Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Via my Dear Friend Charles Caleb Colton

"He that studies books alone, will know how things ought to be; and he that studies men will know how things are; and it would have been impossible to have written these pages, without mixing some what more freely with the world, than inclination might prompt, or judgment approve. For observations made in the cloister, or in the desert, will generally be as obscure as the one, and barren as the other: But he that would paint with his pen, no less than he that would paint with his pencil, must study originals, and not be over-fearful of a little dust. In fact, every author is a far better judge of the pains that his efforts have cost him, than any reader can possibly be; but to what purpose he has taken those pains, this is a question of which his readers will not allow the author a voice, nor even an opinion; from the tribunal of the public there is no appeal, and it is fit that it should be so, otherwise we should not only have rivers of ink expended in bad writing, but oceans more defending it; for he that writes in a bad style, is sure to 'retort' in a worse."


Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Letter Of Love

Sometimes we search for friends, fame and fortune not ours
Because the made up; make-up and dazzling lights confuse the movie with true stars
So we reach out to others conception of fame
And ponder why we can't find happiness in all of the shame
Looking to make a name so we change it in the scheme of things
Then later in life realize we lived in the Sheen of things
Return searching for self not a child anymore
But faced to find the soul we so often ignored
Face to face with facts we often walked in shoes that weren't ours to wear
Because loving souls often take on worries not meant for us to bare
Finding our-self to find the other half is only a challenge when we walk off Our path
Questions answered when we ask the proper questions because others priorities become our own and this is felt
Bills to be paid, things be made, planning the future but that was planned by HIM 

No concern to us
Our only responsibility is to have faith in HIS trust.

To my love

Little or a Lot

Some say a little, some say a lot. It's not the quantity either way but its rather the quality we got. Should've said have because they deem it proper English but i wasn't writing for "they" ... it's spelt for believers. Because spirits word in any language is felt by receivers. Closed minds judging words find little meaning in scripture because they are looking at the paint instead of the soul of the picture. Supreme gives rain for days or sun shine for weeks with no concern to man's desires to control the sky's valleys and peaks. Winning defeats the same as losing. Because letting go is neither lacking or gaining if it's supreme path we're so choosing. Thin line to balance because we haven't grown to see in between the lines, dots will be connected to expose beautiful pictures children will color. Because a child's spirit is the unity of the father and mother. Hidden meaning in things not really hidden at all because connects are easily made when we admire it all.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Energy Saturation

Everything has energy. When we put on our clothes the energy we put out and receive from others around us literally saturate our clothes. Walls inside our home, our rooms are saturated with the dominate thought of such place. Words we write are saturated with the energy we write them with. The art of an artist is filled with the thought in which he painted the picture. Everything is saturated with the energy and that energy draws like energy to it.

If we doubt this, think of the feeling we feel when we walk into a Church. If the Church be righteous and helpful to people we cannot help but feel uplifted if we are even somewhat of a positive person. If we have no faith and be negative in our soul we will also feel a strange power making us feel uneasy when we enter. It is Law telling us we must adapt our energy or leave. As "two objects may not occupy the same space at the same time" is Law. Like wise it is the same with the Bar. We instantly feel like gossiping and "letting loose" or we feel an urge to leave.
The house is "haunted" when "evil" or rather "ignorant" energy has saturated the home for long periods.

Clothes if we are angry in them we may wash the physical dirt with water and soap, but if continually in that state of mind when wearing them we find it to effect our mood when placing them upon our body. And visa versa.

Words written by hand or digitally are felt by the corresponding souls maturity. Thus beautiful words can be felt a "lie" if written by untruthful spirit or felt to be written in "nervousness" if the writer is doubtful, thus it's truth is questioned more readily. Statements can be felt to be true even when false if the writer possesses a powerful confident spirit.

Open the windows to our homes. Let the light in. Open the door, let the fresh air in to expel the stale heavy air that may weigh down our homes. Instead of washing clothes that may be filled with old lesser thoughts we once had, donate them to someone who may need those thoughts to elevate their current position. Or if we feel them to be saturated with thought we wish no other soul to have, burn them or throw them out to be buried in the trash where they belong. It is logical when we think it over. There is no mystery to it. If we have outgrown our homes or our local "watering hole" perhaps it's time we chose better "establishments" better homes to place ourselves in. If we are not being uplifting then perhaps we need to lift up and move into better clothes, better places, better words. Don't leave emails that do not benefit you in your "inbox". Delete them. Lets clean out the cache today in all are areas of our life. Promised is this. If we do we will prove to ourselves these words hold truth not of this writer, but of Universal Law of Supreme divinity. We will feel a weight lifted, a breathe of fresh air, a new beginning in this moment. And this will be the seed we plant in a soil needed for happiness to blossom.

Kind Regards

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bring Your Solutions

Bring solutions, not problems. We can build upon or offer better solutions. Those who come with problems look for problems. They are incapable of seeing solutions even were we to give them.

"Well, he won't do this!" ... my first response is OF COURSE not. You've already said it in mind.

