So explained has been our powers that be. How we should trust our feelings of Subconscious mind, which is but an Extension of Universal Supreme Mind, to lead us properly and not the learned lesser conscious mind that is merely to serve as a defense against lesser spirit trying to enter into our own spirit or subconscious.
The larger portion of our existence are still gaining understanding of spirituality and thus the terms used to express it. Being that they are on still a lower or lesser plane of physical thought they tend to fight much of the connection and thus physical terminology we use to help the thought cross from mere physical consciousness of seen to the true spiritual consciousness of unseen. Scoff not. If you are of this plane of thought then throw out any religious teachings, even that of the great teacher. Throw out the "newer age" terms. Throw out expressions that in current state cannot reach you. Think of it in terms as is often used in this writing, such as fuel into a car. If the wrong fuel is used in a car, does it not cause damage? What fuels us? Is it not thought? Does thought not control everything about us? Fuel us? Is not our mood dependent ENTIRELY upon OUR thought? So if the wrong thought is placed inside our vehicle... is it not the same as the wrong fuel inside the vehicle we drive? Is not a vehicle a vehicle, differing only in degree? In abilities? Are we not now touching on Universal Principles? What applies to one applies to all of kind? Think it over with open mind.
If you are now coming to understand the extraordinary thought that is being expressed ... and are coming to the most important action possible in any life ... consciousness of greater consciousness, or simply, BELIEF... then what is about to be expressed, again the intelligence will be far greater than the "man" who is about to write it. It is going to expand on the proper way to be one with our power and gain it's fullest expression and highest potential ...
RICHES! FAME! POWER! WEALTH! LOVE! .... calm down. Many of those words are counter productive to each other and/or completely misunderstood from the expression they are Supposed to express. No ... simply the highest potential is Happiness. Peace, Love, and Happiness. Nothing else. For with that no stress comes. We are at Peace. Our body never aches because with complete Peace and Happiness which IS Love ... we are not stressed. Worried. Bothered. Let us digress so to keep mind in the direction that will be aimed here. Which is HOW to use our power properly. Not just for us, but for others. We must be happy first and foremost, but never at another's expense. For why in short term we may find seeming benefit ... always in the long term we find the greatest ill upon our self and OUR spirit for gaining at another's expense.
So when we find we have this power ... we can use this power ... and the Supreme grants us virtually anything we can think of if only we can hold it steady in mind and continually ask for it ... that it is a great gift and should be used! And we are not wrong to think it. It SHOULD be used. But like the pen in the child's hand it can be used to draw on walls for short lived shallow, somewhat selfish amusement ... or you can read on and into the future and understand the greater results it produces for greater number of beings or spirits when used properly and to greater degree.
Yet, fret not if some walls get drawn on. Not even permanent marker is Truly permanent. If we use it incorrectly, and we will, a new thought is like new paint and the old picture no matter how vile it may seem yesterday can be completely forgotten under the newer more beautiful one of much greater expression and understanding of the art we are now mastering instead of simply dabbling in. So it is explained now that what WE think is best or desire or plan no matter how strong, intelligent, or wise our conscious mind is ... is not the highest thought. Is not the "perfect path" even if we are 100 miles ahead of the next closest individual. What WE think is still conscious mind. Is still the "lesser" intelligence. It is true. If we feel we should have a thing ... we probably most certainly should if we feel it, that is not the problem. It is not the error. Some misguided religious teachings misunderstand the great teachers of old and say we should deny ... foolish nonsense. Denial is to go AGAINST feeling. Thus against Supreme intelligence. Pain and lack are sure to come along this path. The "I" can surely promise first hand of that. No the error comes in the fact that our feelings are not fully comprehended. We feel we should have a thing... and before we can become truly in tune with what Supreme Mind is telling us we need ... we jump in haste at the thing we believe was said is needed.
As exampled in the most simple and universally understood example ... you feel you should have Love of another ... DUH! Of course you should. But then you being the foolish child barely in touch with your feelings or the message and guidance being sent your way come across what is now beautiful to you. Look at the beauty. The things they do, how they walk. Oh a smile in our direction. It must be a sign from GOD. Oh they like the color yellow too! We chuckle and think how ridiculous this is, because it is ridiculous. We barely know our self and yet we think we may know the one right for us? Nonsense or Sense not logical in conscious or unconscious thinking. A whole book of understanding could be written through me on this matter that would be as a slap across the face of a drunken half sleeping man ... but here it is merely used as an example of how WE think we know the path over the universal. And when WE think better is known above the one who knows and directs our power ... well again to reach the physical thinkers look at the divorce rates and even more the non-divorces that even little children know are not marriages. Proven to each is hoped here this wisdom.
