your "YES". Do not give up!" And in the same, "You are one Damn! Damn this all!" From removing it from your Heart and letting freedom flow! Oh how I love you family! Love knows this is Heavy on the Heart, because this matter, literally spiritual material, rests solely on the Heart. So take a moment and receive this Love! Do what you feel and move on.

How many times have you felt to leave a room but stayed because mind power of another held you there? At times you may have wanted to leave, but out of Heart, compassion, you stayed to help. This is proper principle that actually increases your vibration forever. But letting mind keep you there is detrimental. You will feel your Heart close and energy flee. What do we see in our schools? But many children held in mind to do things they Feel not to, and in truth, need not do much of it, in all Love. And so they seek playful things their Heart desires, as Children should. Or "act out" ... Of course they do! They are out of their act! For each Heart was put here by the greater power to express Love in their unique manner.

"It will be chaos the mind says!" No it won't. It will be beautiful. If the smoker would not be told by a million unloving minds with little Heart that it was wrong of him to smoke... If instead he was given LOVE of Hearts IN mind and told. "Smoke Brother! Smoke and smoke, and smoke! Enjoy it til you cannot smoke anymore!" Truly I tell you I believe in my Heart instantaneously he would never want to smoke again. Such higher vibrations of so many removing all guilt and judgment of the act from his Heart that it goes to higher mind and says, "You have no fault, smoke if you like in peace but higher acts can be done for higher Feeling." And so he seeks higher action, because who doesn't want higher feeling?

For this can happen with you alone doing this for yourself were you to accept what you do not like in yourself. Once the Heart accepts a thing and Loves it, it is only any given attempts of an action, that if it not be the highest action one can do, is eliminated from your Heart and Mind. Literally absorbed in Heart. So that even if you tried to do that action, your vibrations (or Feeling) would be so strong against it, you could not willing do it.
So that our own freedom of mind binds our freedom of Heart is exacting! In order to find what Heart is calling, you have to get out of mind-what it is doing. So has been the bonds of man. Oh you can't say "Shit". So because you "hold shit inside" you cannot release the higher expressions of Heart! Were you to go out and, "say shit" as much as you felt accepting in Heart it was fine, you'd find you wouldn't want to speak it anymore. In fact, you'd be naturally drawn to higher language!

Mind speaks, "This is no way for a man of GOD to act!" Really? Some of the greatest men of scripture were just these men! For Christ did not pick men from the temples! He knew He could not "reform" them. They too "stuck in their beliefs". Where do beliefs exist except in mind? No He knew to reform one must do it themselves. As GOD's FREE will of Love, that is Love, cannot be broken for you cannot break Love who is GOD. And so He let them do what ever they wanted. He did not tell them how to eat, what to drink, or what they MUST speak. He guided them, but even He who would judge man, did not judge them. Some of the greatest ministers, preachers and men of High vibrations were "of the streets" in their younger years. This was no coincidence. They freely rid themselves of all their lower vibrations, accepting and releasing. You MUST accept lower vibrations, words and acts, to be free to receive higher vibrations! Because logically lower is part of the high! You cannot move on until you've accepted. So we find unconditional Love is exact. And is the intelligence behind great men and women who came from nothing.

And so we find confessionals. So that the priest may absorb the lower vibrations we must get out. Love has told you how to end fault. Love is freedom but we will not be freed in Hearts higher vibrations until we end minds lower ones. And how do we raise something we do not Love? Oh how I Love thee child!  Who be a better friend to us than one who, "listens to all our bullshit"

Be freed my Brothers and Sisters! Be Free! Love is freedom. Love attracts anything with mind. Far mor than mind alone. Mind creates what it thinks. The Heart brings what it knows you need to Love! It takes you places you cannot imagine in mind. It elevates vibrations so anyone who meets you feels "what you're about"

That the old don't understand the new is only if they don't understand the Heart. Love. Love goes where it pleases. Runs where it is Lovingly called. And stops for no one if it FEELS it must move. To go, let go, embrace, and be ... This is how it will be in the future. Why not start tomorrow?

