There is Universal power that sits inside all of us. This power as is well documented and known throughout the advancing centuries exist solely in our thought. Lets not complicate matters, because that is done plenty by others. It's as simple as can be. I think I want a glass of water and it's right here; I get up and go get it. I think there is no water around. All but guaranteed that water is going to come later than sooner and if the thought be completely void of water ever coming surely it never comes.
We have great powers and as simple as they are to use, to master, to understand, takes more of an evolved connection between conscious and subconscious thinking. Between seen and unseen. Between spiritual and physical. The learned "old school" thinkers tend to scoff at the spiritual. They think it a fairytale or pure imagination. Well, it is imagination. Something most of them lack, so no wonder they have little connection to it. But if they truly examined the simple principles every last one of them would find they use those principles and receive the profits and losses or effects to the causes they apply. They use these very powers blindly, still often times, achieving quit a bit because like ALL Universal Laws they apply to Everyone. Rich, poor, learned, unlearned, physically strong or weak, all creed and colors, male or female. They play no favorites. Take 100 beings of every various makes and models and let them walk off a structure raised 20 feet from the ground. The Universal Law of Gravity will have absolutely the same effect on every one of them. If one falls softer, lands better, comes into less harm or no harm compared to another means nothing of the Law. It simply means a higher understanding of the Law within the individual compared to other individuals. Whether it be conscious or subconscious. This is simply fact. The conscious mind is of the physical brain. It is a lower form of intelligence. It is short term memory. It is primarily a defense designed for the cruder stratum of physical life for the more refined spiritual mind, the true mind, the subconscious. We are not going to spend energy understanding or explaining any further this here in writing. Merely is explained in short the difference so hopefully an understanding can be reached on what is going to be written.
When a conscious comprehension about what I just explained above is achieved, it's like a child who just figured out that a marker can make a physical impression of expression upon virtually any physical object. The child is overwhelmed with the possibilities. Excited about his/her new found realization. Wanting to test and experiment with it's new found power. The child barely understands what can be expressed, how it can be used, where it should be used and not used, the effects of action on all those about, all the intricacies of the power it holds in his/her hand. And so comes the "writing on the wall" that any more refined being knows is coming. And the power is abused, used in places it does no real good, brings pleasure to the child but not the parents or more refined beings who must "clean up the mess" ... so it is with all spiritual powers. Many so called adults doing the same thing with higher powers they use like the child unaware of the consequences and messes they cause others and bring about. Conscious barely of these powers existence, using them in all the wrong ways, gaining very little though they might be in awe like the child writing on the wall thinking in amazement of the power they apply.
So follow carefully here and gain greater understanding of these powers about to be shared. Be conscious not like a child ignorant of the pen and the truly great power it is capable of. As we read here, is this not an example of a higher conscious intelligence of such power?
Every thought we think is an expression of the greatest power we are gifted with. We use the greatest Law in existence. The Universal Law that governs ALL Universal Laws. The Law of Love or better known; The Law of Attraction. It is Love because if we think Love and only Love ... loving things come our way. If we do not think Love, we lack it and lacking Love is what creates hate and ill. Thus we are attracting exactly the quality of thought we hold most. It is why most of us get bits and pieces of both because how many can hold steady any one particular quality of thought in all honesty? Most of us can barely think one single thought for more than 5 seconds. Try it, as is, all things are proved to self. Thus it is why the Law is generally termed the Law of Attraction and has been written about for centuries by spirits with little to extraordinary conscious comprehension of it and it's principles. Because we Attract. The goal here is to express a truth and understanding of it to receive higher benefits from it. To help realize a more "mature" usage of these powers instead of using them like a child, as many do, even men and women of high social recognition and status, unaware of even higher usage of this law then what they deem "greatness" in their current state.
If all is desired is money and success, fame and fortune, selfish love and desires to benefit your lesser self then reading the following lines will do very little good or benefit your mind now very little. Yet any message of wisdom and universal truth to the subconscious is beneficial so please read. What is meant here is, if you are seeking the highest usage, the benefit of the following will come MUCH faster and come into understanding of both minds, physical and spiritual, conscious and subconscious. So is now given an intelligence far greater than the man who writes it.
Our Conscious mind is NOT the True director of Subconscious. There is only one director of the Subconscious. It is the Supreme Mind. The Universal Mind. There can be no other PROPER Director. Key word is Proper. To use our Conscious or lower mind to move and direct our Subconscious is not unlike letting another man of lesser morality tell you to harm another man and you simply obeying just for the sake of obeying. Or because temporally he has clouded your mind with his enthusiastic attachment to emotion lacking love, or commonly termed hate. Later removed from his presence it's always felt to some degree that we acted upon something other than our own thought. No different than if we act out something we tell our self consciously we should do even though we feel deep down probably we shouldn't. We are unaware but the situation is no different than the previous "hateful" man directing us to harm. We are directing with conscious mind ... which is telling us to do something we "feel" deep down we shouldn't because we have learned, from others, wrongly ... that we should do such an act. The feeling deep down is the correct action we should seek, even if it is not so seen "correct" by 1 million conscious minds. Conscious learned behavior is not the director of spiritual mind. So it is seen why was mentioned briefly the Sole (SOUL) purpose of the Conscious mind. So to gain understanding that it is merely given as a defense. It is the cap over the gas tank locked and only opened as we so choose so others may not dump fuel not made for our individual vehicle into our vehicle. And quite honestly, there is only one who should fuel us with thought and idea and the fuel that is right for us. It is chosen by Supreme Universal Mind. It should not be what fuel others decide or convince us is best. So then how do we know the proper fuel? This is where the child tends to know more than the "mature" man. He has not contaminated his use of conscious mind with the faulty learned behaviors of the "adult". Simply said ... trust your feelings. Your feelings are of Subconscious mind, led by Universal Mind. It tells the Conscious mind when to close the cap. When to open the cap. What to let in and keep out. If the Conscious mind is coerced by mind other than it's own Greater mind or Subconscious, or it simply thinks it the director knowing greater than the Universal, opening as it likes to what it likes ... we allow all kinds of fuel into our vehicle that whether it is good or bad, needed or not needed will take hold of us. Will act upon us. Our Subconscious merely burns whatever fuel is placed into our vehicle and burn it continually it will once entered until it is removed or diminished. But the Greatest of all teachers to our Spirit the Universal Spirit or Creator is ... HE will not stop unnecessary fuel from being dumped into us. Conscious mind was given to us for this sole purpose and is governed by the individual alone. He merely sends feeling of the correct fuel to the Subconscious. Which should govern our Conscious mind to close or open. We may bond the Conscious mind with the Subconscious in proper proportion using it correctly in harmony. Or we may in ignorance place the Individual Consciousness or EGO above the Supreme Consciousness ... which in time the feeling sent to us for the right fuel will not stop. The great teacher simply increases the feeling until we accept the proper fuel, or if continually unchecked, will destroy the internal workings of our vehicle ... which like with a car we are in possession of does not mean the end of our transportation ... it simply means we must now seek a new vehicle.
It is with all intention that this brings understanding to the importance and application of the Subconscious mind or Universal Supreme mind. Part 2 to this will venture to give even greater understanding of how not only does improper use harm yourself first and foremost ... but can bring harm to others who you love and care about even with what you think are the best intentions. It is with love and kindest of all regards this has been written....
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