Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A New Wave

Today's Thinking:

Our minds are often bound by the paralyzingly crude thinking of members of our race. A "mental slavery" that translates into a physical, financial, productive, artistic slavery. Color, creed, sex, physical size, conscious intelligence, and every consciously seen characteristic has been used by these crude thinking and are still used today. They believe to retain power they must detain power.

But, the times are evolving. The tide is turning. A calm wave is overtaking the large seemingly powerful waves of past that bring more destruction then growth. And the crude conscious intellects of the past are scared, worried, angry, and lost. Their persona of power is quickly being recognized for what it is, a persona. Shallow and feeble. The old kingdoms are crumbling like the crude thinking itself. 

They can no longer hold people in fear regardless of money, possessions, or seeming success. The new generation not yet fully conscious of the time, yet subconsciously rebelling against the false control and baseless thinking of old. And because of it, men of "power" are losing power. We need only look for it. Adjust our eyes to see the news. To see the politicians, the business men, the scandals of the "rich and famous" that built empires on a basic intelligence of law and used it to hold others in fear. That have kept only a few who thought as they by their side and placed the rest below them. And look at the charges. Look at what crude thinking brings to them. 

They are scrambling. All the conscious intellect of times past can no longer keep the Zuckerburgs in check. The teen making millions off of a you tube video. The teen who sings her soul. The infant who is known world wide. 

Crude thinking would make us believe the new generation is less than. Stupid. Unintelligent. What is not seen fully by both sides as of yet is that there is a new intelligence growing. An evolving one. A spiritual or subconscious one over taking the old, purely conscious intellect. And it is far greater than the old one.

The man with the ax scoffs at the chainsaw and says to him,
 "Boy you are no man using that thing!"
 And the man with the chainsaw says, 
"You die young and I will live longer and work less with greater results as the boy you think me to be."
 And the day will come when a third man will possess to great degree both intellects and say to both of those men ...
"WE have no reason to even bring the tree down. WE think us here longer then both of you and shall relax under OUR tree as WE are most successful."

Kind regards

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