All Love. Freedom of expressions.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

From "Love's Expressions" Living in the Moment

Love is in The Moment

Love is coming. Vibrations are rising. For Love is vibration and pure vibration. The Love the world knew as Nikola Tesla shared with the us that if we wish to know the secrets of the Universe, we must think in the terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations. Feel the Good vibrations! Attune the Heart frequencies to this page. As if you can get out of empty mind and take this to the Heart it strongly lights Mind. Truly this will be one of the greatest Loves ever shared through me. Take the moment to take this in. Because once Heart opens to this there is no turning back. It is the "seed planted". The "light shown". The "frequency vibrating energy". This Love is coming to us in the form of what the mind has told you is "scientific" thought. In the Heart there is no "scientific", "religious", "philosophical" ... It is all one. All the same. Divided merely in the mind because it has only excepted certain frequencies of the Heart. Thus "sections" of the mind are lit. Literally your thoughts are sectioned, so no wonder are too; your ideas about where Love fits or doesn't. Frequencies send what? Vibrations. Vibration brings what? Energy! If you have not that energy in your mind, then you cannot perceive it in the mind. It is what? Incomprehensible. Beyond understanding. So in Biblical sense, "Lean not on your own understanding!" When you look into the Heart; science, religion, philosophy become one. What you can't comprehend becomes comprehensible. Can we take that into the Heart? Thus TRUE intelligence, is a matter of the Heart. For all matter is Love. The mind struggles with this, why? Because the mind has not received this before from your Heart! This is a new frequency of vibrations being given to you from my Heart! Rejoice! If you can receive this, then Heart somewhere has already been sending all or some of this to your mind. If not, read it anyway for what the mind does not comprehend and fights, the Heart receives through vibrations and increases your intelligence, which is merely vibration, waiting for mind to open to it, receive it, which will then light mind and you speak, "I learned something new!" With love family, no you didn't, you simply opened your mind, literally.
Science, religion, and philosophy have all been living in each moment taking in as much Heart as they could. Which is a collective vibration in what mind perceives as time. Thus Christ spoke, "You know not your time!" For if  they did, they would know time in mind is simply NOW in Heart. That what mind perceives as body, to Heart it is a tool of the mind. Mind a tool of the Heart. Heart is Creator, Universal or subconscious mind's Creative tool, conscious mind the brain's activity, which is body, which perceives through it everything we see, touch, feel, hear, taste.
Mind argues, "How do you know this?"Or, "It does not make sense to me!" Mind cannot make sense of it! Mind is nothingness. A tool.This is not to be made into a sense, it is a FEELING! A vibration. Heart is Creator. You have to first open Heart, which is Love. Love is what? Acceptance. If you are not accepting, you are not Loving. In mind you literally shut out the Heart. You are living where? In mind without Heart.
"Prove this!" The Mind shouts. Of course it does, for in endless empty space without light you yell to be heard. You cannot see I am right next to you in Love. For if you did your mind would be lit and you would not yell. So Christ spoke back to the Devil when he spoke, "Prove yourself to me! Jump and if you be the son of GOD let the angels catch you!" To which He replied, "God proves not Himself to you, but you to He!"
If vibrations were as they were today in His "time" with much more expansion of expression, or more "channels open" so to speak ... He could of openly expressed it as this which is one in the same.
Love showing you Devil is mind without Heart, unlit. So unto mind who speaks, "Prove this!" To which Heart reply, "I don't need to prove this, you prove it. I am not here to prove things. I am merely a channel of Love's frequencies. Let the ones sent to the labs prove this for us all. Let you prove it in the greatest lab of all, with the greatest Creator of all! The Heart!" For what is GOD other than a complete Oneness of "Mind, Body, and Soul!" What is Soul but the Heart, for the Heart is Love and Love is all there is. Is your Heart not there? Why would you ask your Heart to prove it? Thus GOD need not prove a thing. Only your mind need prove it and listen to your Heart. As until it does the "Devil" will question everything!
