Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bring Your Solutions

Bring solutions, not problems. We can build upon or offer better solutions. Those who come with problems look for problems. They are incapable of seeing solutions even were we to give them.

"Well, he won't do this!" ... my first response is OF COURSE not. You've already said it in mind.

The solution isn't in him it's in you. It isn't in her, it's in you. And right now 9 out of 10 people reading this are shaking their heads saying "Mmmmm hmmm!" and 8 of them are now sending this link to the person they'd like to change. *Smack my face*

We can't solve a problem with a problem. Dealing with effects using other effects. We take a job that is one we don't like for a number of reasons and replace it with another job we dislike for a number of OTHER reasons. We lose one relationship for another and say, well he's not so mean as the last one but he's sloppy. We never address ourselves as much as we address others. These are the chains of mankind. This is the bondage that holds us in positions we dislike, in relationships, in business, in body.

And then when we get near a man or woman who has power and understanding of how to grab hold that power, we're too ignorant to observe them, listen to them, see what they do and how they do it. We're too caught up in our own self denial and what we have grown to LIKE rather than what will improve ourselves.

I LIKE ME. I am not changing for anyone! Take me or leave me! That's it ... then that same person usually very openly (or at times secretly) complains about lack ... lack of funds ... lack of position ... lack of love ... lack of beauty ... lack of this, lack of that. PROBLEMS

We aren't addressing problems. We don't have time for lack. We're addressing how to get better. How to increase, improve, grow! We're looking at what we need to be better. To get things done. We're looking for a change. We're understanding UNIVERSAL principle and letting go of personal thought. Individuals are unique in expression of Artistic manner. It has nothing to do with foundation. The internals of the body work in exacting manner of a healthy body in one as another. As does the principles of spirit or energy. Like attracts like. And energy that is powerful enough and brave enough to stay in the dislikes of it's own to touch and change the negative energy, the problem energy, to like energy of it's self so it may express more greatness of itself should be humbly thanked.

Perhaps that is too deep or not received 100% ... well if you question or do not believe this truth then this is not for you and your problems. This is for believers. Enlightened. The truly intelligent among us, the ones striving for greater intelligence. Those with solutions and looking for greater solution if we listen and believe. But no one wants to hear our problems. Face the facts and we see not even us want to listen to those. True or not?

Bring Your Solutions

Kindest Regards