The solution isn't in him it's in you. It isn't in her, it's in you. And right now 9 out of 10 people reading this are shaking their heads saying "Mmmmm hmmm!" and 8 of them are now sending this link to the person they'd like to change. *Smack my face*

We can't solve a problem with a problem. Dealing with effects using other effects. We take a job that is one we don't like for a number of reasons and replace it with another job we dislike for a number of OTHER reasons. We lose one relationship for another and say, well he's not so mean as the last one but he's sloppy. We never address ourselves as much as we address others. These are the chains of mankind. This is the bondage that holds us in positions we dislike, in relationships, in business, in body.

And then when we get near a man or woman who has power and understanding of how to grab hold that power, we're too ignorant to observe them, listen to them, see what they do and how they do it. We're too caught up in our own self denial and what we have grown to LIKE rather than what will improve ourselves.

I LIKE ME. I am not changing for anyone! Take me or leave me! That's it ... then that same person usually very openly (or at times secretly) complains about lack ... lack of funds ... lack of position ... lack of love ... lack of beauty ... lack of this, lack of that. PROBLEMS

We aren't addressing problems. We don't have time for lack. We're addressing how to get better. How to increase, improve, grow! We're looking at what we need to be better. To get things done. We're looking for a change. We're understanding UNIVERSAL principle and letting go of personal thought. Individuals are unique in expression of Artistic manner. It has nothing to do with foundation. The internals of the body work in exacting manner of a healthy body in one as another. As does the principles of spirit or energy. Like attracts like. And energy that is powerful enough and brave enough to stay in the dislikes of it's own to touch and change the negative energy, the problem energy, to like energy of it's self so it may express more greatness of itself should be humbly thanked.

Perhaps that is too deep or not received 100% ... well if you question or do not believe this truth then this is not for you and your problems. This is for believers. Enlightened. The truly intelligent among us, the ones striving for greater intelligence. Those with solutions and looking for greater solution if we listen and believe. But no one wants to hear our problems. Face the facts and we see not even us want to listen to those. True or not?

Bring Your Solutions

Kindest Regards

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Daily Offering

Today's Offering:

Those closest to me. Who things are shared with that cannot be shared with everyone, know suggested are words, phrases, thoughts etc that should be changed in every day life. The common man and woman takes it personal. Says "you are trying to change me!" "I will not think or say what you ask, i will not try! No one will change me!" ....

Nothing is further from the truth. First it is not of me. It is universal principle. Second, no one is trying to change you. It's not the refined words, the refined thinking and actions that are not of us. No the lesser words and thoughts I ask to be replaced are those that are not of us. Those are the ones we've falsely learned. It's like asking you to exchange a cigarette for eating a carrot. No one is trying to change you. Its simply suggesting to replace a bad habit that we is not meant for us with a habit that is correct and natural for our healthy being. If that does not make sense to us then we also now know why this is only shared with select few.

My kindest regards

Knowing the cause and effect of spiritual positions-Anger or Shouting

Very Practical Spiritual Story : WHY WE SHOUT IN ANGER

A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled and asked.

'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'

'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, .

'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

He looked at his disciples and said.

'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return. They may end up in divorce courts, for instance.'

Thursday, August 22, 2013

An Experience

Tonight's Special Share:

I rarely speak about personal relationships unless its my children. Peoples faults lie in making life personal thus unable to grasp Universal. But this instance and experience with this friend is the best example of principle EVERYONE must come to understand if they ever wish to be happy and successful to a large and consistent state. My dear friend... His personality can be harsh or hard to swallow. I read a quote one day that put him in perspective for me that read, in my own words, 

"Sometimes supreme power places abrasively strong and powerful people in our lives to sand away our own rough edges." 

And personality aside, he is the most powerful and driven man I have ever met. Regardless of his methods, I'm quite keen to the inner power he garners. Sometimes people ask where I get my words and thoughts from. How am I so smart? Etc. Certainly not the schooling I got bored with and abandoned. Certainly not the handful of books i read, though a few friends have written words to inspire me. Certainly not the culinary school i never attended. Certainly not any so called superiors who thought themselves supreme and great teachers ... Perhaps teachers of how not to do things. No, the answer is simple. How all great men, such as my friend, gain power and intelligence...  Through loving passionate observation. Through unwavering confidence but openness that better can come at every second in anyway. And so as we both observe each other constantly as great men of loyalty and friendship do, looking to absorb the strengths of each other .... I have come to understand this from him. So I now share.

He quit often shuts people out. He very rarely listens to any concerns and definitely not complaints. So extreme to the point I see people wonder if he has any compassion or sympathy. Even I have questioned at times, a man who is also very hardened on the exterior by the profession I have worked in for so long ( a requirement). I used to think that perhaps at times he was being cold. That perhaps he should give more consideration to what seemed to be legitimate concerns by some. That perhaps he was maybe a little out of touch. I am not the judge of anyone so I focus on me and just observe how things play out for him, myself and others. Then come to conclusions when answers become present. And so I feel some have, so I share with all, that we may gain understanding and better ourselves.