One replies with often a smug look, "Then how do you know this?"
"I just do!" Where? "I know it in my Heart!" For the Heart has been speaking silently to the mind for centuries. And what it has been saying is materializing as our frequencies increase and accept higher vibrations.
The mind alone speaks the vibration here and says, "Your mind is all over the place! Philosophical love, religious scriptures, scientific references now... I can't accept this!"
Ha! My Heart is all over the place! Because where does love not exist except in the limits placed upon the mind! The days of doing what pleases the mind are over. Take this to Heart. The "time" is NOW! The error of science working merely in mind is over. Already there are Hearts who have opened up and are exploring this through Loves expression we call science. They are receiving in their Hearts and lighting in their Minds that we have had it all wrong. Intelligence is of the Heart. The brain does not tell the Heart what to do. The Heart tells the brain what to do. We've had it backwards because we're literally thinking backwards! We have not received this intelligence because our receivers, our Hearts, have not been received, controlled by mind. Mind not been accepting. Heart should control the mind! You cannot perceive what you do not receive! A child knows this! Every mind lit by Heart to this realization. The Heart has made this known to the mind. So accept this in Heart.
The Heart takes a thing in. If it accepts it fully, which is to LOVE unconditionally, it sends it to the Subconscious Mind which is infinite blank space. If the mind accepts, fully open, it is complete now, thus Mind. It then places it in conscious mind which is the brain, which then lights up a section of the brain which if hooked up to your scientific machine, lights up the screen and confirms that section of the brain is lit. It is no longer dark in all matter of understanding. So on the physical it promotes action of this Love. It is Materialized. If the subconscious is not fully aligned with the frequency of it's Heart it may act only partial. This is what we term as "error". We say our machine is  malfunctioning. It's broken. How ludicrous. Your machine is fine! It needs only adjusting! Only the frustrated mind yells at the Heart, "You're not working!" No! You need to what? OPEN YOUR MIND! The Heart says "I FEEL she wants a soft kiss." The mind merely not fully open, denying what the Heart has sent, or picking up other frequencies around interpret "Blow her a kiss." So this is sent to the conscious mind which working receives it, materializes it by sending the energy created by vibratory frequencies to the corresponding parts of the body; which we could term machine or conscious mind's tool. It moves the proper parts, your hand to the mouth and you blow a kiss. The thought that you should of kissed her is simply a backwards action of the process seeing what the Heart Felt. If you linger on this thought you are now thinking backwards. As the Heart has moved on and trying to show you new Feelings. For every moment in which the Mind perceives as seconds are NEW. We are not meant to question in mind what just happened. Only experience and act. When we perfect how we go about this process, we will have no perception of time. We will not remember what the mind spoke moments ago. We won't remember what happened nor care to remember, as each new expression building on the next. I know. This is not believed in the mind! Because it cannot be. Not until Heart takes it in and permanently lights it. Thus, "The light just went on inside my head!" We Now say, Of course! The Heart is NOW. Beautiful is it not? Take this to the Heart!
Many indigenous cultures all had the calendars stop at the 2012 position in "time". Why? Because they, unlike the Western world of dominantly mind alone, lived more in Heart. They knew what was felt. That in 2012 the world would enter into the vibratory frequency that could receive the Heart on a global scale. And when we begin to do what is placed here, Live in the Heart, the moment, time begins to end. So that we in mind alone shouted, "The end of the world is here!" We actually speaking what the Heart secretly spoke for ages, "Your time as you know it is over!" That time seems to be speeding up in your life, passing you by, is because for so long we have lived without Heart, without Love as a whole. NOW is Hearts moment to take its proper role. And mind is scurrying about trying to figure it out! What happens to a hurried mind? It makes things "speed up". Perhaps even frantic. If Life begins to appear frantic, fret not, you've been given the answer in your Heart! Rejoice. Relax, live in the moment and slow down! :)

