Was born of an energy not of man. Was born via the sky of energy we can not see. Seamen only a physical respresentation of what we call, masculine energy. And so this energy created the boy. And the boy was just like us only with a "purer" energy. One that could see greater through the murky veil of this forgotten energetic world. One that was "drawn" in that time, to what was to be done of Heaven. A heightened consciousess ... As the higher energy that created him was a "sign" so to speak of. And so the collective consciousness agreed that there would be such a one at this time, but they had forgetten, as was also agreed upon they would. And so it was essentially a "random" drawing of the ONE that agreed to be the One of the ONE, to come remembered at a forgotten time ... It was not as glorious as so many "imagine" ... Like the long lost elder brother who comes home after a "battle" and no one remembers him.
And so ... When the time was right for him to "Come Home" he was sent into the wilderness. And so it was for him to recieve the energy of ALL that he had agreed to be to raise the vibration of the whole. And so he went out into the wilderness and let go of any remenants of beliefs he held and when he was about to leave THIS world ... The energy came down from the sky. In his pain he had called his father to him. His father made him "reborn" ... And "remembered" of ALL that he was. In this Life, and ALL Lifes. So that no mater WHERE he was, he was ALL he was. And so it was destined always. And could be no other way. For ALL agreed upon it before ALL created this world. For we are ALL in many worlds, many places and once again a time will come when the energy will come down and one by one make us ALL remember. All come into ALL we are. But it begins by BEING who you agreed to BE. As it was chosen at random and agreed upon who we would be on these Experiences, and we have free will to change that at ANYTIME, but we must change it at the DEEPEST level, or we are merely fighting against OUR SELF and find OUR destiny a painful one. Pain we agree we wish to no longer remain IN!!!! So embrace Life! As the One and many other One's reminded us... It is not the THINGS we should cling to, but the quality of the Experience each thing brings. And so we find the Way, the Door, the Truth which to enter into our consciousness! BE what excites you! Look up! Believe in HIGHER energy. BELIEVE in what's coming without expecting HOW it comes! BELIEVE at the "time" we agreed upon something "better" ... Which is a Higher Consciousness revealed! Believe in BEING greater than we are conscious of at reading, or it's only logical you will not see the Being until you do. We do not wish any longer to meet with pain of negative forces all around us that BEING to then REMIND you of who you are. Instead see that Being come as if from Heaven to Earth to share with you OPENLY who you are, as was also agreed upon. This is the message of the One, and ALL the One's that ever came. For we can see openly OR choose the other. It is our gift.
Kindest Regards
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