To put it bluntly, he's absolutely correct with his actions. I'd go as far as to say he probably listens to a little more than he should. The simple fact is most people are so far from the truth, so weak in power to accomplish even the small ideas they have (as great as they might be in theory) ... That's all they are, a theory (with proven validity) that they cannot prove. Most people lack the focus and positive happy thinking to make it through a single day without complaining about a minimum 10 instances. Most people are so weak in mind because they think backwards instead of forward. It is the plague of the Earth. And if we so know this, what then, must we ask ourselves, is the result of sympathizing with someone sickened with the plague? Surely if we hold them in close to us, if we let our defense down and hold all that they are within us because of loving sympathy, we meet the plague as well. It is not to say it is wrong to love them. Or even to sympathize. But to be surprised when the plague finds us, or at the very least healthy but drained from our immune system fighting off such a plague, is nothing short of ludicrous to be surprised. It is exhausting and spiritually draining dealing and sympathizing with lesser grown spirits who moan, complain, take in the ills and immaturity of others. It is counter productive to the whole, the team, the ideal to let any of it in. I have come to this conclusion by growing my own power to new heights. By building within me something greater and seeing the effect upon myself by being more sympathetic than he. I have seen first hand how much energy even the smallest gripe, smallest ego driven thought, smallest bit of jealousy can drain or tie up that would otherwise do great things. In perspective on outlet used to power a 3 inch Mp3 may also power a 70 inch flat screen TV. Depending entirely upon what you, rather WE plug into it.

It is not a mistake or luck or any of the such my friend is successful in anything that he does. Nor is it coincidence that others around him have but a smidgeon of the kind of success and power he does. It is purely how each thinks. It is purely what each ALLOW into their mind. And at the end of the day, the masses of people who may think different of him, barely able to comprehend all that the man is, who don't know and understand him as I do... Not only as a man, but in principle of thought ... Don't know as I do he is one of the most loyal, loving, honest, genuine spirits you could ever know. 

If everyone could understand what is being said here and instead of complaining about a problem... Attempt to solve it themselves first, we would be on the correct path. Then if unable, there is no shame in that. ASK men of power such as my friend, "I have tried to do whats in me to correct the issue, but seem to be lacking the power. What would you suggest? Could you show me the way?" .... Men of power would not only listen, they'd feel obligated to help. Instead of going to them emotions enthralled complaining, go calm in logic and ask. And at the end of the day we'd garner just that much more respect.

My kindest regards

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Understanding Men Of Power

Most people can't see where they lack. What is mentioned here is not speaking of individual to individual traits. No. Great men of true power do not desire to see individual traits and peculiarities dissolve into one. No, great men of power consciously have an understanding of supreme underlying universal subconscious power that is common and available to all. This they desire for all, but weak minds unaware of this take it personal, fight what is being shown to them, desire to live in their lack. Even with less money, less power, less of the things they want and knowing consciously in seen and felt realms they lack these things cannot push themselves to change their thinking to align with proper principle. Principle not of any one individual. Of ALL individuals. Devine to all. 
Great men of power know about this "secret" LAW. Great men could find business of their own with select few on mental planes as their and be plenty successful to greatly their own extent with lesser dealing of the "poor" man and woman. As many investors do. But greater men and women ask for power greater, power to work with the weak of us. To send powerful thought and force to others so they may see for themselves. This, the mass of minds have no comprehension of the kind of power needed to think for another. To think without sympathy and yet love for ones with weaker thought. The man of power never thinks the weaker one weaker than, simply ignorant of knowledge never shown to them to increase strength ... Yet the weak mind many times pushes their weaker negative thought back towards the one desiring to help them because they think personally. Now try to comprehend that. So if giving helping thought to 10, to 20, to more and if only half send their weak negative thought back not understanding what kind of power do we suppose one must have not to be effected or damaged by such negative force? To not be overtaken by it? The mass of people so content in their own personal woes and "poor me" mentality focused only on them and not what is around them, what can be rather than what is and has been fight and deny greater power about them that if, but they knew to follow, not for a lifetime, but just a short time, if but a year or two even... Could be what it is, a gift from supreme power to place them on a higher path, a better path, the success path of higher thought and understanding!

Kind regards

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our Powers That Be Too

So explained has been our powers that be. How we should trust our feelings of Subconscious mind, which is but an Extension of Universal Supreme Mind, to lead us properly and not the learned lesser conscious mind that is merely to serve as a defense against lesser spirit trying to enter into our own spirit or subconscious.

The larger portion of our existence are still gaining understanding of spirituality and thus the terms used to express it. Being that they are on still a lower or lesser plane of physical thought they tend to fight much of the connection and thus physical terminology we use to help the thought cross from mere physical consciousness of seen to the true spiritual consciousness of unseen. Scoff not. If you are of this plane of thought then throw out any religious teachings, even that of the great teacher. Throw out the "newer age" terms. Throw out expressions that in current state cannot reach you.  Think of it in terms as is often used in this writing, such as fuel into a car. If the wrong fuel is used in a car, does it not cause damage? What fuels us? Is it not thought? Does thought not control everything about us? Fuel us? Is not our mood dependent ENTIRELY upon OUR thought? So if the wrong thought is placed inside our vehicle... is it not the same as the wrong fuel inside the vehicle we drive? Is not a vehicle a vehicle, differing only in degree? In abilities? Are we not now touching on Universal Principles? What applies to one applies to all of kind? Think it over with open mind.

If you are now coming to understand the extraordinary thought that is being expressed ... and are coming to the most important action possible in any life ... consciousness of greater consciousness, or simply, BELIEF... then what is about to be expressed, again the intelligence will be far greater than the "man" who is about to write it.  It is going to expand on the proper way to be one with our power and gain it's fullest expression and highest potential ...