To Live in the Heart, the moment, is the secret to the successful man. Something happens and he sees no error. He says in early years, filled with love for life, vibrations flowing in body, "Oh, that didn't work, move on, adjust, receive what my Heart is telling me properly!" Thus he "Lives in the Moment". He sees no error. Thus he appears to be successful to the eye. For he is! He is doing what the Heart is telling him. Then in his later years his success begins to become less apparent as he says, "This is what I did 10 years ago! I was successful then, why isn't it working? Where is my success fleeing me?" He has gone back into his mind, out of his Heart. Doing what his Heart spoke ages ago with his Heart on past success, past things. But his Heart mastered or lit that in his mind and is trying to move on! His vigor leaves his body. His Life literally escapes him. He sees himself as old. Why? He is living in an unlit mind because the Heart is not there to light those areas but new ones! Who lights a torch already lit? He is gloomy and see's gloom about him! "GOD said I renew ALL things!" Who that does what his Heart desires does not FEEL more lively? Our science can prove all this to a degree, but none more than the Heart, Mind, and Body. For it is the Creator's highest expression. Are we listening to our Heart? Are we living in it and not in the mind without it? Are we moving forward in Heart? The Heart wants to light your WHOLE mind. Not partially. This is why we have "bright spots" in our life, and places we "lack". Science speaks, we barely use a fraction of the brain. I yell in love, "You barely receive a fraction of what your Heart speaks to it!!!" Right now the mind is trying to comprehend this, how to do it. It cannot! Only the Heart knows. So it has been telling us throughout the ages "Just let go of the mind!" But still we stay in it. We say, lets evaluate it with machines it itself has made. Lets observe it. Lets take it somewhere to sit in silence until we Master it. HA! That is fine if that is what the Heart is saying. Then surely you do it. But if Heart is saying, "Go out into the fields and run!" Then that will be much more a benefit then forcing your body into a corner to sit still while you try to clear the mind that without Heart is pure blank emptiness that will never be lit or figured out. For there is no Feeling in nothingness. It literally is nothing! I don't feel anything the Yogi says. Does anyone believe that in their Heart? In mind yes, it is nothing! Not to Feel is to not Live. Only when the Heart stops, brain shuts down, and body is limp are we without feeling. We are termed "Lifeless". But this is only temporarily seen on this plain. Our energy back into the pool of conscious energy to literally be "reformed", risen, and brought back! As science proves the soul as energy is infinite. So all major three expressions of Love confirm each other. No one actually "dies" as the mind sees it. For the Heart sends out in Love, "You are eternal my child!"
"This is too much to take in!" The mind says. For literally this is an extremely high vibratory frequency from Heart to Mind and the mind is struggling to open up enough to receive what has just opened in your Heart! It is "normal" so to speak. But the Heart knows what to do. It reads your mind, thus scripture speaks, "I, GOD am behind your every thought!" The Heart will trickle or flow this light into your mind as each individual Heart FEELS in precise accuracy the capability of each individual Mind to receive. Never to overload it! Thus "GOD will never give you more than what He has put into you!" It is a perfect machine on the physical because it is perfect in the spiritual! Barely can I contain the FEELING the Heart pulsating to the mind! My own mind fighting to keep open to receive this. Taking a break to walk in the park before I finish. Going to post it here online well before my book is finished because it's such an amazing Feeling.