So then ... stop trying to control and direct this great power as YOU see fit. Supreme will grant you. HE will direct you in ANY endeavor YOU wish. It is Universal Principle. HE will give you power to overcome any lack you desire to overcome. It is absolute. But ... if you ask for something and take it as you see fit with the powers that are given do not be surprised if all of the things become a burden and the happiness and results you expected to come about in certain ways do not come ... and as your plan comes together you find in reality it's falling apart because either it's not what you really needed or what you wanted came at the expense of others or both or various combinations.You thought yourself the director. You thought yourself the better "knower" ... You thought yourself the brain when barely a finger. You jabbed and poked the eye because the finger you are did not wait for the brain's message to reach you and guide you instead to the crevice between the eye and the bridge of the nose. Now instead of "wiping the sleep" you are even further blinded, and in pain to boot. Unsure of what to even do as the finger you are now. Barely in touch with the fact that you are part of a whole body controlled by a greater mind, directing you and all the parts to achieve what is best for the entire body of work.
We think we know what is best for a loved one. We think we know what is best for people around us when we usually cannot even see clearly what is best for us or what proper action we should take ourselves. We use this great power. Every time we think love or hate towards someone ... encouragement or criticism ... we send that exact thought out to the person we think it of and that power weighs on them. It may give them life or death. It may lift or weigh. It may elevate and clear sight or close and blind sight. Even if with the best of our intentions we desire something of someone with love in our heart and pray, meditate, or just plain think something of them for our sake or belief ... we may not know it but could possibly be bringing restriction to their growth. Thus is the secret to what for centuries has been termed prayer. Let us be clear. Prayer is nothing more than pure loving thought with faith and belief in Supreme power. In honesty, that is higher prayer. Because even so called "atheist" can pray when telling themselves they do not believe in Supreme power. They merely think a thought like anyone long enough and it is drawn to them partially even without full faith or belief. Just as even someone with a lesser radio and antenna still picks up radio signals, only difference is degree ... or in other terms quantity and quality of signals.
So what is the secret again? Ah ... lets put it plainly in words so is understood the proper thought of prayer, meditation or drawing thought. You only ask for things you truly need. What do you need? Money? Homes? Luxuries? Yes ... but these are means. We ask not for means. When the means become more important than the the end or purpose, which they ALWAYS do when controlled by lesser consciousness, we move away from our powers. We ask for inner strengths which will bring all those exterior things to us. We ask for purpose rather than means. If I ask for a job 20 miles away and the job comes I am not concerned with the transportation. The transportation comes as well, even if it is after the job. It HAS to come if I desire the job and the Supreme desires me to have it and keep it for any amount of substantial moment. If I think merely of the transportation alone, more than likely all the things Supreme Mind was guiding me to do in order to acquire the job are missed. For instance I was being given strength and confidence but all the worry and energy spent on getting some kind of transportation without a job to pay for such transportation put so much stress on mind and body that it negated that strength given.
Ask then for courage. For power, strength, love, harmony, perfection, happiness. Ask for guidance. Ask to be shown. Ask for your spirit to absorb nothing put positive force and see little by little how negativity loses it gravitational pull upon your spirit.
Secondly ... and importantly for your health and health of loved ones ... ask the same for others. For as you ask thinking you know better for yourself and doing yourself lesser good ... you too will do lesser good for the ones you love by asking for them what you desire instead of what the Supreme desires for them. It is not up to you or them to decide. Supreme knows best. HE knows what they should do. Who is right for their happiness. What, where, and when they need to do all things and who they need to do them with. Ask for their happiness. Ask the same for them as you ask for yourself. Hold it in mind. Ask if it is meant to be let it be ... but simply LOVE them. It is not impractical to think such things. In fact it is the impractical ones that have been teaching the masses for such a long time. It is why "love thy neighbor" has become "why the fuck is my neighbor parking his car there?!" Yet all that is needed to change anything are some kind words with kind spirit. You may not have unkindness in your spirit and speak kind words no matter how kind you THINK you are speaking. Ask for kindness in your heart and firm words become kind. Ask for guidance in all things and be patient. Let things play out how the Supreme sees fit. Promised is end results that truly benefit you and everyone of you ... even if the path is not what WE thought would be the perfect path.
My Sincerest and Kindest Regards
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