RICHES! FAME! POWER! WEALTH! LOVE! .... calm down. Many of those words are counter productive to each other and/or completely misunderstood from the expression they are Supposed to express.  No ... simply the highest potential is Happiness. Peace, Love, and Happiness. Nothing else. For with that no stress comes. We are at Peace. Our body never aches because with complete Peace and Happiness which IS Love ... we are not stressed. Worried. Bothered. Let us digress so to keep mind in the direction that will be aimed here. Which is HOW to use our power properly. Not just for us, but for others. We must be happy first and foremost, but never at another's expense. For why in short term we may find seeming benefit ... always in the long term we find the greatest ill upon our self and OUR spirit for gaining at another's expense. 

So when we find we have this power ... we can use this power ... and the Supreme grants us virtually anything we can think of if only we can hold it steady in mind and continually ask for it ... that it is a great gift and should be used! And we are not wrong to think it. It SHOULD be used. But like the pen in the child's hand it can be used to draw on walls for short lived shallow, somewhat selfish amusement ... or you can read on and into the future and understand the greater results it produces for greater number of beings or spirits when used properly and to greater degree.

Yet, fret not if some walls get drawn on. Not even permanent marker is Truly permanent. If we use it incorrectly, and we will, a new thought is like new paint and the old picture no matter how vile it may seem yesterday can be completely forgotten under the newer more beautiful one of much greater expression and understanding of the art we are now mastering instead of simply dabbling in. So it is explained now that what WE think is best or desire or plan no matter how strong, intelligent, or wise our conscious mind is ... is not the highest thought. Is not the "perfect path" even if we are 100 miles ahead of the next closest individual. What WE think is still conscious mind. Is still the "lesser" intelligence.  It is true. If we feel we should have a thing ... we probably most certainly should if we feel it, that is not the problem. It is not the error. Some misguided religious teachings misunderstand the great teachers of old and say we should deny ... foolish nonsense. Denial is to go AGAINST feeling. Thus against Supreme intelligence. Pain and lack are sure to come along this path. The "I" can surely promise first hand of that. No the error comes in the fact that our feelings are not fully comprehended. We feel we should have a thing... and before we can become truly in tune with what Supreme Mind is telling us we need ... we jump in haste at the thing we believe was said is needed.

As exampled in the most simple and universally understood example ... you feel you should have Love of another ... DUH! Of course you should. But then you being the foolish child barely in touch with your feelings or the message and guidance being sent your way come across what is now beautiful to you. Look at the beauty. The things they do, how they walk. Oh a smile in our direction. It must be a sign from GOD. Oh they like the color yellow too! We chuckle and think how ridiculous this is, because it is ridiculous. We barely know our self and yet we think we may know the one right for us? Nonsense or Sense not logical in conscious or unconscious thinking. A whole book of understanding could be written through me on this matter that would be as a slap across the face of a drunken half sleeping man ... but here it is merely used as an example of how WE think we know the path over the universal. And when WE think better is known above the one who knows and directs our power ... well again to reach the physical thinkers look at the divorce rates and even more the non-divorces that even little children know are not marriages.  Proven to each is hoped here this wisdom.

So then ... stop trying to control and direct this great power as YOU see fit. Supreme will grant you. HE will direct you in ANY endeavor YOU wish. It is Universal Principle. HE will give you power to overcome any lack you desire to overcome. It is absolute. But ... if you ask for something and take it as you see fit with the powers that are given do not be surprised if all of the things become a burden and the happiness and results you expected to come about in certain ways do not come ... and as your plan comes together you find in reality it's falling apart because either it's not what you really needed or what you wanted came at the expense of others or both or various combinations.You thought yourself the director. You thought yourself the better "knower" ... You thought yourself the brain when barely a finger. You jabbed and poked the eye because the finger you are did not wait for the brain's message to reach you and guide you instead to the crevice between the eye and the bridge of the nose. Now instead of "wiping the sleep" you are even further blinded, and in pain to boot. Unsure of what to even do as the finger you are now. Barely in touch with the fact that you are part of a whole body controlled by a greater mind, directing you and all the parts to achieve what is best for the entire body of work.

We think we know what is best for a loved one. We think we know what is best for people around us when we usually cannot even see clearly what is best for us or what proper action we should take ourselves.  We use this great power. Every time we think love or hate towards someone ... encouragement or criticism ... we send that exact thought out to the person we think it of and that power weighs on them. It may give them life or death. It may lift or weigh. It may elevate and clear sight or close and blind sight. Even if with the best of our intentions we desire something of someone with love in our heart and pray, meditate, or just plain think something of them for our sake or belief ... we may not know it but could possibly be bringing restriction to their growth. Thus is the secret to what for centuries has been termed prayer. Let us be clear. Prayer is nothing more than pure loving thought with faith and belief in Supreme power. In honesty, that is higher prayer. Because even so called "atheist" can pray when telling themselves they do not believe in Supreme power. They merely think a thought like anyone long enough and it is drawn to them partially even without full faith or belief. Just as even someone with a lesser radio and antenna still picks up radio signals, only difference is degree ... or in other terms quantity and quality of signals.

