Sunday, August 24, 2014


We are the fabric of Time...

Like Joel says it's time for a BREAK OUT!
Needing a break from all the HATE felt
In the Deepened Darkness of my Heart
With Knees KNELT!
Yet drawn deeper in the Darkness til so much pain was given I wanted to take it out... Heartless
See the brain only minds the soul if visually sound
But only the Heart can HERE me
So the mind saw me coming and yelled "FEAR ME!"
Closed divisions of past intuitions searching for all the Loved ones it THINKS we are missing
See I was a child and drew on the walls; sounds I was HERE-IN...
But they said we don't draw here son!
So I stopped drawing nearer grounded sound acts!
And just colored the black and white inside the lines of pounded clowned facts!
Where working,never playing, makes for broken dulled jacks...
Again hammered home
So eventually I grew up old until considered a bit senior
And the sounds came so strong out of my darkness I couldn't resist some slips ups from down there...
They said I was old enough, so go ahead... frown air.
I mean paint faces because we all know life is a circus and we have mastered walking the trapeze in great altitudes...
Thin lined attitudes of what's accepted when things are hectic!
So don't you know I saw a new book being written with BLANK walls
Blank stairs to the faces!
So I began writing some of the sounds I have long herd like cattle mooooving in my heart ready to come out like ... HOLY COW!
And when I would go out-into the World I saw breaking down some would pull me aside and say ... I've been reading the writing on your wall and I can't understand it ... I don't know what it means... but I do enjoy it
So even though I never got many LIKES I was still inspired to write it!
Because I had felt so much hate in my Heart I couldn't bare it anymore without a thought of it stewing inside so the mind spoke Suicide...
Return to SENDER
But when I did; my Heart began to speak clearer and the more the sound waves broke the Earth's "Actors Fear!"
And I could now HERE the scribbles of tapped keys opening locked doors that nobody knew of!
My wall now a mess like a scientific equation and yet in the darkness of my Heart I found a black light that could read it ALL!
Yes there is no time like write now... read now... please thou?
Art before you of divine nature because that's how it's written!
I've seen the new light unlike the one's of past reflection dimly lit to find the way through the darkened Heart seen in mind
See, we're blind!
It was always about a SOUND wave on this traveling sound stage
Golden Age we've had to herd to be seen...
So we gather not to build up or break down the walls.
We are just now BREAKING INTO the walls of darkness to find new light the eyes have not adjusted... yes we are BUSTED!
So HERE my words and listen deep our break OUT is breaking IN...
We'll HERE the beginning when we THINK we see the END!


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