Wednesday, March 26, 2014

From Gideon Price's - Material

When we stop taking things "matter of factly" we start to see what is behind our Matter... We understand "what's the matter" ... We find TRUTH instead of all this "proof". Our science is finally "coming out" to the "fact" that all matter is NOT solid and completely dependent upon conscious perception. 

Now we just have to concur perception VARIES from individual to individual and instead of "debating" theories that are 'allowed' to be spoken  ... "Master Bating" ... We can focus more on speaking of and acting out wild dreams until they "work out" ...

Think about this. The greatest scientists in the world are now beginning to agree that nothing comes together UNTIL at least ONE person (or part of the whole consciousness) focuses on "the {matter} at hand." That things are not "solid" at all, it's mere polar opposites of magnetic "repulsion" that makes us see or observe it as such. That reality is nothing until we give it form.
Yet many of those same brilliant minds will not speak of things until they have a way to start to "prove" the theory.

Many in the scientific community now openly admit that the "failure" of science in past was to omit the conscious viewer from the equation. That this was the KEY element so to speak. Our crutch came as we lacked natural support. Is it so unreasonable to believe we must start SPEAKING an idea of a perception before it can BE? "Speak it into existence!" If it did not form before we viewed it, perhaps it cannot be viewed as energy we can form without first imagining and stating it so! That we must begin to DREAM that it FIRST can BE ... Before it may ever "BE OBSERVED" ... We know this is not a "NEW" concept, but science will be the one to put it altogether. In every sense. Read on.

That in fact "Science Fiction" has INDEED possibly been as beneficial to our science, as the "logic" we say it "Must Stand On!" Is not the "crazy" imagination a MUCH Higher logic? Above the lower logic of mass logic? As name a single thing that we take as simple mass logic now that was not deemed crazy being spouted out of the imagination by someone outside of the "masses." Name one? That we discredit or refuse to discuss ANY idea, no matter how far fetched, is the very ludicrous mainstream thinking that our Science has made itself victim of. BE even bolder Little brother. Who is going to tell the World none of us are crazy when we believe! You are. 

Our highest LEVEL of the consciousness is BELIEVING IMAGINATION on MASS scale. That is, simply ... The mass thought of the World simply BELIEVING a thing to BE. This would provide instant "materilization" or "Material" to be veiwed, examined or perceived. It would give us "the things added" that we can then observe with the other levels of consciousness, sight, smell, hearing, etc. 

"Not true!" some One of US feels. What "idea" is believed more than "I can't have wealth why my neighbor is poor!" We are not here to point fingers but Science calls it out as it is because science wants Answers! SOUL-Utions! Has religion, mainly Christianity, not twisted and misconstrued a message and spoke in past we should give all we can give to others? Without clarification! So past generations and even some today have given our baby away before it could speak. And now it speaks a foreign language alien to our TRUE langauge. Missing OUR experience. Our conscious perception; so this world alien to us. And so is not poverty seen in material everywhere on this Earth? Mass belief, mass materialization! 
My colleagues and I are often not "religious" ... Some even repenting the word itself.
But a man only needs to hear the story of Jesus to be conscious that he had NO LIMITS ... A simple message of, "Don't value "stuff" more than human experience because every experience is YOUR experience. For things come in equal opportunity! Throw the line in, you may get fish, you may get coins, you may get both, but either way you're going to eat!" 
Twisted into the idea of, "Don't become too rich in money and possessions or you're a damned sinner!" An idea the science of mind, psycology, will tell you buried in millions, perhaps billions, of people's consciousness, actually buries FAR more in poverty than the relatively few who consciously choose to value possessions over human experience. This is simply a clear marked "X" ample in portions; of where the TRUE solution lies.  