So what is the secret again? Ah ... lets put it plainly in words so is understood the proper thought of prayer, meditation or drawing thought. You only ask for things you truly need. What do you need? Money? Homes? Luxuries?   Yes ... but these are means. We ask not for means. When the means become more important than the the end or purpose, which they ALWAYS do when controlled by lesser consciousness, we move away from our powers. We ask for inner strengths which will bring all those exterior things to us. We ask for purpose rather than means. If I ask for a job 20 miles away and the job comes I am not concerned with the transportation. The transportation comes as well, even if it is after the job. It HAS to come if I desire the job and the Supreme desires me to have it and keep it for any amount of substantial moment. If I think merely of the transportation alone, more than likely all the things Supreme Mind was guiding me to do in order to acquire the job are missed. For instance I was being given strength and confidence but all the worry and energy spent on getting some kind of transportation without a job to pay for such transportation put so much stress on mind and body that it negated that strength given.  

Ask then for courage. For power, strength, love, harmony, perfection, happiness. Ask for guidance. Ask to be shown. Ask for your spirit to absorb nothing put positive force and see little by little how negativity loses it gravitational pull upon your spirit.

Secondly ... and importantly for your health and health of loved ones ... ask the same for others. For as you ask thinking you know better for yourself and doing yourself lesser good ... you too will do lesser good for the ones you love by asking for them what you desire instead of what the Supreme desires for them. It is not up to you or them to decide. Supreme knows best. HE knows what they should do. Who is right for their happiness. What, where, and when they need to do all things and who they need to do them with.  Ask for their happiness. Ask the same for them as you ask for yourself. Hold it in mind. Ask if it is meant to be let it be ... but simply LOVE them. It is not impractical to think such things. In fact it is the impractical ones that have been teaching the masses for such a long time. It is why "love thy neighbor" has become "why the fuck is my neighbor parking his car there?!"  Yet all that is needed to change anything are some kind words with kind spirit. You may not have unkindness in your spirit and speak kind words no matter how kind you THINK you are speaking. Ask for kindness in your heart and firm words become kind. Ask for guidance in all things and be patient. Let things play out how the Supreme sees fit. Promised is end results that truly benefit you and everyone of you ... even if the path is not what WE thought would be the perfect path.

My Sincerest and Kindest Regards

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Powers That Be

There is Universal power that sits inside all of us. This power as is well documented and known throughout the advancing centuries exist solely in our thought. Lets not complicate matters, because that is done plenty by others. It's as simple as can be. I think I want a glass of water and it's right here; I get up and go get it. I think there is no water around. All but guaranteed that water is going to come later than sooner and if the thought be completely void of water ever coming surely it never comes.

We have great powers and as simple as they are to use, to master, to understand, takes more of an evolved connection between conscious and subconscious thinking. Between seen and unseen. Between spiritual and physical. The learned "old school" thinkers tend to scoff at the spiritual. They think it a fairytale or pure imagination. Well, it is imagination. Something most of them lack, so no wonder they have little connection to it. But if they truly examined the simple principles every last one of them would find they use those principles and receive the profits and losses or effects to the causes they apply. They use these very powers blindly, still often times, achieving quit a bit because like ALL Universal Laws they apply to Everyone. Rich, poor, learned, unlearned, physically strong or weak, all creed and colors, male or female. They play no favorites. Take 100 beings of every various makes and models and let them walk off a structure raised 20 feet from the ground. The Universal Law of Gravity will have absolutely the same effect on every one of them. If one falls softer, lands better, comes into less harm or no harm compared to another means nothing of the Law. It simply means a higher understanding of the Law within the individual compared to other individuals. Whether it be conscious or subconscious. This is simply fact. The conscious mind is of the physical brain. It is a lower form of intelligence. It is short term memory. It is primarily a defense designed for the cruder stratum of physical life for the more refined spiritual mind, the true mind, the subconscious. We are not going to spend energy understanding or explaining any further this here in writing. Merely is explained in short the difference so hopefully an understanding  can be reached on what is going to be written.

When a conscious comprehension about what I just explained above is achieved, it's like a child who just figured out that a marker can make a physical impression of expression upon virtually any physical object. The child is overwhelmed with the possibilities. Excited about his/her new found realization. Wanting to test and experiment with it's new found power. The child barely understands what can be expressed, how it can be used, where it should be used and not used, the effects of action on all those about, all the intricacies of the power it holds in his/her hand. And so comes the "writing on the wall" that any more refined being knows is coming. And the power is abused, used in places it does no real good, brings pleasure to the child but not the parents or more refined beings who must "clean up the mess" ... so it is with all spiritual powers. Many so called adults doing the same thing with higher powers they use like the child unaware of the consequences and messes they cause others and bring about. Conscious barely of  these powers existence, using them in all the wrong ways, gaining very little though they might be in awe like the child writing on the wall thinking in amazement of the power they apply.

So follow carefully here and gain greater understanding of these powers about to be shared. Be conscious not like a child ignorant of the pen and the truly great power it is capable of. As we read here, is this not an example of a higher conscious intelligence of such power?

