Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A visionary ahead of the times? 
Or did many fall behind? 
Stuck in the past with things not meant to last like Eminem's first record on Aftermath... Oldie but goodie!
SO WE go back like the top of our hoodie/ 
Worn out and faded/bleach stains and "holy"/ 
Still one of our favorites/
Glad we made it/
but got to evolve our music/listen/ and savor it... 
Change the channel if hated because that's an Ill feeling/sent to the artist/ 
And sending ill thoughts is truly retarded/ 
Mental states thrown backwards like shit tossing chimps! 
Lost in the past before they evolved into WHAO! Man! 
Didn't you know one in the bush is worth more than two shits in the hand! 
Release back in the wild/for a while/ and go ape shit! 
Even Jesus did it... Come back enlightened like ... Ohhh! 
Here comes your savior! 
But that's just for YOU/ because everyone seeks different flavor! 
How many licks to reach the sender? Keep on sucking it up or bite like pretenders! 
Might break jaws on my jaw breaker/twerk raw like ass shakers in clubs filled with sound bites/ 
scared of silly shit!/laugh like Billy did/Kid I'm a gun slinger shooting straight on short counts/
like support calls spoken in foreign languages/
"This is no help! Still broke as shit and lonely with no wealth!" 
But that's why I give these words freely to certain ones who seek me/ and that's BRO FELT!/
Criticism coming out of critical conditions/ when spreading Loving feelings is our only Mission! Tired of hearing joyful words is like saying I'm full of shit but won't crap a bouyful turd! 
Let that sun shine in through those shades we pulled down! 
And REALize life's a circus filled with Happier Clowns!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Let me begin by saying, with meaning, "I'M NEEEVER WRONG!”
Like a Chang in a Chinese phone book/ to the right of Wong.
My style is that of ancient Long Penus/
So why not try my Cream of Sum Yung Gye/ Like the beautiful GOD Venus/
with a twinkle in the eye/ EW CHILD!/like/ Look at what WE made BEtween us!
I’m truly an eager for beaver Son/ so I’m willing to lick more pussy than a Tiger’s tongue!!!!!! (meooooooowwwwww)
I’m a WEll suited diver sprung!/
Relax it’s a metaphor/
Like I’ll have sex with two women while dancing/ floored!!!
I’ll do it between the sheets and grab asses/ and loosen up mental mind states like Confederate flags waved with only 13 stars!
I’m drinking at night/ at 13 bars! Now look up in the sky, can you see more lights shining? Like Lighter Smiling?
Instead of so stuck up in limited waves of a lake barely shoring up caves! Because my verbal onslaught is NOT attempting to slaughter your daughter/
only massage the mental obstructions of softer laughter and release a bit more happiness we are ALL/ AFTER/
New chapter in the world/ and I give freely/
breaking definitions in DICK SON AIRY/smelly like dicks/
dictated grammer! I spelled it wrong? But I’m Chang just smoking a little bammer!
with rednecks from Alabama/ with a crimson tide flooding cities taking over colleges with collages of verbal inscriptions/
And inner Affliction of preconceived diseases that not even Jesus would touch!
But girls still squeeze my butt…
upon a time …
in a land far far away …
ok it might have been a dude/ but I SWEAR…
But I am Happy!!!
Because I’m not sexually pent up like a foreclosed house/so SLAP ME! Butt on my ass/ women often miss the mark/
so as a sign/
when they hit my face/ I often fart.
"Do you hear the proper cheek calling?"
"I think I'm falling!"
For you!
Maybe I should of text (here)
Sorry I’m still getting use to all these sex symbols and what they all mean/ I’m a bit of a lone ranger beating off my own team!
In New York like soft DreamWorks/I’m animated!
Man made and GOD created imagination…
a CO-Creation/
So I only play CO-Ops and avoid cops with coops/cuz they can’t catch my dash!!!
Sorry COPPERS! You’ll never take my A liiiiiiiiiiiiive!
Like a SILVER bullet shot in a werewolf’s EYE!
I’m sick wit it for no reason!
So don’t try to interject my disease with a healthy dose of treason/
I mean an outer body experience on the inner limits of your mainframe/
I’m an insane JANE/MARY me PLEASE!
Tired of being lonely looking at sex tapes/
My penis yelling “HELP!!!!!!! I’m being RRRAAAAPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
And jumped in the bathtub looking to escape at sea!
But he’s gull able/
And comes back because he knows I always feed him/
So don’t listen to that little bastard when he cries I always beat him!!!
He’s full of shit … well...Not really
Even for me that’s kinda dis trusting.
But seriously though/ he is a stick and should hit more than billy goats … NO?
Silly throats… pardon me speaking
Life’s a puzzle with pieces that don’t fit.
We can stop trying to find the corners like slanted floors did/
… only sense what’s BE-EN-MADE
Because if we keep trying to FIT IN
... aren't we only confining our own SLAVES?????