Only the immature mind takes a thousand dollar piece of equipment that is not working properly and throws it on the floor and kicks it, smashing it to pieces! No, simply adjust it! So Love asks you, what are you doing with your priceless machine? One more valuable than any on Earth is it not? Are you, "Beating yourself up over things" that didn't go perfect in Mind? For that's all they are! Things, not Being as you! Are you going "back into your mind" trying to figure out what you should of done different? Your perception of "error" is actually causing more of the same. For until you listen to your Heart you will not see the correction you seek.
"Oh I will do that next time!" Do what? Do what the Heart told you it felt in this moment; in another moment where it feels something different? Answer that with Heart and it vibrates in your mind as ludicrous.
If you read this over and over again with mind, you are literally, "Reading too much into this." Read it over and over with the Heart and you'll absorb it. It will "make sense" ... It will "open your mind". Because the stronger it vibrates in Heart, the stronger it goes to the mind with ability to open it. And what many don't comprehend is when we absorb, we give out! It literally increases the vibration of what has been written here, making it more powerful. Better received. More easily absorbed by stubborn minds. The loving beautiful man known as Dr. Robert Lanza, considered one of the top most scientists in the world, among others he works with, have scientifically demonstrated this process. That when divided and sent to different points in existence what is done to one half of a cell, or molecule, as I paraphrase; happens to the other half even at great distances. That at times it actually happens FIRST to the portion that is not acted upon before the action actually is done to the other half. Again this is about Love as I am here to do just that. Love does not prove! You prove your mind can hear your Heart!
When we take all this to Heart we find it fundamentally sound when we hear the words, "Relax, live in the moment." It will dissolve the idea of time, space, and yes, error. Judgment. End fault. Truly free us into Love! What a wonderful world we live in! :) Rejoice and GOD bless that these loving vibrations reach the Mind properly, through the vibration of the Heart! Love is this VERY MOMENT!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spiritual Ego

Here's an important realization to take to the Heart, NOT the mind, for it has no business with the mind before it reaches the Heart. Even many wonderful spiritual teachers stay blind to this consciouss. They disregard this form. The say we are purely light, not this form. The disregard form. Some say all this pain around me is merely an illusion. These forms mean nothing. Etc, etc. "My purpose is only to return to the light, this form is always meant to disappear and there for means very little or even nothing." But beloved brothers and sisters, is not this form GOD as well? Why create it at all then? Is our spiritual ego so exalted that we think GOD incapable of teaching us without form? To give little regard to form is just as much spiritual ego as the man who exalts his body over his spirit. Is not "I have come to Earth merely to learn a lesson" speaking of the spiritual ego the same as the man saying "I come to learn this business so I can be great"?

If before Christ it was believed greatly that the soul is and always has been eternal, why then even speak, "The last great enemy to be defeated is death!"

Some reply, it means to overcome the fear of ending form. Yet form, like all things GOD, does not end. It merely SHIFTS form. 

Consider in your Heart that the tool and the creator are one. That if the tool is imperfect it is only because the creator has not mastered it's own tool. That the more love, respect, and devotion he gives to perfecting his tool and the less judgment and disregard he gives to the tools he views as imperfect, the closer he is to becoming one and everlasting harmony with it. The form may change, the form WILL change. But be here always none the less.

It is why Christ said he will return not to Dissolve form, but to help improve it permanently. 

Embrace in our Hearts all form and experience all form without the thought of like or dislike, but if those thoughts come accept the as well and love them just the same and see what begins to happen. To avoid a thing is not to experience it. Oh I only love high notes, the low ones are not as pleasant. Well then play your music and see how limited it is.

The beauty of it all as has been shown through me is the low notes have been played for centuries by many of us willing excluding the high. And visa versa. Now the old must learn to accept the low and move on, and the new must learn to accept the highs into their lives and move on.

I love you in all regards

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dissolving Seperation Inside Our Mind

Here's the secret>>>

We cannot be depressed all of the time. You can't be excited all of the time. You can't be in neutral all of the time. These are not centered every being actions. Or in perhaps in other words that resonates with more mass consciousness ... when you go somewhere in your car, you must reverse, drive forward, neutral, and park. If you are only one and not all, you cannot get to your destination.

What we always can be ALL of the time is LOVE. Then when we LOVE constantly no longer do we find any difference in any of these actions we see as separate. We find though they seem different they are one SINGLE creative experience.

We don't say to someone: "I reversed, pulled forward, neutralized at some lights, traveled at different speeds, and came to a stop at Jimmy's house today."

hahahaha ... we simply say, "I DROVE to Jimmy's house today."

Why then would we separate our emotions and think them different from one another. Is not the body the vehicle of our spirit?

ONE LOVE... I Love You