Every thought we think is an expression of the greatest power we are gifted with. We use the greatest Law in existence. The Universal Law that governs ALL Universal Laws. The Law of Love or better known; The Law of Attraction.  It is Love because if we think Love and only Love ... loving things come our way. If we do not think Love, we lack it and lacking Love is what creates hate and ill. Thus we are attracting exactly the quality of thought we hold most. It is why most of us get bits and pieces of both because how many can hold steady any one particular quality of thought in all honesty? Most of us can barely think one single thought for more than 5 seconds. Try it, as is, all things are proved to self. Thus it is why the Law is generally termed the Law of Attraction and has been written about for centuries by spirits with little to extraordinary conscious comprehension of it and it's principles. Because we Attract. The goal here is to express a truth and understanding of it to receive higher benefits from it. To help realize a more "mature" usage of these powers instead of using them like a child, as many do, even men and women of high social recognition and status, unaware of even higher usage of this law then what they deem "greatness" in their current state.

If all is desired is money and success, fame and fortune, selfish love and desires to benefit your lesser self then reading the following lines will do very little good or benefit your mind now very little. Yet any message of wisdom and universal truth to the subconscious is beneficial so please read. What is meant here is, if you are seeking the highest usage, the benefit of the following will come MUCH faster and come into understanding of both minds, physical and spiritual, conscious and subconscious. So is now given an intelligence far greater than the man who writes it.

Our Conscious mind is NOT the True director of Subconscious. There is only one director of the Subconscious. It is the Supreme Mind. The Universal Mind. There can be no other PROPER Director. Key word is Proper. To use our Conscious or lower mind to move and direct our Subconscious is not unlike letting another man of lesser morality tell you to harm another man and you simply obeying just for the sake of obeying. Or because temporally he has clouded your mind with his enthusiastic attachment to emotion lacking love, or commonly termed hate. Later removed from his presence it's always felt to some degree that we acted upon something other than our own thought. No different than if we act out something we tell our self consciously we should do even though we feel deep down probably we shouldn't. We are unaware but the situation is no different than the previous "hateful" man directing us to harm. We are directing with conscious mind ... which is telling us to do something we "feel" deep down we shouldn't because we have learned, from others, wrongly ... that we should do such an act. The feeling deep down is the correct action we should seek, even if it is not so seen "correct" by 1 million conscious minds. Conscious learned behavior is not the director of spiritual mind. So it is seen why was mentioned briefly the Sole (SOUL) purpose of the Conscious mind. So to gain understanding that it is merely given as a defense. It is the cap over the gas tank locked and only opened as we so choose so others may not dump fuel not made for our individual vehicle into our vehicle. And quite honestly, there is only one who should fuel us with thought and idea and the fuel that is right for us. It is chosen by Supreme Universal Mind. It should not be what fuel others decide or convince us is best. So then how do we know the proper fuel? This is where the child tends to know more than the "mature" man. He has not contaminated his use of conscious mind with the faulty learned behaviors of the "adult". Simply said ... trust your feelings. Your feelings are of Subconscious mind, led by Universal Mind. It tells the Conscious mind when to close the cap. When to open the cap. What to let in and keep out. If the Conscious mind is coerced by mind other than it's own Greater mind or Subconscious, or it simply thinks it the director knowing greater than the Universal, opening as it likes to what it likes ... we allow all kinds of fuel into our vehicle that whether it is good or bad, needed or not needed will take hold of us. Will act upon us. Our Subconscious merely burns whatever fuel is placed into our vehicle and burn it continually it will once entered until it is removed or diminished. But the Greatest of all teachers to our Spirit the Universal Spirit or Creator is ... HE will not stop unnecessary fuel from being dumped into us. Conscious mind was given to us for this sole purpose and is governed by the individual alone. He merely sends feeling of the correct fuel to the Subconscious. Which should govern our Conscious mind to close or open. We may bond the Conscious mind with the Subconscious in proper proportion using it correctly in harmony. Or we may in ignorance place the Individual Consciousness or EGO above the Supreme Consciousness ... which in time the feeling sent to us for the right fuel will not stop. The great teacher simply increases the feeling until we accept the proper fuel, or if continually unchecked, will destroy the internal workings of our vehicle ... which like with a car we are in possession of does not mean the end of our transportation ... it simply means we must now seek a new vehicle.

It is with all intention that this brings understanding to the importance and application of the Subconscious mind or Universal Supreme mind. Part 2 to this will venture to give even greater understanding of how not only does improper use harm yourself first and foremost ... but can bring harm to others who you love and care about even with what you think are the best intentions. It is with love and kindest of all regards this has been written....    

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Understanding the Storm

So is enunciated for all to consider as observed. Lets think something over for a moment and consider. There is a time and a place for everything, so is said. The universe is well rounded in as many directions as we could not even imagine. We say peace is quiet. Chaos is loud. So many of us state we are peaceful people with no need to yell or use force or power. We do not fight. There is no reason to talk this way or that way. Let me offer this. Offer that again the universe is well rounded. It gives rain and sunshine but also gives extreme heat and thunder and lightning. After a downpour what follows it? Is it not sunshine and rainbows? Some I suggest have it all wrong. While it is out of harmony to grow too fierce and use power in overly strong manners, it is as much disharmony to grow too timid and quiet in what is termed peaceful manner. The storm at the eye is as calm as the wind on a warm sunny day. Only is it suggested that perhaps to master our interactions is to know the beauty and peace of the storm as well as the peace and beauty of the absolute silence. For the storm while seeming full of wild force and anger, at the core is calm. As calm as the seemingly exterior of a light sun shower. For it is not the outer appearance, it is the inner where the value is found. Where the true intent and purpose is found.