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Just for you my buddy Rob Hogan because it's that kinda moment.... asking what a parsnip was and I said "It's a carrot gone awry!" which gave a chuckle and he concurred, awry is a great word. Like "Fiddlesticks" he says ... and so write after that things went awry ... enjoy

Things went awry when aliens dropped in like parsnips/ awkward shaped starships/

sticking in Mars sis'/like sleeping with Martians/Shorts/worn like Martin/

the crazy white one/not the kind of a different color/So people were confused when I called the bugged eyed one brother/

Mother F@$*ers! the MotherShip has landed/

And the Aliens were like "I caught you little bastards RED handed!

Thought you were slick with your hands in the oil! Selling off Earth's blood like some crack in the foil!

Well we're here to slip cracks in your spoils! And give back your liquid gold deep into the Earth's coils! Toil with us and it's like Dilly Dally little children ...

Putting off the Inevitable like When Harry met Sally, we have no need for a back alley/our deals have been made/ we're not here to beat you or make you our slaves.

We're here to save your stupid asses from digging your graves. Because you claimed to be intelligent while building more caves!

Taller matters still merely just scrape the skys. So instead of building ladders how bout searching the why's!?!?? Few have it all/ while many have not. And even your rich seek more then they got! IN FACT! You are conscious of superior things... But instead of unified thought upon realization, the masses call it a dream?

Here, a MASS text: (((WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))))

We could speak your language and simply tell you "FUCK OFF" ... But instead we're here re-drilling helping you reach the REAL top!

AW! R and Y ...you should listen. Because harmony is not yours, it's a UNIVERSAL MISSION!"

With that the ships pulled away like fiddlesticks from the straw. Leaving the people still looking, pacing in Awe.

That day we avoided the Harbinger of Doom ... But they announced over the loud speaker "Little children of the corn... "WE'RE COMING BACK SOON!" ...


I LOVE it all... Even Death! So when the reaper came... I inhaled his breathe...when my keeper came... I knew him as brother... And the Lords name ... Because I knew not another! Religon of man... Is a collection of his beliefs... With LOVE in his Heart... There comes a thief. That steals away the ideals... Of mistranslated feelings... Because Pure LOVE ... IN CREASES our dealings... Folded it in, like velevety cream... Sugary and sweet... Like an enchanted dream... For the reaper he crept... black in the night's air... But brother I kept... Light follicles in hair... And when we let go... of those deadened grown strands... The reaper he reaped... ALL of my land... a land before Time... My little foot stood... as I gazed out upon the Universe ... As I had always known I would! A beautiful sight... Never seen with the eyes... But always felt... Like a BIRTH DAY surprise... Dem-eyes... knew it was coming... But never looked away... Never scared of the comments... Of what we HAD to say... Because even silent we speak... Well beyond words. When we Love everything... from the Heart of all Worlds. Under or Over... Try to stop IN Between. Because my Heart will always beat... With LOVE beyond the unseen. So Death touched my Heart... and his cape fell from his limits... And revealed the life hidden... Beyond the minds comical gimmicks! Stop it to start it... Start it to stop.... Fall from the Heavens... To reunite with the top! I LOVED every minute... And forgot not a second... Only laughed on hard times... When I softened rejected! I LOVED it all! A romantic screen, played in the dark... of the night! Lovers making Love... worried to turn on the Light. Death was my Life... My final acceptance. Before I returned in grand fashion ... No ONE ................... expect it ......


Sometimes I have dander in my maim
So call me a dandelion
And when Katie Perry said you're gonna hear me Roar

I felt like I wanted to swing from vines!
So I started making 15 second videos to open my mind
And placed them on YOU tube
So maybe it reached you TOO
By the way, I Practice VOO DOO
Oh, too soon?
To take pokes at mis-aligned mental beliefs
Like old religion preaching things He didn't preach?
If it's a stretch to reach/ don't grab at it
Move a little closer
Like outer bounds expanding inward
I got black brothers that call me the N word
ONE with them
Cuz WE all Brothers
How can we be different when we all came on the same mother!
Earth worms/sperm squirming to BE babies
On a Mother we don't always treat like a true lady
Trying to dress her up with fancy Mercedes
Like bling bling
But Her ice is way colder!
Cuz Piss a woman off and meet real Northern Exposure
Frozen golden showers on top/like peons!
We like little kids playing in neon/lights skies
Trying to just BE a nice guy
But She said, "Nice TRY!"
Too used to dicks
So every time I poked her on face book she treated me like the New York Knicks!
A lost player!
Even though I felt my game was tight she searched for a different rhyme sayer...
Left me like... If I keep getting shot down, I don't know... Maybe I'm gayer????
Then Elton John having open sex on his lawn in front of a homophobic Chinese man named Long Dong Smoking more substance than old Chong!
I suppose not...
But who really knows anymore
I just wanna hot chick who hasn't locked away her vagina or gone full whore!
I mean I LOVE ya either damn way!
But when I heard Katie Perry "Roar" I was like ... There's a chick who gets what I say!
So I keep speaking my Heart and never damn play.....


