Thursday, August 21, 2014


Its the system OF the people. I spent my life in a system of the Kitchen. HIGH performing kitchens. Open 365 days of the year sometimes. 6-7 days a week where its hard to find people with the proper "mental make-up" to perform at the focused and caring level it takes to put out food that people REALLY FEEL. So you are almost always under staffed, staffed with people either who could care less or are trying to expand that feeling within in an often fast paced consumer driven state. And so it is with this country particularly of being consumers within ALL systems. So we can talk all day long about cops but it won't ever change til we stop policing the HOOD and begin loving the aggression of the young kids and burnt older folks into something different. I don't care WHO you are... You send someone into a warzone to monitor it and eventually some flares going to be set off! Its not about monitoring keeping "THINGS" in line. It aint about THINGS. It's about people. Disband the whole fucking band of rubber bullets and into more Bands hollering Mayday and watch all this shit end. Yea the kids might go crazy with no police, but you know what, the REAL leaders would step up and shine with music to our ears! LOVE brothers and sisters!

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