If a child is nearly into the street with on coming traffic, we do not speak in a soft voice, stop, stop please. Not 1 out of 10. It is instinct, natural, without conscious thought to raise a voice with force and power to stop them. It is what is needed. Perhaps one day our mind may be so strong that in calm but firm thought we could think to that child stop and it would be done. But let's be honest with ourselves. Today is not yet that day. There are far too many children and not yet enough strong minds. You cannot reach a person in thought who does not know it. The channel is not "tuned in yet"
We cannot always appear be gentle and timid. If that were the case the world would have been destroyed long ago. Is not the nature of nature at this point in time to be soft as well as forceful? Let me suggest to minds searching for enlightenment this. WAR does not happen because men with great power take advantage of lesser power. It is the opposite. It is because men of great power do not use that power to keep lesser intelligent men with less power in check. I can assure you this to be true. For only cowards and greed driven selfish men start Wars and bring about chaos. If only men with true power did not trap themselves in fearful timid bodies in the name of peace and spoke together in faith and confidence, they would hold these wicked misguided souls in check and no War would ever come. Not only would they keep it in check, by standing up and letting forth their strength, it would be strength enough to guide these misguided souls slowly but surely into enlightenment.
There is a velvet glove but be assured beneath it there is an iron fist. It is not that the fist is a threat, for there are no threats. Only guarantees. Universal laws promise an effect for ever cause. And while one acts garners the glove without fail, so too will another garner the fist. The question is not "Is the fist needed." It simply is "When will the fist not be needed any longer?" There is a time and place for everything, the question is do we listen and know our time, and our place at each moment regardless of what others may think of our action. Can we be the sunshine and the storm when it is needed all the while keeping the calm center of either?

This is as well as I can suggest/give perspective to this thought at this time. I hope it is felt in connecting manner.

My kindest regards

Sunday, April 14, 2013


  • Today's offering:

    Someone mentioned "poker face" ... As to suggest a demeanor I possess. And at the same time daily, many people try to suggest what I am feeling or thinking. Though most cannot begin to know. But let's take the "I" from the equation to make it universally understood.

    "Poker Face" implies in my thought: a face, character, or front which you have no sure idea what lies behind it. We could look it up which often is done, but this is the first thought that comes to me when I think the name. That being said, if you do not know what is behind it, beneath the cards, why do you wish to guess? Why would you believe you know what is behind it? Perhaps it's the gambler in us. Perhaps it's the pure card counting logic that believes they know what's next. Only the spirit of mind differs, no matter similarities, from individual to individual. Do not mistake the infinite for a game confined to 52 cards. Do not attempt to know what is in one spirit not of yourself. This may place in your possession cards not suited for our hand. Instead let the cards fall where they may and wait for the aces to be played and leave the jokers out of the deck. We all know the Aces from the Jokers when they appear and know an "ace up the sleeve" is the most superior. As such, 
    a seemingly weaker hand of cards can overtake the greatest if in mind their is no doubt.
    We must remember a cover of the book means very little, or even the ink or words, what's possessed in it goes much deeper and is felt to the fullest by more than just the eyes. Who knows what truly lies behind another spirit save the relationship between said spirit and the Supreme HEART?

    My Kindest Regards

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Elevated. Risen. Blossomed. The light shined down. All terms we have heard and know well in our hearts and mind. We know the truth behind them. And when we think of these words we may come to think of a general higher state of being. As what is elevated is above. What has risen is now tall(er). The blossomed flower of the plant is what it is known for and certainly does not sit at the bottom of the plant. Logically the light may not shine down if it is not above.

We look at the water more refined in it's matter than dirt.  It sits elevated above the dirt. Try as we might, fling dirt into all we wish but if the water is more in substance than the dirt, the dirt will sink to the bottom and the water remains above it. If the water is heated and evaporated to even more of a refined matter, it turns to gas form. The elevated water now a gas rises above the Lower temperatured and less refined water. It becomes unseen to the eyes it becomes so refined as it rises to greater heights. It will remain at those heights, above the water, above the filth of dirt and cannot be lowered until it mixes with other elements and conditions in the sky to become water once more. At which time it may not hold it's position in the heavens any longer. It must return to the lower realms of Earth and take it's place amongst the other water and dirt.

If we think of this we may gain an understanding of Universal Law and how it works. We may know without doubt how to gain "higher ground" and Elevate ourselves. For the Law is all around us and what works for one of natures creation applies to all. What works for one individual will work for another if we place ourselves in the proper conditions.

Ask ourselves of this elevation and the conditions and environments we should seek.  The male wishing to have a wonderful evening and impress his hearts desire drives the female to the highest point and parks his car. The worries are gone, as is the stress and thoughts of all that entails both their lives when in the city below. They feel at ease, in love, elevated in a higher state, both mentally and physically. Physical in the sense of they are above everyone else below in the city. And as they stare out at the city below they talk and think of the beauty of it. The lights and buildings, thought and love that went into creating such a beautiful site. While up here there is no consciousness of anything less than. It is only on the drive back down. One can almost guarantee it changes with altitude. As the homes and people in them are of "higher" class on the hill. As they descend towards the bottom the beauty of the structure of homes and neighborhoods lessen. The people in them are of more or less average intelligence. Still a sense of safety and relaxation as passing through. But as the descent increases the neighborhoods become more unstable, less beautiful, and the minds that dwell in them are felt in different manner. Crime, disorganization, lack of love and care and even violence may be seen. The beautiful lights seen above are gone as half dead street lights flicker on and off. Many of the buildings seeming so beautiful before now look run down, ragged, some even vacant when looked on the lowest points they now sit. The beauty seen at elevated heights, with elevated thoughts, now seems to leave even the most developed minds once they lower themselves into the underbelly of the city. The lesser thoughts are evident everywhere one may look. It becomes a battle for one to keep higher thinking of the beauty of this city when mingling amongst the roots beneath it's dark soil.