Old Souls give when giving isn't dreamed
Exert multitudes of force where force is never seen
Like Bruce Lee finger of one Punch

Like a mom putting Love into every packed lunch
And so an old soul speaks to Hearts behind the minds
Because mere mental make-ups are like lip-stick
Spoken colored patterned lines
But centers feel what just happens to be left
Heart felt being of visions I have kept
Because I tell you nothing can be right
Until WE open up our Hearts with far expanded light
Releasing damns we give the self
To store up all the might
Cuz maybe we'll need those things tomorrow
But I simply bring a knife
To cut loose those things when vines tighten round my tree
Because my sights are simply set on all my family
He has this, or she has that
The mind traveling in a rut
And just because she gives her love freely
Doesn't make her such a slut
And just because he wants to love you every day
Doesn't mean he only loves your butt
Without anymore to say
Because old souls Love it all, black, white, and yes the grey
Every color in-between
Old souls become bored with patterns that we weave
We don't search, or build, or wish to create even a new wheel
We pray, we think, we cherish, and honor what we feel
We'll wallow in pain just to help you move on through
And even when we leave we're still here more than they ever knew
We know the mind and the matrix that it's built
And have mastered it's manipulation only to comprehend that it's nil
So the mind speaks "not for nothing" because it's nothing in a knot
And only when we untie it can we begin to comprehend ALL it's NOT
One can never know an old soul even one that's buried in
Until the mind is buried whole Heartedly deep inside of Him
Where She is met with gentle touch exploding to the sky
Where rain is met and clearly fallen like feathers from up high
Where fast meets slow and everything in-between
Where words are lost and reality quickly becomes a dream
Hi, Hello, How are you this Lovely day
Is so much more than a greeting the mind has come to say
A warm embrace amongst the stiffened nerves
Like a ball thrown straight then suddenly curves
An old soul doesn't look at change appearing in the mind
It feels the shift in conscious being that none of us can hide
And when the soul comes to know exactly how this works
The fear is gone and spirits glow amongst the Godly worlds
Limits break like will you hold
Or balance in your hand
Memory for Feelings
Valued more than Land


Bryan Gallagher Love you Linda Gallagher the only woman I know capable of birthing me here


Your child's been Kidnapped
So WE gotta get your KID back!
Where are the vans filled with cotton candy?
Men with sweets in the pockets of their trench coats
Sugarcoated goodness
My Goodness!
What happened to your KID?
Where can WE find him?
Might be tied up in the basement...
Wait til WE figure out who it is that binds him!
Grinds him!
Better not lay a finger on MY SON!
I don't need an army to defend him; ALL I NEED IS THIS ONE!
I'll rip a whole city to shreds searching for a shred of evidence...
Looking for my KID I'll blame the police and even call out the President!
Congress or Some body better help me locate my child!
Because I'll kill the usual suspects off like Keyser Soze
Did you see my KID playing at Mosi?
Riding a pony?
I'll beat a dead horse hoarse until his throat bleeds!
It's every parent’s worst nightmare!
Maybe Freddy and Jason tagged teamed together in the night and took my child from me!
Maybe my ghosts weren't so friendly and came back to haunt me...
An old enemy, the grudge ... my ex wifey!
A neighbor? A thug? Or Herbert that weird old whitey!
Offering my KID popsicles
Like Bill Cosby
Where did my KID go!
No more eating pudding or having fun in the streets
I'm searching for results now and grinding my teeth!
I'm grinding these streets
Packing pistols and stirring up funds
Searching for KID because I've done ran out of run
Sands of time against me
Where did my KID GO!
I'll burn bridges and fight a man named Todd if I find my Son that came from in me
I'm like ruffles ridges I cut like razor blades in the hands of Todd in the depps of Sweeney!
Where did my child go while I napped!
Been working too hard and needed some rest ...
Woke up and my kid's missing and I'm looking for an arrest
A test with positive results, oh, what LIES around me!
Better tell me the truth or I'll break rules and everyone who defies me!
This shit is like total darkness with my Son never rising!
Like a game of hide and seek but no body finds me!
Where are the trips, laughter and good times?
In a world without my child all I see is blurred lines.
Can't even enjoy the mall anymore, mean mugging strangers.
Looking at every one differently and they're feeling my danger!

"Hey mister... do you have a second? Would you like to come over here in the sand and play with me and my sister? It's really fun and the weather out here is beautiful!"

As my skies opened up and KID came awakened...
I realized my KID was only sleeping
I was poorly mis taken......