This is not a criticism ... The best scientist never criticizes. This is simply shared IN TELL. This is a pat on the back for Little Brother science who may be immature in his infancy, but at least he is coming out, speaking what he must BE CONSCIOUS of in order to advance his craft! OUT Craft his old craft! So we can join Beings in the vast space of the Universe instead of confined to this 3 Dimensional Perception, void of imangination. Our science is beginning to be the little brother that brings the WHOLE family together! By coming out GAY as can BE! And calling out his stubborn old uncle Religion, his hippy sister Philosophy, his crazy Aunt psycology, and all his relatives making more relative laws, theories and probable possibilities. 
They have said he's the red headed step child, weird, "experimenting" with things outside their comfort zone. Truth be told he and his friends have been in the basements, the woods, the "mad labs" EXPERIENCING things that if they simply TOLD the family, they would try to shut them all up, drug them up, or lock them out and/or up. But the boy is getting brighter ... More colorful, more established in the family as a contributor! Convincing his friends to support this idea and losing the "posers." And now he's almost ready to simply, "Say whatever the fuck he feels like saying!" Without fear of any of that. Because all science has done is gradually pick apart the old falsehoods of personal nature and bring together ALL the family in a more Universal nature.

Science is stepping back into the mind of a child in it's youth that it is, and as it moves closer to openly speaking all it's imagination to the "public" without fear of scrutiny, quite frankly not giving a DAMN what anyone "thinks" any longer ... It is opening that door, as a child, to the higher kingdom of the Universe. This is what matters now. The family is going to have to let go of all it's teachings as this child is on the verge of telling EVERYONE what many of the family has already begun to be conscious of, NOTHING is out of bounds! But EVERYTHING will be "out of bounds" when we begin speaking of what is bound up NOW! We "think", in general, we must see it to believe it. So our "reality" has shown that many people have "a hard time believing it" and things are slow moving to materialize. That the greater thinkers have turned not to the general people because generally we're misunderstood! The mass population not understanding our "obsessions" ... Not obsessions, observations! So you criticized us no matter where or what we've done. Whether it's building in the basement, or working for a government willing to give support our neighbors were not! BUT we are shifting our conscious whole to understanding it was backwards, lowly thinkers we've been. And no one is more excited than our scientists! We are tired of working in the closets! Tired of being judged as playing GOD. YES! You hypocrite of old! We are NOT PLAYING! We ARE created in his image? No? Let us be! Believe then see!
And so my passion, imagination, is in energy. That the truth of extracting greater energy lies in the highest level of consciousness, and we believe that is the imagination of high intentions. Energy that no ONE will be able to control. Because what I am going to propose will not be FOR one ... This energy will be for ALL! When you begin to get into higher energies your fear goes away, it has too! You have complete understanding it is uncontrollable! It's self regenerating and self governed. 

And so It's already begun my son. Pick up the new science books and throw out the old limited ones. Try it. It won't be called fiction for very much longer... Consciousness sitting on its very verge! Your little brother about to push you!


-Gideon Price  "Material" 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


SUPREME OFFERINGS: In Gamer Fashion: This is for my gamers. One of the most popular "genres" of games are first person shooters! And why not. It puts the gamer in the ...

In Gamer Fashion

This is for my gamers. One of the most popular "genres" of games are first person shooters! And why not. It puts the gamer in the driver seat. A "first person" perspective. And you can shoot everything. Who doesn't want to "blow up the world" in a higher sense! Everyone just wants to "shoot straight" without judgement.

And so anyone who has played these and the "experts" will tell you the key of the controls, the "mastery" of your "character", comes from a natural inverted FEELING of HE/SHE who simply MOVES the controller. They are not controlling it, simply moving it. For those of Us who have never played ... One JOY stick moves in one direction. The other JOY stick is inverted, or moves the opposite way. So the one that LOOKS is opposite. Up is down, down is up...

This is merely a replica of how our consciousness often plays and moves our body, our "controller". Our stick of JOY. The outside one we say, "Keep your head up! Look to at the upside! Don't look down!" ... But the inner JOY stick is Inverted! It is opposite! For many, many years we have not understood! So this generation of gamers tells you! "No bro, it's inverted!"

We want to "look up" with the Third Eye, the inner Eye. Look up at mind to see what's going on. We're all discombobulated! We're trying to control things. "Your JOY stick is fucked up son!" The one of this generation tells you! "That's not how it works. That's why you don't MOVE as quick as me!" He speaks.

What is up outside is down inside! Look to your Heart. The inner Eye must look down to move 
things! What moves your sight is in the Heart, not the mind! If you want to move down and look down the JOY sticks move opposite of each other! There is balance! There is unity in diversity! 