Whether we are conscious of it or not, Law governs us all. We are aware that the Law of Gravitation exists. It is accepted by all in all professions and all cultures. It cannot be denied by logically developed minds. Even a child quickly becomes aware of it's principles. So then be not surprised to know that higher, more refined thought can be found not only in elevated thinking individuals, but in individuals who do their thinking at higher elevations. Higher, more pure thought are drawn upward as much so as the refined water in gas form. Those who live at lower levels of the Earth find it hard to breathe at high altitudes not because of simply the air. It is because they have lived amongst inferior element that bogs down spirit. At high altitudes their spirit and mind are exhilarated while their physical body aims lower where it seeks to hold comfort in lesser than surroundings. Their are some who would scoff at this idea. Tibet is known world wide. The Dalai Lama is a man respected by all faiths and the temple can be found in the highest region of Earth with a physical elevation of 16,000 feet. Men and women from all walks of life looking for enlightenment have been drawn to it. In fact temples of all kinds and buildings of the worlds most successful businesses are built at higher elevations. Be it on Earthly structure or created by man.

The CEO of the company never has his office on the first floor of a 60 story building. It is always at the where, Top! Whether we are conscious of it or it is driven purely by our subconscious this is no mistake. The greatest, clearest, most driven minds will always be drawn to higher elevations. Both mentally ... and physically.

The manufacturing plants may sit at the bottom of the valley, but make no mistake, the offices of the elevated minds who are the success of these companies will always sit above at elevated heights. They know something that the workers in the valley do not. They do not refrain from constant mingling with workers in the valley because they think themselves better. They know that extended time below will mix their thoughts with certain elements and conditions that will, like the gases in the sky, change them to lower forms and send them from their elevated position. It is not personal or out of smite or ego. It is out of higher intelligence. And such minds desire greatly for those in the valley to raise themselves and elevate their minds, thus bodies, from the mental and physical "poor" house to the "pent" house elevated above.

My Kindest Regards

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing But the Truth

The Truth is the Truth is inside each individual. We all know the truth. "The TRUTH shall set us free" But it is not "knowing" the Truth where the freedom lies. It is the application of that Truth inside of us. Our heart is but an organ if it does not pump blood to every inch of the body. An arm, useless, if we do not use it and apply it. The body and all functions of it become frail, obscure, weak, and useless without ... use. So too does the knowledge of Truth inside the mind.

In addition to this simple fact is the next step in consciousness of Truth. Once we understand we must apply it, not simply know it. We must understand how to use the application. For if the heart knows it must pump blood ... but only pumps it to the leg not understanding its application is meant to be well-rounded and dispersed in ALL directions, and not simply in one, then failure of life is to come. More power comes with each conscious step of Truth. First we understand we must use it and the power that exists in it. Second we fine tune the application. We stumble, we misuse, we may take for granted or not fully understand it's application. We may use it in the wrong direction. Like a fire-arm, will we use it to bring pain and chaos ... or fire it into the heavens to signal the start of this planet's united race? This is the power of Truth, Universal to all, within each being. As the process of fine tuning and using the application of Truth, it becomes like a treasured automobile. It becomes quicker to act. More efficient. With ability to reach more places in less time. Safer with less chance of a wreck or injury in it.  The comfort and joy when in it increases. The pleasure and desire more apparent within us when we sit inside and admire it. As does our desire to increase the fine tuning and build upon what we have already built.

Now we only move every lasting to the third step, the infinite step, of mastery. Of eternal growth and youth. Of continuous building of new and expanding material, that is building and application of greater and greater truth.

The Truth is a seed buried deep in each individual. Some seeds buried just at the surface. Some thousands of miles beneath. Some sprouting quickly in days, some taking years and years. Time is of no concern. Great Truths like the seeds of many beautiful plants need to be buried deeper in the soil and travel farther to reach the surface and blossom in all it's beauty. The trip and struggles through the deep soil and darkness it began in before the sun could fully shine on it was one that took longer to develop ... but make no mistake now. Now it is blossomed in grand exquisiteness. And though it took longer to blossom, it's roots lie deeper than the others around it. Roots now so deep and strong there is nothing that may destroy it. Cut it down, burn it, bring all force you may against it and the roots lie so deep you may not destroy it. It will come back again and again, outliving lesser Truths that try to overtake it. Try as they might lesser developed Truths may not outlive or out shine the perfect Truth, perfect harmonious thought.

Truth is not to be learned, not be read or taught, or shown or heard. Truth is to be realized. Realized, applied, and grown. It is not for anyone to teach. We may only attempt to inspire the Truth that is already within another individual. Acting as the Sun's rays giving warmth into the soil encouraging the seed to reach up to the surface where it is to blossom and live in the light and warmth of the heavens bliss.
