Thursday, August 21, 2014


I tickle females faint by touching their taint
Get a slap in the face or a dirty look!
Which is confusing because then I'm not sure if they want to get dirty with me or can't stand me
So I simply tell them, you have to admit!
And Raaaaaaaannnnnndy... like a Hurricane
Dirty YES, but Sandy
Stripping away material!
Leaving your soul naked!
I'm mean? Most of you take your body WAY too serious
See I can loosen up a tight wad like Scrooges business
Don't touch me, or, my body gotta look just right to be taken serious
I'ma touch your body until you give it up
Out of body experience
Clowning because Life ain't serious... Seriously!
I confuse the shit out of people because most are constipated
So most women have been scared to date me
It's my mental make-up!
It's just too far outdated!
So give me a manikin and i'll rape it
Shhhhhhhh... Told her, don't talk sweet heart I'm taking your manhood
Now I kin.
See how I did that?
You never feel me coming til it's too late!
Inserted a baby of mankind
So even if you could talk no one would here you screaming
Until after ... Wards would come and lock you up
Screaming for no reason
Over Love that reached and took the man back into the hood before the mind ever knew it's treason
I mean left you like you never left
Quiet as kept
I speak soft silent words into her earlobe
Whispering into cold Hearts to release fear snow
Frozen energy weighted down like packed ice!
Be water my friend like Lee said!
Don't fight it!
Master teachings from a five finger death punch
Killing mental appetites like a soggy packed lunch!
Give me any word and I'll rape it til it gives up
But give me any woman and I wont even touch her until she gives up the body!
See that?
How I play things because I'm far too amazy to work it!
I mean Let me just lie down and take it!
Irresistible without a fistful of dollhairs because that would just bring immature ballhairs
I mean NUTS!!!
Just a crazy hunch lady!
With panties in a bunch lady!
So damnit all that just to see why I grab so many taints!
Guess thats why I'm thought to be so tainted!
To Hell with it!

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