Can One receive this? Many, many, many principles shown here. You can move all about the entire "map" of the game and see nothing going on if not moving the inner JOY stick properly! With balance. When we "invert" properly, we can be a "master chief" and "own" everything! My gamers grasp that on ALL "levels!" Who wants to help me get my game up? Hahaha. One always getting owned when I play! Sometimes a master player, sometimes a master observer. Always a master in some way.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Excerpt from "Love is Release" -- The Little Book of Love

Love does not hold us in bondage. Love Accepts and releases. Love does not Judge. If we all this time had thought of our existence properly, with Love, we'd see it for exactly as what it is. A BIRTH! We have been Birthed, and our physical evolution a "mirror" shadow of the spiritual. And so "engrossed" in the beautiful Birth and like a Mother not wanting to lose the vision of the baby, not wanting to see it grow up, we cling to the cruder elements of it's release! So the Mother's Heart speaks, "I don't want to see my child grow up!" Not Accepting and letting go the cruder elements parents should. Remove the sac covering our eyes! Cleanse the fluids from us! Cut the umbilical cord! Love is Release from Birth to the death we see only now. For as we release the crude, one cannot imagine the greater. Woman Love speaks to you here as you have the greatest to release. Far more closer to the Heart than Man. You have been abused in this world, not designed as he to "see through it". Or so it has been engrained into the "conscious whole" ... Only because the belief of Outer strength has been given dominion. But we now know the woman closer to the nature of the Mother is stronger. And so many a ruler has been directed by a woman behind the scenes. But we are looking to give up control! For this is the struggle we aim to release. Many a woman has held more judgement at Heart holding onto the creation of man. For your Heart holds judgement of self, and your sons, designed to Love Creation! As Love has spoken you birthed the Father! It can be no other way! No wonder many mothers turn to Woman, for where has Man's Love gone? This is said in Love to free you! Not judgement man has placed upon you! Feel the Love beautiful mother of now. Love speaks softy here in Her tones. Love will address man as only man can in Love. For Love must end and thus begin this way. Listen here with Love beautiful woman. Cry freely. Throw this page at the wall. Do what your Heart feels but please read what has happened here as we release this Love! We must be conscious of "a"dress before we can undress. Becoming Naked in our natural essence. Love suggests, In much of the Mother's Heart she has held her sons in her creation and suffered double the lower pains of birthing Love. Less than Higher she is. She has perhaps not wanted to let go of the beauty and innocence, purity of her child. For what is truly more beautiful than new creation one asks? And so she has seen her sons grow into Mankind, but that's all we have become mother. A kind of man. Not the Man you dreamed us to be! For keeping us in your eye as a child, we have not received all your light, your expanded focus. Thus mother your men have grown in stature acting out like the child you hold in your Hearts! Mother how can we, your creation, create as you have designed us to do, without your full light within it? Our matter dark and unlit with only a fraction of your Light giving it Life, and so you find us only a fraction of what we will be! BE when we are MAN! Your sons now only a "Kind" of man. Mother I cry, I will always be in the Heart of you, as your Heart is in me! But I cannot always be your little baby and act like a MAN! Let us go Mother. Let us become the Father within the Father you created! Let us BEcome Men and end the painful judgments we have placed upon ourselves frustrated trying to create in the darkness without your full Light and Blessing placed inside our Hearts that will Ignite our Minds! Frustration you have had to FEEL far beyond us, unconscious of all the pain we bring ourselves and greater unto you. Let us go! Release us and the new son... The Son of Man ...not a kind of man will come forth!

As man was born Mother has kept her eyes on the newborns cries, "No keep them in!" On it's looks "No it must look like this! Do not change!" On it's actions, "No don't do that!" On where we go. "Where are you going!" "Let me do that for you!" "Follow the ways of your fathers who are but boys!" Mankind screaming, Mother let go! Let us Go! Do you not see we only speak to others this way Now! That we have only done what has been done upon us in past?

