Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What is Home

I often pull definitions from what is considered a globally recognized dictionary. This is so we THINK about exactly what it is we are discussing or considering rather. As the "definition" of definition is stated #1 as:
the act of defining or making definite, distinct, or clear.
So today my consideration I put forth is that of a home. To make definite, distinct and clear what a "home" truly is a global translation is provided below. Not by myself, as who am I to decide, but as a general Earthly whole. And from there after that is established in our minds I will proceed with my consideration.
noun \ˈhōm\

Definition of HOME

a : one's place of residence : domicile
b : house
: the social unit formed by a family living together
a : a familiar or usual setting : congenial environment; also : the focus of one's domestic attention <home is where the heart is>
b : habitat
a : a place of origin 
-Webster's Dictionary a Global Standard for "definition"
"Home is a place of residence or refuge.[1] When it refers to a building, it is usually a place in which an individual or a family can live and store personal property." -Wikipedia the #5 site in the world
Then it is important we define "Reside" or "Residence" since it is clearly in connection with "home"
intransitive verb \ri-ˈzīd\

Definition of RESIDE

a : to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office
b : to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile
a : to be present as an element or quality
b : to be vested as a right
 So first and foremost we define and make clear that is a place where we reside. This is global, or "Universal", clearness no matter what language we pronounce "home" in, it is "One's place of residence". As if you asked a billion people I am quite certain as a general whole the definition given would be along this wording, if not for certain Webster's would be changing it.
Secondly we see from the number 5# site in the world that is non-profit powered by people from around the world together with common bond that we think of it as a "place of residence or refuge."
"to dwell permanently or continuously" also "to be present as an element or quality"
 So presenting the monotonous general "conscious" intellectual side of things I'll proceed to the greater intellect and intuitive side of my consideration.

We ask ourselves, where do we reside? Where is our residence? The house? The apartment? The building we work? Is this where we dwell permanently? Is this where our "element or quality" is always present? Surely when we are home we are there. It's where we "live". Surely many of us "live" in our work. What is our work? What we do for a "living". Ha, again we could go back to overall general consciousness of what "living" is ... but clearly if we think but for a moment even those of us with little schooling, perhaps those of us with little schooling knowing better, understand that the general "perception" of making a "living" is clearly flawed. Supposedly we are at work to make a living and therefore reside in our work. But how many of us are truly residing there while at work? How many of us are making the "living" we desire deep within us? How many of us have our "element" or true "quality" with our bodies at work? Certainly there are some, but I would suggest that there are few when considering the billions of human beings in physically living bodies who "reside" on the Earth. Certainly the ones who can say "yes" live in their work and are most successful. Our work most certainly is NOT the "building" where we work. I cook for a "living," in the general term of the word currently, and must my work be done in our restaurant? Clearly not. With this considered, is it our house or apartment were we continuously dwell? Where our full "element or quality" always reside?We may say:
"Well, not every second. But it's where I sleep, where I store my personal property as stated above. Where I keep all my things. Where my children, wife or husband, and I are comfortable. It is where all we work for is kept and placed and protected in. It's where I want to go when I leave work or places of entertainment or vacation."

Ah, so our "personal" property are stored in our house or apartment? What property is this? A T.V.? A computer? A dresser? Clothes? Things any of us may purchase anywhere in the world? If your house or apartment burnt to the ground would your family not have a place to stay? Would they not find another such house or apartment to feel "comfortable" in? Comfort is a feeling, a state of mind, not a house or apartment. Let someone kick open the door while you sleep and but snatch the T.V. from your wall or stand and all the "comfort" you have built over perhaps years in that physical building is all but gone, is it not? Is the T.V. what you work for? Was it really all that protected? Is it even worth protecting? After you lose that comfort or perhaps even grow tired with monotony of said "comfort" ... is it still a place where you wish to go? Is there not many of us who dread "going home?"

If any of this resonates with you, I suggest that the work, building, or if not happy with the actual job you carry out day to day ... that the house or apartment you seemingly "reside" in ... is not your home. Many of us all the time are in our places or work, in our houses, at friends houses, sitting outside on a park bench and we are there ... but we are not really there. We are in our minds somewhere far, far away. Or perhaps right down the street. Or perhaps seeming nowhere at all. This is where our element, our TRUE quality always resides. Always lives. Our mind inside our brain and brain within our body. So in a physical sense, our person in our home. Our ever moving house. Moved from one physical background to another. But we see I mention "house" ... as certainly home and house do not correspond as one. Our body, or even brain, simply the house. Housing our home. Our home is the mind. This is where we truly live. The pure schooled intellects will say:

"Yea this has all been said before. Bunch of psychological ramblings and none of this truly helps anyone of lesser intelligence."

Then use pure logic. If you are thinking of anger, if you are thinking agitated, if you are thinking wrongly, does it not show in your mood? Are you not living externally what you are living internally? Some intellects with great will power will say:  
"I can keep composed on the outside while angry on the inside. No one may know what I am thinking." 

Oh but unlike the "old" days when people were less privy to feelings and could not pick up on inner emotions, spirit, this being left for only children who were not so bogged down with falsities "adults" believe, people are tapping back into their instinctual minds outside of "childhood." And more and more people are able to "feel" you are upset or living miserable, unhappy, when you may not show it so openly outwardly. And using the pure logic and the physical senses lets take it a step further if you still do not believe others may feel you "living" in your mind. Lets use your own body as the example.  Lets evaluate your muscles. Your blood, your temperature. If you want to go on physical science alone, lets do so. Lets look at physical science and see if it does not prove that your temperature, blood, and muscles do not change when living in some form of anger, agitation, or wrong thinking inside your mind. Or that it is not different when living in a relaxed, happy, harmonious condition in your mind. That we may not sow a seed of one kind and reap another is scientifically exact. We cannot plant an apple seed and get an orange tree anymore than we may plant despise in our mind and reap happiness without in our body and actions.

The truth behind "Home is where the heart is." Is very real. Where we place our heart and mind are very much where we live. In fact, it's the only place we live. Mind is the only place we are always fully in our own individual element, be it wonderful or miserable. It is the only place we may store true "personal" or for better term 'Individual' belongings. Belongings no one may take from us without our permission. No matter how much physical force they may transfer to us, not matter if they give immense threats or immense love, they may not have what is in our mind unless we give it to them. And if we do, what we give makes no difference if not given in love, out of love, as all the value of it exists only in love. Like the T.V. stolen from the home that the perpetrator gets caught with and is arrested for. Or that he sells for money only to have that money stolen from him. Our true property is kept in the housing of the mind like the physical property is kept in the housing of our bodies. Our true property, all that we truly work for, is stored in our home. And we may not lose it as long as we are aware of where our home is or we choose to give it up for something better we choose to place in our home.
Considering where our home truly exists I will attempt to extend into where our homes were and where we should seek our homes today and beyond in a later writing.
My Kindest Regards  


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