Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"It's Time To Grow Up" from -Consciousology

"It's time we grow up. The belief that we must "baby" the child is a dying one. Because we are so stubborn inside past energy that we have to nurture and give absolute direction we have seen great industrial and technological advancements ... while the human being has seen far less. So is it fair to say we can conclude "machinery" may be proven to benefit from this "line" of belief, but what has it proven to provide for the advancement of "being?" Lets not misconstrue the the implications here.

We are a grand species of conscious creation, yet as a whole of that consciousness we ALL feel; so is my feeling, that we are mere infants, at best toddlers, now in our current awareness and acceptance. So I come to interject out of complete Love in what the mind may term "tough."

The denial of self can no longer be coddled. No longer be "tolerated" is my individual feeling.  For we "rate" technology, not the human being. Thus we may become Irate. There is much debating that the dominate energy of "old" has been masculine. We also in this new spiritual awakening are beginning to realize we have looked at many things as backwards. And so going deep inside self and being the obsessive observer of ALL self(s) that I Am... I offer this!

Perhaps we do have it backwards. Has not the energy of past been the more feminine energy? Have not we been the babies being birthed and held by our mother? Have not we been largely in fear to sprint into the world at large quite satisfied to stay at home with mother, who only firms the belief with her previously unconscious state of "that's MY baby?"

That perhaps the aggressive male state of control is derived from fighting against the overly powerful presence of this feminine energy clinging to creation. So much so we have said humanity is "man-kind."

That in fact it is not a feminine energy coming to Earth at all now. But the TRUE masculine. That when the man known as Jesus spoke of only the Father knowing when, He was in fact speaking not of His time, but of THIS time. When the Father energy would marry the Motherly energy. We merely observe all energy so to best understand our time, our purpose, and our own individual and collective "awakening" into a far advanced universe. Everything we observe a mere preparation into what we do not consciously remember we are. It's not about blame.

The old conscious belief called it finger pointing. Enough of these misconceptions! No, it's a finger in the dark moving around trying to "put my finger on IT!"
And that IT is what each of us are individually and collectively. And it is analysis of self and selves that IT, and IT alone will be centered. To leave any self out is to limit. It's time to grow up. It's time to pinpoint the energies. It's time to stop blaming other people and realize that we have been babying each other far too long. That man need grow up and receive his true energy and let go of his past controlling ways and judgements. The old energy often hears this and says, "Ohhh, this is not Loving! This is sounds harsh! You have to be nurturing, you cannot just completely let go of the children."

Which with Loving feeling I boldly say has been a great deal of our confusion. Because this is that very energy man has fought against and been controlled by. A much more subtle and limiting one that actually brings forth the unrefined masculine that lashes out, trying to break free. Lacking perhaps the greater masculine energy of the father not yet here in full. Man will never refine himself working against such energies and the belief that is so dominantly created by this very energy. That if someone is not well or going a certain way it must be someone's fault outside of that person themselves. And thus must be corrected by someone outside of them. That to simply "leave them alone" is an act of cruelty. That the definition of compassion is giving up what up what one is being drawn to for self to nurture the needs of another. Granted one may be drawn naturally to attend the needs of others, so be it, and bless them. As unpleasant as it may be to hear a child cry, or anyone for that matter, to appease them with outer nurturing and attending until satisfied burdens both energetic parties. And creates an "unnatural bond." And then spreads out to others who come in contact with these energies once that bond, of now physical belief of physical mind, comes in contact of others free of this bond and belief. It is something we read or hear and say, "Yes! That makes sense!" Then get up and judge someone the very next second second out loud, or in mind, when they do not attend a crying child for more than a moment. As if the action of telling that child to cheer up and giving a smile to was not enough of an act of compassion because the child still cries. What does one purpose being as connected as we are, the one you judge does not feel that, as silent as that judgement may be?

These are the bond-ages we are taking off in these times. Layers and layers to be shed. Less is more. So think about that in self as greater details need not be placed here. In past the teacher explained in great detail the depths of the problem. Again created by this very energy discussed here. And so the student "taught" not to "figure out" him or her self. Its time to begin to let this go. The model more readily applied in the East teachings and some colleges here in the West, and yet we must ask ourselves here, where is the application of this from birth? Our "psychologists" and "doctors" confer that the greatest time for expansion of conscious awareness exists in the years we term "younger years". We know the changes we "need" to make. This is to inspire the advancing change we need. A call to grow up and grow out.  We are to less and less remind each other of how things "are".

As new energy comes into the consciousness of WHO we ARE, we're going to begin to truly for the first time understand things are not as they've seemed. That everything we have seen in mind was child(ish) ... Infantile as we grow up into the children long spoken of. That true compassion has nothing to do with anything outside of you. That how little or lot you do for others means little if it is not what you wish to do. The mind cannot grasp this because it is limited. So I end this with something of the Heart that one can place in the back of mind until it becomes one's forefront.

If a child is crying in a class of 30 children and every child expects the teacher to "handle it" none more than the teacher his or her self, by unconscious systematic design what then becomes expected? Contemplate the burdens created in such a system.

If we as adults do not grow up, or rather out, of such systems and beliefs that follow such systems, what can be "expected" of OUR (not MY) children?"

Chapter entitled "It's Time to Grow Up"
-From "Consciousology"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Understanding Offense and Defense

"It is not the offense that one must be aware of. Offense looks to gain position. Give it position and it is neutralized. But one who holds a defensive position? They are often willing to die for what they cling to. A General will tell the soldier before he goes into battle even on the Offense ... "Remember! You are Defending your country!" So that it is said, "If you truly love something, let it go." Is possibly the highest truth the mind can comprehend in words. The great Bruce Lee who studied the art of "fighting" told us that not even in the gym do we gain with our positive offensive approach. That the "muscles" become stronger, quicker, technique more refined because we actually LOSE what we don't need. What we defend we cannot lose. Better to be offensive and shed what does not serve us then to remain defending what we are to no longer serve. That said, offend a strong enough defense and they will die to protect it, and rarely want to go alone. Can we understand then our position? This is believed to be the time we are in. To become conscious of this. The long defended belief systems cannot be maintained in the mainframe any longer. For those of us who cling to them we are going to be offended. This is necessary to be fully conscious of to make the transitions in these coming times more peaceful and understandable in the physical mind. The "WAR" of the World we are fighting now is a spiritual War. It is the third and final war. The spiritual trifecta. It is a war over beliefs. One of individual and mass conscious belief. The offense is going to pick up like never before as things progress forward. In doing so we are going to lose what we no longer need and breakdown the destructive defensives that have long kept us trapped in our individual and collective worlds that we wish to transcend."

- From "Consciousology"