Love is here to tell you the Mother has heard our cries and so She writes through me. And She is "addressing" Mankind as well for as She releases him, he too must release many things if he is to better his creation here on Earth. Release him and release your Love upon him without Judgement. For man's harsh judgment he releases on you will end as the collective Heart of this Mother World cuts the umbilical cord that binds him. Be strong and do not take it to Heart as you have. For Love here feels your pains and calls to you, Release it! But too release judgement of him, because no wrath be harsher upon him than a woman scorned, the Heart has spoken. Listen with your Heart! Release the Feelings as they come! For what you think will do you harm will do you good if you take this to the Heart. Do what we FEEL.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014



We have been working with our back to LOVE. So Love has spoken we thus have for so long "work backwards". And so Am God becomes Dog Ma. But NOW we say, "So long!" and in Grand Finally move passed the past. And so Love gives this.

Man's Best Friend

I came a puppy, tail between my legs.
I yelped, scratched and chewed at toys upon the edge.
I rolled, lied and stood barking to pat my head.
I chased the neighborhood cats until they fought back or fled!
I often times went belly up so only to receive affection!
Tail between my legs with eyes to calm angers reflection.
The home I protected and let it be known when anyone came to enter.
My instincts always showing you EXACTLY how each Heart was currently centered!
The children they came and I always kept them entertained.
For I always lightened their Hearts from the schools where they were trained.
I licked, I cuddled, I constantly meddled in Love with you always.
I came when you called and went the other way when you asked ...
And always came back again BEFORE the sadness past.
For I felt your sorrow but was never afraid.
Because in your lap was the greatest rest my head ever laid.
I ran, I fetched, I played dead to make you feel alive!
I ate, I joked, I comforted when you cried.
I hunted for that bird you sought to Be in the sky!
I followed you everywhere and never asked why!
Storms came and sometimes I would hide.
But it was only to see if I had rubbed off on you by you coming to rub me.
They called me a dog but became the best friend I could BE.
They called me dog but hopefully I turned it around.
And with all the "chaos" I may have caused now silent in sound.
They spelled it dog but read it as you look back.
And see what was shown through all of my acts.

From My Book


You are NOT lost. If you believe to be so, rejoice! LOVE has found you and so found is LOVE! Higher Love of Self. This is not ego, not pride, not any lower intention speaking. No money is sought, fame, pats on the back. No, what is "sought" and sure to come are the higher forms of those Loves. Prosperity, Accepting friendships, Loving magnetism, and things far greater that come about with Higher Intentions. So spoken here is to my brothers and sisters who FEEL they don't fit in. Love is here to tell you, that's a GOOD thing! The system is not broken, it's in shambles. Love is not here to fix it, to tell you how to fit into a system that has never worked... Love Liberates! Love Inspires! Love speaks all the old things you were told that FELT wrong, were not wrong... merely wrong for us the Heart cries. A lesser established Love and teaching of that Love pounded into our minds. Someone holding our head so the eye would stay focused on the Light of the bathroom, forced to watch people "shit and get off the pot" ... Oh when this One began to write this he could not imagine where it would take him. So throughout you may feel the pains of shackled opinions and beliefs being removed of more personal nature, but written from the Heart for ALL Hearts this is! For as I found Love once lost in myself, a renewed Love for ALL rose up, like ashes bonded together in water. We are stuck with each other! Come, come as you are my children! My brothers! My sisters! No judgement is found here! Let us speak our Hearts. Let us speak of what we FEEL coming tomorrow. As it IS as it was spoken long ago, the Children born into this "generation" we be the ones to inherit GOD's kingdom! They will be the ones who spread this message like no others! The "Elders" awakened here for support! Truly Love speaks, watch as the Hood is risen again! Lost family, we are not here to make "tune-ups" anymore. We're here to completely remake this World. It's coming. Love is in the Air. It's time to spread the word, a NEW gospel once again! One this NEW generation can believe. Tired of believing "the same 'ol shit" the stench stale in our nose ... Spread the word brother, feel it sisters, and watch the continued elevation of language, art, thought, and Love continue to be lifted Higher and Higher! As things fall apart! Fall as only they can, in Love.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Heaven on Earth

