Friday, November 15, 2013

Energy Saturation

Everything has energy. When we put on our clothes the energy we put out and receive from others around us literally saturate our clothes. Walls inside our home, our rooms are saturated with the dominate thought of such place. Words we write are saturated with the energy we write them with. The art of an artist is filled with the thought in which he painted the picture. Everything is saturated with the energy and that energy draws like energy to it.

If we doubt this, think of the feeling we feel when we walk into a Church. If the Church be righteous and helpful to people we cannot help but feel uplifted if we are even somewhat of a positive person. If we have no faith and be negative in our soul we will also feel a strange power making us feel uneasy when we enter. It is Law telling us we must adapt our energy or leave. As "two objects may not occupy the same space at the same time" is Law. Like wise it is the same with the Bar. We instantly feel like gossiping and "letting loose" or we feel an urge to leave.
The house is "haunted" when "evil" or rather "ignorant" energy has saturated the home for long periods.

Clothes if we are angry in them we may wash the physical dirt with water and soap, but if continually in that state of mind when wearing them we find it to effect our mood when placing them upon our body. And visa versa.

Words written by hand or digitally are felt by the corresponding souls maturity. Thus beautiful words can be felt a "lie" if written by untruthful spirit or felt to be written in "nervousness" if the writer is doubtful, thus it's truth is questioned more readily. Statements can be felt to be true even when false if the writer possesses a powerful confident spirit.

Open the windows to our homes. Let the light in. Open the door, let the fresh air in to expel the stale heavy air that may weigh down our homes. Instead of washing clothes that may be filled with old lesser thoughts we once had, donate them to someone who may need those thoughts to elevate their current position. Or if we feel them to be saturated with thought we wish no other soul to have, burn them or throw them out to be buried in the trash where they belong. It is logical when we think it over. There is no mystery to it. If we have outgrown our homes or our local "watering hole" perhaps it's time we chose better "establishments" better homes to place ourselves in. If we are not being uplifting then perhaps we need to lift up and move into better clothes, better places, better words. Don't leave emails that do not benefit you in your "inbox". Delete them. Lets clean out the cache today in all are areas of our life. Promised is this. If we do we will prove to ourselves these words hold truth not of this writer, but of Universal Law of Supreme divinity. We will feel a weight lifted, a breathe of fresh air, a new beginning in this moment. And this will be the seed we plant in a soil needed for happiness to blossom.

Kind Regards

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