Thursday, June 12, 2014


Old Souls give when giving isn't dreamed
Exert multitudes of force where force is never seen
Like Bruce Lee finger of one Punch

Like a mom putting Love into every packed lunch
And so an old soul speaks to Hearts behind the minds
Because mere mental make-ups are like lip-stick
Spoken colored patterned lines
But centers feel what just happens to be left
Heart felt being of visions I have kept
Because I tell you nothing can be right
Until WE open up our Hearts with far expanded light
Releasing damns we give the self
To store up all the might
Cuz maybe we'll need those things tomorrow
But I simply bring a knife
To cut loose those things when vines tighten round my tree
Because my sights are simply set on all my family
He has this, or she has that
The mind traveling in a rut
And just because she gives her love freely
Doesn't make her such a slut
And just because he wants to love you every day
Doesn't mean he only loves your butt
Without anymore to say
Because old souls Love it all, black, white, and yes the grey
Every color in-between
Old souls become bored with patterns that we weave
We don't search, or build, or wish to create even a new wheel
We pray, we think, we cherish, and honor what we feel
We'll wallow in pain just to help you move on through
And even when we leave we're still here more than they ever knew
We know the mind and the matrix that it's built
And have mastered it's manipulation only to comprehend that it's nil
So the mind speaks "not for nothing" because it's nothing in a knot
And only when we untie it can we begin to comprehend ALL it's NOT
One can never know an old soul even one that's buried in
Until the mind is buried whole Heartedly deep inside of Him
Where She is met with gentle touch exploding to the sky
Where rain is met and clearly fallen like feathers from up high
Where fast meets slow and everything in-between
Where words are lost and reality quickly becomes a dream
Hi, Hello, How are you this Lovely day
Is so much more than a greeting the mind has come to say
A warm embrace amongst the stiffened nerves
Like a ball thrown straight then suddenly curves
An old soul doesn't look at change appearing in the mind
It feels the shift in conscious being that none of us can hide
And when the soul comes to know exactly how this works
The fear is gone and spirits glow amongst the Godly worlds
Limits break like will you hold
Or balance in your hand
Memory for Feelings
Valued more than Land


Bryan Gallagher Love you Linda Gallagher the only woman I know capable of birthing me here

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