Thursday, August 22, 2013

An Experience

Tonight's Special Share:

I rarely speak about personal relationships unless its my children. Peoples faults lie in making life personal thus unable to grasp Universal. But this instance and experience with this friend is the best example of principle EVERYONE must come to understand if they ever wish to be happy and successful to a large and consistent state. My dear friend... His personality can be harsh or hard to swallow. I read a quote one day that put him in perspective for me that read, in my own words, 

"Sometimes supreme power places abrasively strong and powerful people in our lives to sand away our own rough edges." 

And personality aside, he is the most powerful and driven man I have ever met. Regardless of his methods, I'm quite keen to the inner power he garners. Sometimes people ask where I get my words and thoughts from. How am I so smart? Etc. Certainly not the schooling I got bored with and abandoned. Certainly not the handful of books i read, though a few friends have written words to inspire me. Certainly not the culinary school i never attended. Certainly not any so called superiors who thought themselves supreme and great teachers ... Perhaps teachers of how not to do things. No, the answer is simple. How all great men, such as my friend, gain power and intelligence...  Through loving passionate observation. Through unwavering confidence but openness that better can come at every second in anyway. And so as we both observe each other constantly as great men of loyalty and friendship do, looking to absorb the strengths of each other .... I have come to understand this from him. So I now share.

He quit often shuts people out. He very rarely listens to any concerns and definitely not complaints. So extreme to the point I see people wonder if he has any compassion or sympathy. Even I have questioned at times, a man who is also very hardened on the exterior by the profession I have worked in for so long ( a requirement). I used to think that perhaps at times he was being cold. That perhaps he should give more consideration to what seemed to be legitimate concerns by some. That perhaps he was maybe a little out of touch. I am not the judge of anyone so I focus on me and just observe how things play out for him, myself and others. Then come to conclusions when answers become present. And so I feel some have, so I share with all, that we may gain understanding and better ourselves.

To put it bluntly, he's absolutely correct with his actions. I'd go as far as to say he probably listens to a little more than he should. The simple fact is most people are so far from the truth, so weak in power to accomplish even the small ideas they have (as great as they might be in theory) ... That's all they are, a theory (with proven validity) that they cannot prove. Most people lack the focus and positive happy thinking to make it through a single day without complaining about a minimum 10 instances. Most people are so weak in mind because they think backwards instead of forward. It is the plague of the Earth. And if we so know this, what then, must we ask ourselves, is the result of sympathizing with someone sickened with the plague? Surely if we hold them in close to us, if we let our defense down and hold all that they are within us because of loving sympathy, we meet the plague as well. It is not to say it is wrong to love them. Or even to sympathize. But to be surprised when the plague finds us, or at the very least healthy but drained from our immune system fighting off such a plague, is nothing short of ludicrous to be surprised. It is exhausting and spiritually draining dealing and sympathizing with lesser grown spirits who moan, complain, take in the ills and immaturity of others. It is counter productive to the whole, the team, the ideal to let any of it in. I have come to this conclusion by growing my own power to new heights. By building within me something greater and seeing the effect upon myself by being more sympathetic than he. I have seen first hand how much energy even the smallest gripe, smallest ego driven thought, smallest bit of jealousy can drain or tie up that would otherwise do great things. In perspective on outlet used to power a 3 inch Mp3 may also power a 70 inch flat screen TV. Depending entirely upon what you, rather WE plug into it.

It is not a mistake or luck or any of the such my friend is successful in anything that he does. Nor is it coincidence that others around him have but a smidgeon of the kind of success and power he does. It is purely how each thinks. It is purely what each ALLOW into their mind. And at the end of the day, the masses of people who may think different of him, barely able to comprehend all that the man is, who don't know and understand him as I do... Not only as a man, but in principle of thought ... Don't know as I do he is one of the most loyal, loving, honest, genuine spirits you could ever know. 

If everyone could understand what is being said here and instead of complaining about a problem... Attempt to solve it themselves first, we would be on the correct path. Then if unable, there is no shame in that. ASK men of power such as my friend, "I have tried to do whats in me to correct the issue, but seem to be lacking the power. What would you suggest? Could you show me the way?" .... Men of power would not only listen, they'd feel obligated to help. Instead of going to them emotions enthralled complaining, go calm in logic and ask. And at the end of the day we'd garner just that much more respect.

My kindest regards

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Understanding Men Of Power

Most people can't see where they lack. What is mentioned here is not speaking of individual to individual traits. No. Great men of true power do not desire to see individual traits and peculiarities dissolve into one. No, great men of power consciously have an understanding of supreme underlying universal subconscious power that is common and available to all. This they desire for all, but weak minds unaware of this take it personal, fight what is being shown to them, desire to live in their lack. Even with less money, less power, less of the things they want and knowing consciously in seen and felt realms they lack these things cannot push themselves to change their thinking to align with proper principle. Principle not of any one individual. Of ALL individuals. Devine to all. 
Great men of power know about this "secret" LAW. Great men could find business of their own with select few on mental planes as their and be plenty successful to greatly their own extent with lesser dealing of the "poor" man and woman. As many investors do. But greater men and women ask for power greater, power to work with the weak of us. To send powerful thought and force to others so they may see for themselves. This, the mass of minds have no comprehension of the kind of power needed to think for another. To think without sympathy and yet love for ones with weaker thought. The man of power never thinks the weaker one weaker than, simply ignorant of knowledge never shown to them to increase strength ... Yet the weak mind many times pushes their weaker negative thought back towards the one desiring to help them because they think personally. Now try to comprehend that. So if giving helping thought to 10, to 20, to more and if only half send their weak negative thought back not understanding what kind of power do we suppose one must have not to be effected or damaged by such negative force? To not be overtaken by it? The mass of people so content in their own personal woes and "poor me" mentality focused only on them and not what is around them, what can be rather than what is and has been fight and deny greater power about them that if, but they knew to follow, not for a lifetime, but just a short time, if but a year or two even... Could be what it is, a gift from supreme power to place them on a higher path, a better path, the success path of higher thought and understanding!

Kind regards