We feel down but just look up! The Heavens lie above and not below, for the Air we breathe sends life to Earth. Grounded in Love given from beyond the stars we reach for! Oh how we look down at the ground. The concrete we create. Our Hard heads paving streets in black. But walk into nature and look again! The grass, the trees, the flowers, the abundant beauty within the soil of GOD! Filled with and cycling Oxygen BACK to us! The very air of the Heavens! Is not then Heaven ON Earth? Where do we place the eye then? Where are we looking? We feel a slap, turn the other cheek. Not to be slapped on the other side. No the hand of GOD is on that side. Move away from the painful hand of the lost man beaten by himself so he slaps others. Move into the land of the Lord! Move the eye towards what GOD destined for you! Move towards the encouragement he has for you! For me! For us all!


The quality of respiration comes not OF the lungs! It comes OF the Inspiration the Heart pumps out through the entire being! 


The Chosen One

Was born of an energy not of man. Was born via the sky of energy we can not see. Seamen only a physical respresentation of what we call, masculine energy. And so this energy created the boy. And the boy was just like us only with a "purer" energy. One that could see greater through the murky veil of this forgotten energetic world. One that was "drawn" in that time, to what was to be done of Heaven. A heightened consciousess ... As the higher energy that created him was a "sign" so to speak of. And so the collective consciousness agreed that there would be such a one at this time, but they had forgetten, as was also agreed upon they would. And so it was essentially a "random" drawing of the ONE that agreed to be the One of the ONE, to come remembered at a forgotten time ... It was not as glorious as so many "imagine" ... Like the long lost elder brother who comes home after a "battle" and no one remembers him.
And so ... When the time was right for him to "Come Home" he was sent into the wilderness. And so it was for him to recieve the energy of ALL that he had agreed to be to raise the vibration of the whole. And so he went out into the wilderness and let go of any remenants of beliefs he held and when he was about to leave THIS world ... The energy came down from the sky. In his pain he had called his father to him. His father made him "reborn" ... And "remembered" of ALL that he was. In this Life, and ALL Lifes. So that no mater WHERE he was, he was ALL he was. And so it was destined always. And could be no other way. For ALL agreed upon it before ALL created this world. For we are ALL in many worlds, many places and once again a time will come when the energy will come down and one by one make us ALL remember. All come into ALL we are. But it begins by BEING who you agreed to BE. As it was chosen at random and agreed upon who we would be on these Experiences, and we have free will to change that at ANYTIME, but we must change it at the DEEPEST level, or we are merely fighting against OUR SELF and find OUR destiny a painful one. Pain we agree we wish to no longer remain IN!!!! So embrace Life! As the One and many other One's reminded us... It is not the THINGS we should cling to, but the quality of the Experience each thing brings. And so we find the Way, the Door, the Truth which to enter into our consciousness! BE what excites you! Look up! Believe in HIGHER energy. BELIEVE in what's coming without expecting HOW it comes! BELIEVE at the "time" we agreed upon something "better" ... Which is a Higher Consciousness revealed! Believe in BEING greater than we are conscious of at reading, or it's only logical you will not see the Being until you do. We do not wish any longer to meet with pain of negative forces all around us that BEING to then REMIND you of who you are. Instead see that Being come as if from Heaven to Earth to share with you OPENLY who you are, as was also agreed upon. This is the message of the One, and ALL the One's that ever came. For we can see openly OR choose the other. It is our gift.

Kindest Regards

We ABSOLUTELY Change the World

That you change the world is an exacting principle. Literally ... You change the world. Infinite worlds of infinite expressions. Thus you smile and are kind and the face next to you changes to a smile ... You just "changed" worlds .... The fact if they don't smile "immediately" is just a reflection of your belief about space and time. If you BELIEVE  there is "space" between you ... And it will "take time" ... Then there will be a "lag" between your world and theirs. You'll move away from each other ... Create the space. And in time, they will smile. It's that simple.

LET GO of the belief of space and time ... And thus they smile when you smile. As their world and your happy one you CREATED with your smile, is now one in the same. As there is no "space" needed between you. And it takes no "time" because time does not exist when you do not Believe ... So we again reiterate ... What you Believe is NOT reality ... But your Beliefs MAKE reality.

One Luv.